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A terminal interface to Bible Gateway

  bgate [flags] <query>
  bgate [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  download    Download a translation of the Bible for local usage rather than reaching out to BibleGateway
  help        Help about any command
  list        List all books of the Bible and how many chapters they have

  -c, --config string        Config file to use. (default "~/.config/bgate/config.json")
      --force-local          Force the program to crash if there isn't a local copy of the translation you're trying to read.
      --force-remote         Force the program to use the remote searcher even if there is a local copy of the translation.
  -h, --help                 help for bgate
  -p, --padding int          Horizontal padding in character count.
  -t, --translation string   The translation of the Bible to search for. (default "ESV")
  -w, --wrap                 Wrap verses, this will cause it to not start each verse on a new line.

Use "bgate [command] --help" for more information about a command.


To install, you must have golang installed on your machine. You can just run:

go install


An example would be:

bgate -t LSB -i 1cor1

which would pull up 1 Corinthians 1 in an interactive session.

Interactive Controls

  • up/j - Down
  • down/k - Up
  • f/pgdown - Page down
  • b/pgup - Page up
  • u - 1/2 Page up
  • d - 1/2 Page down
  • g - Top
  • G - Bottom
  • p - Previous Chapter (starting from first verse on screen)
  • n - Next Chapter (starting from last verse on screen)
  • w - Toggle wrap
  • + - Increase the padding
  • - - Decrease the padding
  • /{search}<enter> - Search for a new text
  • ? - Help screen (q/esc to exit help)
  • q/esc/ctrl+c - Quit


Config values use the same name as the flag. Below is my personal config.

	"translation": "LSB",
	"padding": 60


Currently, the local querying is not as feature rich as remote querying.