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  • 👻 Easy installation and usage with a single command.
  • 🎈 Small size, no additional dependencies required.
  • 🐼 Supports English and Chinese on Windows CMD, Powershell, Linux shell, etc.
  • 🤖 Compatible with GPT-3.5/4, DALL·E, Claude and Gemini APIs or the third parties.


pip install terminal-agent-x


You need to add the following environment variable:

export tax_key=sk-xxx
export tax_base_url=YOUR_BASE_URL # optional, default:

Get your key from OpenAI or Claude API key from Anthropic and set it as tax_key.

Get Started

You can use the tax <prompt> to interact with the model, like:

$ tax write a python code for fibonacci


Model Command Description
ChatGPT tax <prompt> Use gpt-3.5-turbo to generate content.
ChatGPT tax <prompt> --code Use gpt-3.5-turbo to generate code. If only one line is generated, it will be executed automatically with your permission.
GPT-4o-mini tax <prompt> -m gpt-4o-mini Use GPT-4o-mini to generate content.
GPT-4o tax -i image_path -m gpt-4o <prompt> Upload an image and use GPT-4o to chat.
DALL·E 3 tax <prompt> -m dalle Use DALL·E 3 to generate image. Currently, only one 1024x1024 image can be generated at a time.
Claude tax <prompt> -m claude Use Claude to generate content. Use -k your_claude_key if you have set key in the environment variable. Only support single chat now.
Gemini Pro tax <prompt> -m gemini-pro Use Gemini to generate content. Also support -k google_api_key. Only support single chat now.
Gemini Pro (Vision) tax -i image_path -m gemini-pro-vision <prompt> Upload an image and use Gemini Vision to chat. Also support -k google_api_key.
Mode Command Description
Chat with selected model tax -m model_name -c Chat with the selected model.
Use a third-party base url and key tax <prompt> -u <base_url> -k <key> The url and key will be use before the environment variable.
Save result to file tax <prompt> -o <output_file> Save response to a file.
Read prompts from file tax --prompt_file <prompt_file> Read prompt from file, one prompt per line. Please ensure tht you have enough quota.
Parallel processing tax -p --prompt_file input.txt -o output.txt --option max_workers=3 --option chat_mode=openai Set more options for parallel processing. For example, --option max_workers=3 means that you can run 3 processes at the same time.


You can see a directive after the generated command that says

Do you want to execute the command? (y/n)

Please execute it or not at your own discretion. I am not responsible for the consequences of generated commands.


GNU General Public License v3.0

Development Logs



  • Implement basic functions
  • Support for Windows cmd and Linux shell
  • Add --file option for saving the response to a file


  • Add --show_all option for showing all contents of the response.
  • Add --url option for users not under GFW.
  • Add support for Windows Powershell


  • Add Anthropic Claude API Support. Thanks to jtsang4/claude-to-chatgpt. (deprecated in 0.1.5)
  • Add Support for Chinese on Linux and Windows. (also add a temporary solution for VSCode Terminal on Windows).
  • Add a timeout function.
  • Fix: C++ code block prefix.


  • Fix: code block prefix bug (tax will act maybe a little faster).
  • Modify: simplify the code.
  • Test: test for multi-process. Now you can use tax more efficiently in terminal.


  • Feat: Add support for reading prompt from file.
  • Feat: Add support for DALL·E.
  • Fix: Resolve the bug of curl command on Windows platform using IPv6 address to access Claude.


  • Fix: Change api to a third-party proxy. Affected by GFW's DNS domain pollution, the original proxy is temporarily unavailable. claude-to-chatgpt is unavailable.


  • Feat: Add support for Chat on Linux. Now you can use tax as ChatGPT CLI!
  • Feat: Add support for native Anthropic Claude API on Linux Shell, Windows cmd and Powershell.


  • Feat: Add support for parallel processing with mode.


  • Feat: Add support for gpt-4-vision-preview model on all platforms (Beta feature). For example,
    $ tax -i logo.jpg -m gpt-4-vision-preview what is this?
    This appears to be a logo or emblem for something called "Most Creative Learning." The design features a stylized triangular shape, possibly an optical illusion known as a Penrose triangle, ...
  • Refactor: Change the way of URL selection and image input.


  • Feat: Update DALL·E to dall-e-3 model.
  • Refactor: Change the name of environment variable from openai_key to tax_key. And some options are also changed. Please check the help message for more details.
  • Fix: Fix the bug of --code option when generating code to file.


  • Feat: Add support for Google Gemini Pro for single chat.
  • Feat: Add support for Google Gemini Pro Vision (Beta feature).
  • Feat: Add support for stream mode of OpenAI.


  • Feat: Add support for Anthropic Claude 3 Opus/Sonnet(Vision) API.