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Author: Tatiana del Pilar Millan Poveda
Email: [email protected]

JDBC driver for MobilityDB has been performed as the Master Thesis of the MSc in Computer Science of ULB. The original repository can be found here.
A report with the detailed information is available here or in this folder and the slides here.


The purpose of this project is the creation of Java Database Connectivity Driver (JDBC) that helps programs written in Java to connect with MobilityDB databases by extending PostgreSQL JDBC types. MobilityDB is an open-source database management system extension of PostgreSQL, that offers support for object moving data and special temporal data. The MobilityDB-JDBC driver provides support for the new MobilityDB types: Period, PeriodSet, TimestampSet, TBox, STBox , TInt, TBool, TFloat, TText, TGeomPoint and TGeogPoint and also the temporal types TInstant, TInstantSet, TSequence and TSequenceSet, and was built based on the MobilityDB Python adapter with the objective of acquire feature parity.



  • Java >= 11
  • Docker


The project is using Gradle for building and Maven for the dependencies, but it is not required to install any of them, it is possible to build the project by running the following command on the root folder:

On Linux:

./gradlew build

On Windows:

gradlew.bat build

To just execute the unit tests:

On Linux:

./gradlew test

On Windows:

gradlew.bat test

Code Analysis

To run the code analysis it is required to have a project configured on Sonarqube and then execute the command:

On Linux:

./gradlew sonarqube -Dsonar.projectKey={project key}{host} -Dsonar.login={token}

On Windows:

gradlew.bat sonarqube -Dsonar.projectKey={project key}{host} -Dsonar.login={token}

Sonarqube Docker Image

To configure the Sonarqube project it is recommended to run the docker image. For more details check the Sonarqube setup guide.

Download the docker image:

docker pull sonarqube

Run the image for the first time:

docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:latest

Run the image after a restart:

sudo docker start sonarqube

Once the image is running open http://localhost:9000 in a browser and login using:

  • User: admin
  • Password: admin

Create a new project

  • Set project key and display name e.g MobilityDB-JDBC

  • Select the option to analyze locally

  • Generate a token e.g 1234

  • Select Gradle for the option that describes the build

  • Copy the gradle command and execute it, e.g:

    ./gradlew sonarqube -Dsonar.projectKey=MobilityDB-JDBC -Dsonar.login=1234

  • Review the results on Sonarqube

Running Integration Tests

To run the integration tests it is required to have a PostgreSQL database with MobilityDB extension. The integration tests uses the connection string:


but it can be modified in BaseIntegrationTest class. To execute them run the command:

On Linux:

./gradlew integrationTests

On Windows:

gradlew.bat integrationTests

MobilityDB Docker Image

It is recommended to run the MobilityDB docker image for the integration tests. For more details check

docker pull mobilitydb/mobilitydb
docker volume create mobilitydb_data
docker run --name "mobilitydb" -d -p 25432:5432 -v mobilitydb_data:/var/lib/postgresql mobilitydb/mobilitydb

Generating Javadocs

The documentation for the classes could be found in the folder docs. In case it is needed to generate again the documentation, run the following command:

On Linux:

./gradlew javadoc

On Windows:

gradlew.bat javadoc

It will generate the documentation under the folder mobilitydb-jdbc\build\docs.

Running The Examples


Playground class can be used to test queries and check the correct data type is used. To execute it is required to have a database with MobilityDB extension. For example using the MobilityDB docker image

docker pull mobilitydb/mobilitydb
docker volume create mobilitydb_data
docker run --name "mobilitydb" -d -p 25432:5432 -v mobilitydb_data:/var/lib/postgresql mobilitydb/mobilitydb

Then verify that the connection is created with the correct configuration:

Connection con = Common.createConnection(25432, "mobilitydb")

Finally, to execute it with gradle run:

./gradlew -PmainClass=com.mobilitydb.example.Playground run


The workshop example is based on MobilityDB workshop It uses MobilityDB-JDBC to create the ship rows and read them to set the trajectories. To execute, it is required to have the workshop docker image:

docker pull mobilitydb/mobilitydb:12-2.5-develop-workshop
docker volume create mobilitydb_data_workshop
docker run --name "mobilitydb_workshop" -d -p 25433:5432 -v mobilitydb_data_workshop:/var/lib/postgresql mobilitydb/mobilitydb:12-2.5-develop-workshop 

Also, it is required to have the database DanishAIS created, with the MobilityDB extension:


Then, execute it with Gradle run:

./gradlew -PmainClass=com.mobilitydb.example.Workshop run

Finally, the generated trajectories can be displayed on QGIS, as in the image below:
Trajectoy on QGIS


JDBC driver for MobilityDB






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