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Self service portal for Kubernetes. Automate provisioning and access of namespaces, authenticate users using your SAML2 Identity Provider.


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Please go to to integrate your cluster with OpenUnison. This repo is no longer supported and will no longer get updated builds

Orchestra For Kubernetes - SAML2

Orchestra is an automation portal for Kubernetes built on OpenUnison. Orchestra integrates a user's identity into Kubernetes enabling:

  1. SSO between the API server and your LDAP infrastructure
  2. SSO with the Kubernetes Dashboard
  3. Self service access to existing Namespaces
  4. Self service creation of new Namespaces
  5. Workflows for automating access approvals without getting system administrators involved
  6. Built in self service reporting

Orchestra Portal Screen Shot

When a user accesses Kubernetes using Orchestra, they'll access both the self service portal and the dashboard through OpenUnison's reverse proxy (instead of directly via an ingress). OpenUnison will inject the user's identity into each request, allowing the dashboard to act on their behalf.

Orchestra stores all Kubernetes access information as a groups inside of a relational database, as opposed to a group in an external directory. OpenUnison will create the appropriate Roles and RoleBindings to allow for the access.

Orchestra Architecture

When a user accesses Kubernetes using OpenUnison, they'll access both te self service portal and the dashboard through OpenUnison (instead of directly via an ingress). OpenUnison will inject the user's identity into each request, allowing the dashboard to act on their behalf.

The OpenUnison deployment stores all Kubernetes access information as a groups inside of a relational database, as opposed to a group in an external directory. OpenUnison will create the appropriate Roles and RoleBindings to allow for the access.

Roles Supported


  1. Administration - Full cluster management access


  1. Administrators - All operations inside of a namespace
  2. Viewers - Can view contents of a namespace (except Secrets), but can not make changes


  1. System Approver - Able to approve access to roles specific to OpenUnison
  2. Auditor - Able to view audit reports, but not request projects or approve access


What You Need To Start

Prior to deploying OpenUnison you will need:

  1. Kubernetes 1.10 or higher
  2. The Nginx Ingress Controler deployed (
  3. A MySQL or MariaDB Database
  4. The SAML2 Metadata for your identity provider
  5. An SMTP server for sending notifications
  6. Deploy the dashboard to your cluster
  7. helm 3.0+

The deployment is a four step process:

  1. Add Tremolo Security's Helm repo to your own
  2. Deploy the OpenUnison Operator
  3. Create a secret for your keystore password
  4. Deploy OpenUnison

Add Tremolo Security's Helm Repo

helm repo add tremolo
helm repo update

Deploy The OpenUnison Operator

Create your namespace

kubectl create ns openunison

Deploy the operator

helm install openunison tremolo/openunison-operator --namespace openunison

Wait for the operator pod to be available

watch kubectl get pods -n openunison

Create A Secret For Your Active Directory Password

Create a secret in the openunison namespace:

apiVersion: v1
type: Opaque
  name: orchestra-secrets-source
  namespace: openunison
  unisonKeystorePassword: aW0gYSBzZWNyZXQ=
kind: Secret
Property Description
unisonKeystorePassword The password for OpenUnison's keystore, should NOT contain an ampersand (&)
K8S_DB_SECRET A random string of characters used to secure the SSO process with the dashboard. This should be long and random, with no ampersands (&)
OU_JDBC_PASSWORD The password for accessing the database
SMTP_PASSWORD Password for accessing the SMTP server (may be blank)

Deploy OpenUnison

Copy values.yaml ( and update as appropriate:

Property Description
network.openunison_host The host name for OpenUnison. This is what user's will put into their browser to login to Kubernetes
network.dashboard_host The host name for the dashboard. This is what users will put into the browser to access to the dashboard. NOTE: network.openunison_host and network.dashboard_host Both network.openunison_host and network.dashboard_host MUST point to OpenUnison
network.api_server_host The host name to use for the api server reverse proxy. This is what kubectl will interact with to access your cluster. NOTE: network.openunison_host and network.dashboard_host
network.k8s_url The URL for the Kubernetes API server
network.session_inactivity_timeout_seconds The number of seconds of inactivity before the session is terminated, also the length of the refresh token's session
saml.idp_url The url to your identity provider's saml2 metadata. If not using a metadata url, set this to an empty string ""
saml.metadata_xml_b64 Base64 encoded metadata. Will only be used if idp_url is an empty string
cert_template.ou The OU attribute for the forward facing certificate
cert_template.o The O attribute for the forward facing certificate
cert_template.l The L attribute for the forward facing certificate The ST attribute for the forward facing certificate
cert_template.c The C attribute for the forward facing certificate
certs.use_k8s_cm Tells the deployment system if you should use k8s' built in certificate manager. If your distribution doesn't support this (such as Canonical and Rancher), set this to false
myvd_config_path The path to the MyVD configuration file, unless being customized, use WEB-INF/myvd.conf
dashboard.namespace The namespace for the dashboard. For the 1.x dashboard this is kube-system, for the 2.x dashboard this is kubernetes-dashboard
dashboard.cert_name The name of the secret in the dashboard's namespace that stores the certificate for the dashboard
dashboard.label The label of the dashboard pod, this is used to delete the pod once new certificates are generated
dashboard.service_name The name of the service object for the dashboard
k8s_cluster_name The name of the cluster to use in the ./kube-config. Defaults to kubernetes
image The name of the image to use
enable_impersonation If true, OpenUnison will run in impersonation mode. Instead of OpenUnison being integrated with Kubernetes via OIDC, OpenUnison will be a reverse proxy and impersonate users. This is useful with cloud deployments where oidc is not an option
monitoring.prometheus_service_account The prometheus service account to authorize access to the /monitoring endpoint
database.hibernate_dialect Hibernate dialect for accessing the database. Unless customizing for a different database do not change
database.quartz_dialect Dialect used by the Quartz Scheduler. Unless customizing for a different database do not change
database.driver JDBC driver for accessing the database. Unless customizing for a different database do not change
database.url The URL for accessing the database
database.user The user for accessing the database
database.validation A query for validating database connections/ Unless customizing for a different database do not change Host for an email server to send notifications
smtp.port Port for an email server to send notifications
smtp.user Username for accessing the SMTP server (may be blank)
smtp.from The email address that messages from OpenUnison are addressed from
smtp.tls true or false, depending if SMTP should use start tls

Additionally, if your SAML2 identity provider uses a self signed certificate in its chain, add its base 64 encoded PEM certificate to your values under trusted_certs for pem_b64. This will allow OpenUnison to talk to your identity provider to retrieve metadata using TLS.

Finally, run the helm chart:

helm install orchestra tremolo/openunison-k8s-saml2 --namespace openunison -f /path/to/values.yaml

Complete Integrate with your Identity Provider

Orchestra's metadata is published at /auth/forms/saml2_rp_metadata.jsp off of your OU_HOST configuration option. So if OU_HOST is k8sou.tremolo.lan then your metadata URL is https://k8sou.tremolo.lan/auth/forms/saml2_rp_metadata.jsp. Import it into your identity provider and add the following attributes to the assertion so OpenUnison knows how the logged in uers is:

Attribute Name Active Directory Attribute Description
uid samAccountName User's login id
givenName givenName User's first name
sn sn User's last name
mail mail User's email address

If using Active Directory Federation Services, you can use the following claims transformation rule:

c:[Type == "", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]
 => issue(store = "Active Directory", types = ("", "uid", "givenName", "sn", "mail"), query = ";sAMAccountName,sAMAccountName,givenName,sn,mail;{0}", param = c.Value);

Once the metadata is imported and the attributes are added, you are ready to login to Orchestra.

Complete SSO Integration with Kubernetes

If using impersonation, you can skip this section. Run kubectl describe configmap api-server-config -n openunison to get the SSO integration artifacts. The output will give you both the API server flags that need to be configured on your API servers. The certificate that needs to be trusted is in the ou-tls-certificate secret in the openunison namespace.

First Login to Orchestra

At this point you should be able to login to OpenUnison using the host specified in the OU_HOST of your properties. Once you are logged in, logout. Users are created in the database "just-in-time", meaning that once you login the data representing your user is created inside of the database deployed for Orchestra.

Create First Administrator

The user you logged in as is currently unprivileged. In order for other users to login and begin requesting access to projects this first user must be enabled as an approver. Login to the MySQL database deployed for Orchestra and execute the following SQL:

insert into userGroups (userId,groupId) values (2,1);

This will add the administrator group to your user. Logout of OpenUnison and log back in.

Self Request & Approve Cluster Administrator

Once SSO is enabled in the next step, you'll need a cluster administrator to be able to perform cluster level operations:

  1. Login to Orchestra
  2. Click on "Request Access" in the title bar
  3. Click on "Kubernetes Administration"
  4. Click "Add To Cart" next to "Cluster Administrator"
  5. Next to "Check Out" in the title bar you'll see a red 1, click on "Check Out"
  6. For "Supply Reason", give a reason like "Initial user" and click "Submit Request"
  7. Since you are the only approver refresh OpenUnison, you will see a red 1 next to "Open Approvals". Click on "Open Approvals"
  8. Click "Review" next to your email address
  9. Specify "Initial user" for the "Justification" and click "Approve"
  10. Click on "Confirm Approval"

At this point you will be provisioned to the k8s-cluster-administrators group in the database that has a RoleBinding to the cluster-admin Role. Logout of Orchestra and log back in. If you click on your email address in the upper left, you'll see that you have the Role k8s-cluster-administrators.

Adding Applications and Clusters for Authentication

OpenUnison can support more applications for SSO then just Kubernetes and the dashboard. You can add other clusters and applications that support OpenID Connect by adding some custom resources to your openunison namespace.

Add a Trust

The Trust tells your OpenID Connect enabled application it can trust authentication requests from your OpenUnison. To start you'll need:

  1. Callback URL - This URL is where OpenUnison redirects the user after authenticating.
  2. Client Secret - Web applications, like GitLab, will need a secret that is shared between the two systems. Applications with CLI components, like ArgoCD, don't need a client secret.
  3. Client ID - This is how you identify your application to OpenUnison.

OpenUnison will provide the following claims for your application to consume:

Claim Description
sub Unique identifier as supplied from authentication
name Combination of first name and last name
preferred_username A username supplied from authentication
email The user's email address
groups The list of groups provided by the authentication source

Once you have everything you need to get started, create the Trust object.

Create a Secret

If you're application is using a client secret, a Secret needs to be created to hold it. This can either be a new Secret or it can be a new one. Which ever Secret you add it to, keep a note of the name of the Secret and the key in the data section used to store it.

If your application doesn't have a client secret, skip this step.

Create the Trust

Create a Trust object in the openunison namespace. Here's one for GitLab you can use as an example:

kind: Trust
  name: gitlab
  namespace: openunison
  accessTokenSkewMillis: 120000
  accessTokenTimeToLive: 60000
  authChainName: LoginService
  clientId: gitlab
    keyName: gitlab
    secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
  codeLastMileKeyName: lastmile-oidc
  codeTokenSkewMilis: 60000
  publicEndpoint: false
  signedUserInfo: false
  verifyRedirect: true

Here are the details for each option:

Option Desription
accessTokenSkewMillis Milliseconds milliseconds added to account for clock skew
accessTokenTimeToLive Time an access token should live in milliseconds
authChainName The authentication chain to use for login, do not change
clientId The client id shared by your application
clientSecret.scretName If using a client secret, the name of the Secret storing the client secret
clientSecret.keyName The key in the data section of the Secret storing the client secret
codeLastMileKeyName The name of the key used to encrypt the code token, do not change
codeTokenSkewMilis Milliseconds to add to code token lifetime to account for clock skew
publicEndpoint If true, a client secret is required. If false, no client secret is needed
redirectURI List of URLs that are authorized for callback. If a URL is provided by your application that isn't in this list SSO will fail
signedUserInfo if true, the userinfo endpoint will return a signed JSON Web Token. If false it will return plain JSON
verifyRedirect If true, the redirect URL provided by the client MUST be listed in the redirectURI section. Should ALLWAYS be true if not in a development environment

Once the Trust is added to the namespace, OpenUnison will pick it up automatically. You can test by trying to login to your application.

Add a "Badge" to Your Portal

When you login to the Orchestra portal, there are badges for your tokens and for the dashboard. You can dynamically add a badge for your application too. Here's an example PortalUrl object for ArgoCD:

kind: PortalUrl
  name: argocs
  namespace: openunison
  label: ArgoCD
  org: B158BD40-0C1B-11E3-8FFD-0800200C9A66
  - constraint: o=Tremolo
    scope: dn
Option Descriptoin
label The label shown on badge in the portal
org If using orgnaizations to organize badges, the uuid of the org. If not using organizations, leave as is
url The URL the badge should send the user to
icon A base64 encoded icon with a width of 210 pixels and a height of 240 pixels
azRules Who is authorized to see this badge? See for an explination of the authorization rules

Once created, the badge will appear in the Orchestra portal! No need to restart the containers.

Organizing Badges

If you're adding multiple badges or clusters, you may find that the number of badges on your front page become difficult to manage. In that case you can enable orgnaizations in OpenUnison and organize your badges using an orgnaization tree.

Enable Organizations on your Portal Page

Edit the orchestra object in the openunison namespace (kubectl edit openunison orchestra -n openunison). Look for the non_secret_data section and add the following:

  value: "true"

Once you save, OpenUnison will restart and when you login there will now be a tree that describes your organizations.

Orchestra with Organizations

Creating Organizations

Add an Org object to the openunison namespace. Here's an example Org:

kind: Org
  name: cluster2
  namespace: openunison
  description: "My second cluster"
  uuid: 04901973-5f4c-46d9-9e22-55e88e168776
  parent: B158BD40-0C1B-11E3-8FFD-0800200C9A66
  showInPortal: true
  showInRequestAccess: false
  showInReports: false
  - scope: dn
    constraint: o=Tremolo
Option Description
description What appears in the blue box describing the organization
uuid A unique ID, recommend using Type 4 UUIDs
parent The unique id of the parent. B158BD40-0C1B-11E3-8FFD-0800200C9A66 is the root organization
showInPortal Should be true
showInRequestAccess N/A
showInReports N/A
azRules Who is authorized to see this badge? See for an explination of the authorization rules

Once added, the new organizations will be loaded dynamiclly by OpenUnison. Change the org in your PortalUrl object to match the uuid of the Org you want it to appear in.

Using Your Own Certificates

If you want to integrate your own certificates see our wiki entry -

Monitoring OpenUnison

This deployment comes with a /metrics endpoint for monitoring. For details on how to integrate it into a Prometheus stack -

Trouble Shooting Help

Please take a look at if you're running into issues. If there isn't an entry there that takes care of your issue, please open an issue on this repo.

Customizing Orchestra

To customize Orchestra -

Whats next?

Users can now login to create namespaces, request access to cluster admin or request access to other clusters.

Now you can begin mapping OpenUnison's capabilities to your business and compliance needs. For instance you can add multi-factor authentication with TOTP or U2F, Create privileged workflows for onboarding, scheduled workflows that will deprovision users, etc.


Self service portal for Kubernetes. Automate provisioning and access of namespaces, authenticate users using your SAML2 Identity Provider.








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