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Repository to hold ports and movai messages that is supported for CE


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This repository will provide you the following:

  • A set of ports and messages metadata supported on the movai-flow&trade.

Release Status

Package Noetic
movai_ports_and_messages_ce Deploy - To Nexus On Github Release

Deploy Status (branch → main)

Package Noetic
movai_ports_and_messages_ce Deploy - On branch main/release Push

Continuous Integration Status

Package Noetic
movai_ports_and_messages_ce CI - On main/dev/release branches



  • Get the latest released package from releases page
  • Install the package using apt
sudo apt install ./ros-noetic-movai-ports-and-messages-ce_1.0.0-x_all.deb

How to use

  • Once installed, please restart your spwner container/
  • The ports will appear on your node template/IO Configuration tab, when adding a new port.
  • The movai_msg list will appear on the callback in the Message section in the Callback Details Menu.
  • The information regarding each message and port are given in the next sectins.


  • place_holder: When a new port is created, this callback is used as a holder. It does not have any functions and it should not be edited or deleted.


  • movai_msgs:
    • Any: Ports with this message type can be linked to any other port regardles of their message type (eg: Port to measure frequency of a topic).
    • Context: Used to send a dictionry of data between two nodes through redis without a link in the flow, similar to the action client-server.
    • Init: Message type for the movai init port (details below).
    • Parameter: Used in ports which can get and set parameters in the ROS parameter server.
    • Reconfigure: Used in ports which can use the ROS reconfigure functionalities.
    • redis_sub: Used in ports to subscribe to a redis variable or redis key.
    • TF: Used in the ROS TF subscriber and publisher port (explained below).
    • Timer: Used in the ROS timer port (explained below).
    • Transition: Used for transition ports (explained below) in a state node.
    • Websocket: Used in ports that receive messages through websockets.


  • AioHTTP:
    • Websocket: In port, used for websocket messages
  • MovAI:
    • ContextClient: In and Out port, used on the client node to send commands to and recieve reply from a context server through redis.
    • ContextServer: In and out port, used on nodes which act as servers to recieve input from context client nodes and reply with a response.
    • Dependency: In port, used to connect another node with a depends port. Usually used to assert dependency between nodes. Meaning if one node runs, the other one also does.
    • Depends: Out port, can be used to connect another node with a dependency port. Usually used to assert dependency between nodes. Meaning if one node runs, the other one also does.
    • Init: In port, the callback associated with this port runs once the node starts. Like the init method of a class.
    • TransitionFor: In port, used in state nodes for state transitions. Connecting a link to this port will stop the other node starts this one.
    • TransitionTo: Out port, used in state nodes for state transitions. Connecting a link to this port will stop this node and starts the next one.
  • Redis:
    • Subscriber: In port, port used to subscribe to redis key. The callback is activated when there is a change in the key.
    • VarSubscriber: In port, port used to subscrive to a redis variable. It's similar to the subscriber above but has a context. You can set these vars in the callback as shown below:
      • Syntax: Var('Context').Function('variable_name', 'variable_value')
      • Context:
        • 'Flow' -> Cleared at the start and end of a flow run.
        • 'Robot' -> Stays in the robot but cleaned when you re install a robot.
      • Function:
        • 'set' -> Set variable value
        • 'get' -> Get variable value
        • 'delete' -> Delete variable value
  • ROS1:
    • ActionClient: In and Out ports, action client port.
    • ActionServer: In and Out ports, action server port.
    • NodeletClient: Out port, used to connect to a nodelet server.
    • NodeletServer: In port, used to connect to a nodelt client.
    • ParameterServer: Out port, used in nodes to set parameters in the parameter server. Context is set when the protocol is selected in the node template.
    • PluginClient: Out port, used to connect to a plugin server. Used in nodes such as global_planner to connect to server such as move_base.
    • PluginServer: In port, used to connect to a plugin client. Used in nodes such as move_base to connect to plugins such as local_planner.
    • Publisher: Out port, ros topic publisher.
    • ReconfigureClient: Out port, used to update the reconfigure parameters by connecting to a reconfigure server.
    • ReconfigureServer: In port, used in nodes to recieve update requests from the client nodes.
    • ServiceClient: Out port, service client port.
    • ServiceServer: In port, service server port.
    • Subscriber: In port, ros topic subscriber.
    • TFPublisher: Out port, publsh to a TF tree. The from and to frame ids are set in the node template.
    • TFSubscriber: In port, subscribe to a specific transform in the TF tree. The from and to frame ids are set in the node template.
    • Timer: In port, independent port which activates the callback with a frequency. The frequency and the one_shot parameter is set in the node template. The port need not be connected to any other port to function.
    • TopicHz: In port, used to subscribe to the frequency of a topic. The message associated is Any, so any topic can be linked to this port.


Repository to hold ports and movai messages that is supported for CE







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