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Dokan - Best WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution - Build Your Own Amazon, eBay, Etsy

Contributors: tareq1988, wedevs, sabbir1991, nizamuddinbabu, rafsuntaskin, sk.shaikat, ediamin, saimonh
Donate Link:
Tags: WooCommerce multivendor marketplace, multi vendor marketplace, multi seller store, product vendors, woocommerce vendor, commission rate, e-commerce, ebay, ecommerce, yith, yithemes
Requires at least: 4.4
Tested up to: 5.2.1
WC requires at least: 3.0
WC tested up to: 3.6.4
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

The pioneer multi-vendor plugin for WordPress. Start your own marketplace in minutes!



👉 Official Free Demo Link: Official Demo 👉 Learn More About Dokan(PRO): All The Features of Dokan

POWERED BY WooCommerce

Dokan is the best front end multi-vendor marketplace on WordPress, powered by WooCommerce. It helps you to build your own marketplace similar to Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Magento like marketplaces in under 30 minutes.

Dokan is the fastest way to start eCommerce and earn through commissions with products ranging from digital, physical to variable products.


🏆 Dokan wins two prestigious awards with 99% user satisfaction

🔖 How to Setup a WordPress Marketplace with Multiple Vendors

🔖 How to create a Multi-Vendor Marketplace for WordPress using Dokan

🔖 Dokan Theme Review: A Multi-Vendor Marketplace Theme for WordPress


🎉 “Great Platform to start and grow your business with. Provides the ability to grow our startup to a global level with a low financial burden”

🎉 “Dokan is a product with a huge potential. And has evolved during the last years. We have implemented a stable marketplace environment serving hundreds of satisfied customers using this tool”

🎉 “Best Multivendor Wordpress Plugin Available”

🎉 “I have been using Dokan for 3 years. Overall experiences with the software are awesome!”

🎉 “Best investment we made last year”

🎉 “Very good, dokan has improved a lot in these years and allowed me to easily create a marketplace”

➡️ Learn More ⬅️


👨 “This is why we are proud to be using Dokan as with it we are able to give you all the tools to help manage and run a successful business.” – Michael Delaney, Owner of ShoppeRegion

💁 “It was really important to me that sellers did not need to ever see the WordPress backend. Dokan offered this solution.” - Simon & Rozz Lewis, owner of

👨 ”Dokan allows our coral farmers to setup their own vendor store and publish their corals to a wide audience.” - Dominique Deutzmann, Founder of CommunityCorals

💁 “The functionality delivers everything that you need to grow your marketplace.” - Hawk and Peddle



We love the philosophy of a complete frontend experience. So, vendors have their own personalized dashboard on the store frontend where they can find all that they need.

Backend access is restricted to the admin only. This sets Dokan apart from others. All of our add-ons are frontend compatible.

Dokan(Pro) comes with a free responsive eCommerce theme that has widgets specially made for Dokan.


Your business operations with Dokan is smooth and fast. Everything will work as you expected because we have designed the experience following the best intuitive practices from popular eCommerce activators like WooCommerce, Bigcommerce etc.


We regularly keep our version updated for flawless operation and integration with dependable services. We just not only keep things compatible, but we also have a style of adding the most trendy new features to Dokan with every update.

👉 See Our Official GitHub page: Official Dokan GitHub


You can have unlimited vendors and vendors can create unlimited products. You will be able to create marketplaces


Profit doesn’t only rely on sales. Multiple ways allow earning through vendor commissions or product based commissions. You can also create subscription packs that allow you to charge for product uploads, product limits and time.

➡️ Learn More ⬅️


As an admin, you can use Dokan in a way where you can control everything that happens in your marketplace. Product publishing, vendor registration, subscription renewal, and every other vendor activity can be rerouted through you.

In the Pro Version with a bunch of super features, updates, and scope for powerful add-ons.

➡️ Learn More ⬅️


Dokan is compatible with more than 60+ plugins so that you don’t have to worry about anything when it comes to compatibility.

From Shipping plugins, Payment plugins to Wallets you have the peace of mind when building Dokan for a global audience.



Marketplace with Independent Stores

Frontend Dashboard For Each Seller

  • WordPress admin area can be accessed only by admin.
  • Vendors manage products, orders management, withdraws everything from site frontend.

Earn From Each Sale

Simple Product Management

Detailed Reports on important aspects of your marketplace (Pro)

The vendors has the capability to manage and offer discounts for each product

  • Set expiry and restriction for coupons.
  • The customer can leave reviews for a product/vendor they are satisfied with. A review cannot be modified by the vendor. (Pro)
  • All product reviews are managed by vendors (with admin override)
  • View all reviews on products left by customers.


  • Admin can view and manage vendor list

  • Admin can view him as well as every vendor’s earning reports individually

  • Dokan Pro has update and support option for the customer.

  • Dokan tools option has page installer and Sync table option

  • Advanced settings for the admin -

    • General Settings

      • Admin can enable/disable the map on the store page.
      • Admin can enable/disable the contact form on the store page
      • Admin can also enable/disable the store sidebar from theme.
    • Selling Options

      • Admin can manage new product status.
      • Admin can set the order status for withdraw.
      • Admin can seth threshold withdraw day for the vendor.
      • Admin can change the vendor store URL.
      • Admin can also enable/disable the permission of review editing for the vendor.
  • Widgets

    • Best vendor widget
    • Featured vendor widget
    • Store contact widget
    • Store location widget
    • And much more.



Dokan comes with a number of extended features that were built around idea that someone with the potential should not be restricted to achieve his/her dream because of any shortcomings. Like,

  • PDF Invoice: Create automated multi seller invoices with templates & download in PDF.
  • Product Duplicator: Enable vendors to copy a product that another seller is already selling.
  • Ajax Live Search (Pro): Turn your regular search bar into an instant advanced product searching tool.
  • Geolocation (Pro): Let your customers search by location.
  • Live Chat (Pro): Let your vendors give quick real-time support to registered users & customers.
  • Seller Verification (Pro): Verify your vendors using their social profiles, phone and even their photo ID.
  • Stripe Connect (Pro): Famous for its low fees, use Stripe to all handle all your payments in real time and much more.
  • MOIP (Pro): Use Moip, the popular payment network with Dokan.
  • Subscriptions (Pro): Create highly customized subscription packs and charge vendors as you like.
  • Vendor Review (Pro): This feature enables your customers to post a review for each store available on your site.
  • Vendor Staff Manager (Pro): Let the sellers of your multivendor marketplace a unique opportunity to appoint an unlimited number of staffs to manage their personal eCommerce stores.
  • Dokan WooCommerce Booking (Pro): Allows vendors to create & sell bookable products and customers to customize their booking orders.
  • Dokan Simple Auctions (Pro): Offer your vendors to enable auction-able products selling feature.



This may have bugs and lack of many features. If you want to contribute to this project, you are more than welcome.

👨‍💻 Please fork the repository from Github 👨‍💻


This may have bugs and lack of many features. If you want to contribute on this project, you are more than welcome. Please fork the repository from Github.


Brought to you by Tareq Hasan from weDevs


Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I add a payment method?

A. Just use any standard WooCommerce payment gateway.

Q. How do withdrawals work?

A. Right now, we offer PayPal, Bank and Skrill (pro) withdraw method for "Dokan". For PayPal withdraw, you can generate Mass Payment File to payout your sellers at once. Other methods are manual though.

Q. Does Dokan integrate with BuddyPress?

A. Not for the moment. We have plans to integrate with BuddyPress via an add-on in the near future.

Q. Is Dokan responsive?

A. Yes, Dokan is fully responsive. We take mobile first approach and it displays very well in mobile and tablet devices. We are using Twitter Bootstrap as a framework and it just works.

Q. Does it supports variable products?

A. The Pro version does! You can seller normal products, downloadable products and variable products with your own attributes.

Q. Can each vendor customize his store?

A. Right now we have options for only changing the store banner page. We are working on a better customizable seller store page.

Q. Will it be possible to take a cut or commission from the sales?

A. Yes, that's how Dokan works. In every sales, you can cut a commission from a order. That's configurable from Dokan settings.

Q. Can Dokan be used in a single seller mode?

A. Obviously, you can use this on a single seller site to give them a nice front-end experience.

Q. How to upgrade to the Pro version?

A. Just install and activate the PRO version without deleting the free plugin. All your data will be safe on the database and some extra features will be added. If you feel something may go wrong, please consult with our support staff first.


  1. Admin Dashboard
  2. Withdraw requests from sellers
  3. Settings → General
  4. Settings → Selling Options
  5. Settings → Withdraw Options
  6. Settings → Page Settings
  7. Settings → Appearance
  8. Seller Dashboard in site frontend
  9. Frontend → Products Listing
  10. Frontend → Create a new Product
  11. Frontend → Edit a product
  12. Frontend → Orders Listing
  13. Frontend → Orders → Details
  14. Frontend → Submit withdraw request
  15. Frontend → Store Settings
  16. Frontend → Store Payment Settings
  17. Frontend → Individual Seller Store-1
  18. Frontend → Individual Seller Store-2
  19. Frontend → Individual Seller Store-3


v2.9.17 -> June 13, 2019

  • Fix* Remove unwanted code to fix conflict with yith plugin
  • Tweak* Dokan theme support and responsive menu

v2.9.16 -> June 11, 2019

  • Fix* Hide hidden and out of stock products in vendor store page
  • Fix* A non-numeric value encountered warning in vendor product listing page, if product price is not given
  • Fix* Add failed order in vendor order listing page
  • Fix* Creating product from admin backend returns 2 instance of the product author
  • Tweak* Ensure dokan_get_seller_id_by_order filter is always taking effect
  • Tweak* Make dokan vendor dashboard responsive
  • Tweak* Show admin notice stating WooCommerce is required if not found on dokan installation
  • Tweak* Add hook after creating and updating object via dokan REST API
  • Tweak* Add dokan_ensure_vendor_coupon filter while ensuring vendor coupon restriction
  • Tweak* Add updater class to fix banner issue where store settings and listing template was overridden
  • Tweak* Add filter hook while fetching vendor products
  • Tweak* Add define method to define plugin constants

v2.9.15 -> May 08, 2019

  • Fix* Vendor banner is not showing in the backend edit user profile page
  • Fix* Add filter to allow or skip nonce checking while registering new user
  • Tweak* Update appsero SDK

v2.9.14 -> Apr 26, 2019

  • Fix* Schedule product price not showing correctly
  • Fix* Backward compatibility for banner and store time

v2.9.13 -> Apr 24, 2019

  • New Include store open close functionality in Dokan REST API
  • Fix* Vendor order and edit account page is shows 404 not found
  • Fix* Vue list table pagination style
  • Fix* Product stock is not reducing while order is placed via REST API
  • Fix* Show notice if product SKU is not unique while updating product in vendor dashboard
  • Fix* Product attributes with different language other than english was rendering incorrectly
  • Tweak If customer billing or shipping address is not found, show not found message in vendor dashboard
  • Tweak Refactor Dokan_Vendor_Manager class
  • Tweak Rename store category widget to store product category
  • Tweak Replace get_woocommerce_term_meta with get_term_meta as it was deprecated
  • Tweak Add action hook in vendor migration template
  • Tweak Check if it's vendor's own product while updating from vendor dashboard
  • Tweak Use correct function to retrieve current vendor id
  • Tweak Make debounce module public available
  • Tweak Load dokan vendor dashboard template classes in the frontend only

v2.9.12 -> Mar 20, 2019

  • Fix Time format in store opening closing widget is not matching with Admin backend settings
  • Fix Validate boolean type properties in the update method of Dokan_Vendor_Manager class
  • Fix No confirmation message on permanent product delete in vendor dashboard
  • Fix Escape html entities in vendor's product variations
  • Tweak Refactor ajax login form popup
  • Tweak Update pro feature page with latest content in admin dashboard
  • Tweak Add wp-hooks dependency if WordPress version is greater than 5.0
  • Tweak Updating to latest version of Dokan Lite plugin from very old version triggers fatal error

v2.9.11 -> Mar 5, 2019

  • New Add Dokan Login Form popup
  • Fix Unable create customer using WC_Rest API is
  • Fix Vendor name in cart for variable products
  • Fix Order tracking date format is not matching with WordPress
  • Fix Font awesome 5 icons are not rendering in vendor dashboard
  • Fix Show vendor, reports link in the dokan dashboard when the pro version is enabled
  • Fix Escape html tags being outputing in setup-wizard
  • Fix Send email to admin on adding a new product via REST API
  • Fix Set default total_sales count on adding a new product
  • Fix Gallery images are not getting saved in vendor product page
  • Tweak deprecate dokan_get_seller_id_by_order_id function
  • Tweak dokan_get_earning_by_product function
  • Tweak Make Dokan REST controllers globally accessible
  • Tweak Allow vendor to update his store via REST API
  • Tweak Widgets to show outside store single page with dummy data
  • Tweak Only save the newly updated pages while saving pages in dokan admin settings

v2.9.10 -> Feb 11, 2019

  • New Add dokan privacy policy option to facilitate GDPR
  • Fix Fetch vendor own orders via REST API
  • Fix Remove duplicate inclusion of Dokan_REST_Store_Controller class
  • Tweak Add filter to modify product image attributes
  • Tweak Add vendor curd options
  • Tweak Make color picker component globally accessible
  • Tweak Add filters to allow hooking classes from other modules

v2.9.9 -> Jan 29, 2019

  • Fix Send order email to admin, vendor & customer when an order is created via REST API
  • Fix Show error message when there is an error in vendor settings page
  • Fix Product attributes title saved with extra dash in vendor product edit page
  • Fix Show vendor full address when a vendor wants to in vendor store page
  • Fix PayPal mass payment is not generating all the info in admin dashboard
  • Fix Withdraw request amount in approved & cancelled email is broken
  • Fix Page is not redirecting correctly when a vendor edit his account
  • Tweak add filter to modify wp_editor args in vendor dashboard

v2.9.8 -> Jan 14, 2019

  • Fix Show net sales of a month in admin dashboard
  • Fix Change pagination param and add store info in product REST apis
  • Fix New product form description escaping issue
  • Fix Withdraw amount rounding issue in vendor dashboard
  • Fix Withdraw request email is not showing properly is fixed
  • Fix Order listing page date time format in vendor dashboard
  • Fix Child category is not showing in hierarchically
  • Fix Nonce verification issue is fixed during checkout
  • Tweak Return theme 404 page when vendor store is not found
  • Tweak Added quick links in admin dokan dashboard in overview section

v2.9.7 -> Dec 19, 2018

-Fix Product category and tag creation issue from product popup in vendor dashboard -Fix Admin store is not listed in the store-listing page -Fix Add dokan_get_payment_details hook in vue withdraw page in admin backend -Fix Add vue datepicker component -Fix Vendor login registration issue -Fix Issue with divi theme -Fix Store Terms & Conditions page is broken -Fix Remove unwanted css for tinymce text editor vue component -Tweak Add Singleton trait -Tweak Current and withdraw balance comparison refactor

v2.9.6 -> Dec 14, 2018

-Fix Refactored codebase with better Input Sanitization, Validation, Escape outputs following WPCS

v2.9.5 -> Dec 13, 2018

-Fix Some csrf and XSS related issue -Fix Store opening and closing time releated issue

v2.9.4 -> Dec 11, 2018

-New Add theme compatibility with Storefront, Flatsome & Divi theme -Fix Undefined $ error on promotions in the backend -Fix Order stock quantity is reducing by twice on a single order -Fix Filter orders by customer is not working in vendor dashboard -Fix Featured product status is getting changed while editing product by vendors -Fix The back-end order list table is not showing properly -Tweak Dokan seller setup wizard style -Tweak Add some actions and filters in various places -Tweak Remove chosen js library support -Tweak Refactor admin settings saving process

v2.9.3 -> Oct 29, 2018

-Fix Remove vendor id from order post table -Fix Prevent duplication order in dokan order table

v2.9.2 -> Oct 26, 2018

-New Add low stock amount option in vendor product -Fix Issue fix for REST API PUT and DELETE request -Fix Promotion hiding error in console -Fix Rest controller undefined data_objects error -Fix Currency symbol issue in dokan admin backend -Tweak Change withdraw api hooks in REST API -Tweak Added some filter in dokan vendor class -Tweak Enable option group for select fields in admin settings page -Tweak Change some template rendering hooks

v2.9.1 -> Oct 11, 2018

-New Added top rated, best selling, latest, featured product and featured vendor REST API -Fix Assign all product to a single vendor while using bulk edit in product page -Fix Handle dokan order when order created from backend via Admin -Fix Sales total count error fixed -Fix Show sub order while searching order from backend order listing page -Fix Fix plugin activation error

v2.9.0 -> Oct 2, 2018

-New Add support for yoast seo breadcrumbs in dokan store page -New Make backend dokan settings page responsive -Tweak Vendor product listing table template -Tweak Redesign dokan & vendor setup wizard -Tweak dokan_get_seller_id_by_order_id & dokan_get_seller_earnings function -Tweak Add filter to alter dokan_count_post function -Tweak Dokan backrgound process & 2.8.3 updater class -Fix Store opening closing widget typo -Fix Make more product & previous string translatable in frontend -Fix Pagination issue of dokan store listing page -Fix Stop sending multiple email to customer when an order status is changed to completed -Fix Bulk product edit option does not have the option to assign vendor in admin backend -Fix Shipping cost wasn't included while creating sub-order

v2.8.6 -> Sep 4, 2018

  • New: Store opening and closing widget added for vendor
  • New: Divided shipping and tax fee recipient from admin settings
  • New: Added billing and shipping info in order export to CSV file
  • New: Show scheduled product in vendor product listing page if admin created scheduled product from backend
  • Tweak: Added vendor info in REST API order data
  • Fix: Send only single email when purchase is made from multiple vendor
  • Fix: Withdraw status updating problem from admin side.
  • Fix: Send email on withdraw approval and cancelled request
  • Fix: Store category menu not showing properly even though assigned a category from product page.

v2.8.5 -> July 31, 2018

  • fix: Banner image dimension helper text showing wrong in admin vendor profile page
  • fix: Remove unwanted customizer class
  • fix: Responsive issue fixed in store page
  • fix: Fixed conflict between WP-CLI and REST API

v2.8.4 -> July 25, 2018

  • New: Order bulk status change option in vendor order listing page
  • New: Bulk product delete option in vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Check whether WC_Abstract_Privacy is exist or not
  • Fix: Commission amount not updating on time
  • Fix: Set correct settings link of dokan plugin in backend plugins page
  • Tweak: Added id and class placeholder value for before_widget
  • Tweak: Add filter to google maps script url query
  • Tweak: Add JS event in product editor script

v2.8.3 -> July 11, 2018

  • New: Customer filter in order listing page vendor dashboard
  • Tweak: Only load active withdraw methods in vendor dashboard
  • Tweak: Remove unwanted column from order listing in Admin area
  • Fix: Get single store products return all stores product via REST API
  • Fix: Add textarea input fields in admin settings section
  • Fix: Make order status translatable
  • Fix: Attach vendor name into order details in recevie order page
  • Fix: Insert the order data to the sync table when an order is placed via REST API

v2.8.2 -> June 25, 2018

  • New: Added GDPR Support
  • New: Added go to dashboard button in seller's my account page
  • Fix: Unable to create order using REST API
  • Fix: Unable to assign product author from quick edit page
  • Fix: Total sales counting problem fixed
  • Fix: Vendor earning suggestion is not working if a product is under multiple category
  • Fix: Bank info is not appearing in profile edit page
  • Fix: If network mode is enabled then admin is unable to see his store page
  • Fix: Function not exists error on store listing api request
  • Fix: Vendor order export date column not showing properly in csv format
  • Fix: Withdraw page loading issue ( when a seller is deleted by admin )
  • Fix: Vendor terms and conditions is not showing in REST API
  • Tweak: Hide invenotry product status if the product type is variable
  • Tweak: Allow admin to set commission in both integer and floating number
  • Tweak: Make dokan store category menu wizard wp standard
  • Tweak: Redesign dokan setup wizard page
  • Tweak: Redesign the dokan settings page using vuejs

v2.8.1 -> April 28, 2018

  • Tweak: Change dokan all capability label
  • Fix: Bulk withdraw request approving not working
  • Fix: Store header template settings js not working
  • Fix: Tinymce shortcode not working in post and page editor if pro exist
  • Fix: Alter tag missing in avatar image is fixed
  • Fix: Price suggession not properly calculated for other product type in vendor dashboard

v2.8.0 -> April 24, 2018

  • New: Introduction of REST APIs
  • New: Email on vendor activation and deactivation
  • New: Price earning suggestion added for variable product
  • New: Email on product low & out of stock
  • Tweak: Improvement of back-end UI & UX
  • Fix: Sub order trash and untrashed not working in back-end
  • Fix: Top rated product shortcode is not working issue
  • Fix: Rredirection problem during activation using WP CLI
  • Fix: Setup wizard settings value not properly saved
  • Fix: Removed deprecated create_function issue
  • Fix: Commission splitting issue
  • Fix: Login registration issue
  • Fix: Price earning suggestion on product edit page issue
  • Fix: Registration of order table issue
  • Fix: Bulk withdrawal issue
  • Fix: Order status translation issue
  • Fix: Vendor name is showing twice on checkout page issue

v2.7.8 -> March 05, 2018

  • Tweak: Added vendor field in the product quick edit page
  • Tweak: Removed sellerdiv metabox when a seller can access the backend
  • Fix: Sometimes seller balance turn into minus figure
  • Fix: Vendor name is showing twice on the cart checkout page
  • Fix: Seller balance is not updating when the withdraw request is approved
  • Fix: Extra fee (shipping & tax) is not adding to admin balance when a new order is made
  • Fix: Unable to save variable product if admin commission is set to fixed
  • Fix: Product thumbnail image is not changing on updating new image
  • Fix: Fixed withdraw approving issue from admin side
  • Fix: Vendor profile completion need upload banner even there are no settings to add banner
  • Fix: Fixed bulk withdraw approving issue
  • Fix: Completion of suborders does not make the parent order status to complete

v2.7.7 -> Feb 4, 2018

  • New: Add store URL field in backend user edit form
  • Tweak: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3+
  • Fix: Fixed wpdb error when multiple withdraw method enabled for vendor
  • Fix: Fix settings icon issue
  • Fix: Tooltip does not work in admin dashboard

v2.7.6 -> Feb 4, 2018

  • New: Vendors can now add products from backend
  • Fix: Error in new products creation while booking is enabled
  • Fix: Admin is unable to see vendor's media in backend
  • Fix: Fixed dependency check for WooCommerce
  • Fix: Shop manager does not have any ability to manage WooCommerce
  • Fix: Shortcode not rendering if user not logged in
  • Fix: Changed ip column data size for withdraw table for comapatibility with ipv6 address
  • Fix: Fixed settings menu redirecting to dashboad menu issue
  • Tweak: Fixed admin order layout compatibility issue with WooCommerce 3.3

v2.7.5 -> Jan 24, 2018

  • Fix: Fix tinymce conflict issue
  • Fix: Fix showing other vendor products in vendor dashboard

v2.7.4 -> Jan 22, 2018

  • Fix: Fix random plugin activation problem for older version udpating
  • Fix: Fix order details page issue in vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Updated product edit template priority so that it works with the latest version of WooCommerce

v2.7.3 -> Jan 21, 2018

  • New: Added permissions for vendors
  • New: Separate the vendor registration form through Shortcode
  • New: Added different class for vendor address is fixed
  • New: Product upload is now available on the backend for vendor
  • New: Added filter dokan_get_seller_percentage
  • Fix: Can't withdraw full fractional amount from vendor withdraw
  • Fix: Internal server error while placing order from multiple vendors
  • Fix: Sync order is still working even if we change admin commission fee
  • Fix: Slider js issue fixed
  • Fix: Product pageview counting issue
  • Fix: Vendors wp-admin bar does not showing
  • Fix: A vendor is supposed to have backend access to see his orders instead all vendors order is shown
  • Tweak: Added admin fee as a order meta for better experience

v2.7.2 -> Dec 18, 2017

  • Fix: Product attributes not saving properly
  • Fix: missing text domains updated
  • Tweak: Disabled withdraw request if no withdraw method is set

v2.7.1 -> Dec 13, 2017

  • Fix: Added Order shipping track security nonce
  • Fix: Fixed xss warnings
  • Fix: Fix store widget register issue
  • Fix: Added icon style in settings page
  • Fix: Change user avatar rendering issue
  • Fix: Store category value selected after reloading
  • Fix: Fix attribute saving issue
  • Fix: Store contact form widget is now working in single product page
  • Fix: Fix some styling issue in product popup page

v2.7.0 -> Nov 23, 2017

  • Fix: Remove duplicate help menu and unwanted text
  • Fix: Fixed price suggestion when flat rate commission set from admin fixed
  • Fix: Fixed xss and csrf issues for some security

v2.6.10 -> Nov 13, 2017

  • New: Added dokan CRUD classes
  • New: Added help menu on Dokan Admin Dashboard
  • Tweak: Dokan Admin settings page redesigned
  • Tweak: Price suggestion made compatible with Flat commission
  • Tweak: Admin setup wizard styles updated
  • Fix: Fixed casting issue in updater class
  • Fix: Product status update on vendor status toggle
  • Fix: Commission calculation issue fixed
  • Fix: Store banner width and height not working properly
  • Fix: Order filtering is showing wrong pagination

v2.6.9 -> Oct 17, 2017

  • New: Depends on vendor commission, pricing suggession is added in new and edit product template
  • New: Added admin settings for showing/hiding customer info in order details page
  • New: Both flat and percentage commission system added for vendor
  • New: Added functinality for deleting vendor details when the vendor account is deleted
  • New: Added documentaion links in dokan settings and pages
  • Fix: Clearing and restoring all caching issue
  • Fix: Disabled order editing option when the order status is cancelled or refunded
  • Fix: Product image uploading permission issue fixed
  • Fix: Store layout breaks when the address is too long fixed
  • Fix: Non numerical error fixed for php latest versions
  • Fix: Fix vendor order inserting undefined notices

v2.6.8 -> Sep 7, 2017

  • New: Dokan Emails now configurable from WooCommerce Email settings with theme override support
  • New: Canceled withdraw requests are now shown for vendor
  • Fix: Date time format fixed for order and product listing to support global format
  • Fix: saving variable product prices
  • Tweak: fontawesome library updated

v2.6.7 -> Aug 3, 2017

  • Fix: Fix multiple vendor order creating issue
  • Fix: Disable pre defined attribute which already set with product

v2.6.6 -> July 31, 2017

  • Fix: Dokan Emails are not translating
  • Fix: 'No result found' text on product edit page not translating
  • Fix: Order sync offset problem during checkout
  • Fix: All graph rtl problem
  • Tweak: Vendor dashboard graph RTL enhanced
  • Tweak: Filter added to customize shop address
  • Tweak: Several other code enhancement and optimization

v2.6.5 -> July 16, 2017

  • New: Added IBAN and Routing number fields for vendor's Bank info section
  • New: Added settings in admin panel to disable Vendor Welcome Wizard
  • New: Added filter dokan_seller_registration_required_fields
  • New: Store Category widget design updated
  • New: Added Dokan logo as menu icon in admin dashboard
  • New: Dokan Store Sidebar widget area now available for all themes
  • Fix: Store categories are not updating properly
  • Fix: Showing store location widget if location is not set
  • Fix: Withdraw not working for IP address with port number
  • Tweak: Enahanced RTL support
  • Tweak: Profile Completion progress filter args updated

v2.6.4 -> June 22, 2017

  • Fix: Store page product loop pagination not showing
  • Fix: Order exporting not working properly
  • Fix: Earning calculation date range issue
  • Tweak: Banner upload is now available in store settings for all appearances
  • Tweak: Profile completion progress custom values logic updated
  • Tweak: Downloadable product section performance tweaks

v2.6.3 -> June 08, 2017

  • Fix: Missing text domains updated
  • Fix: Featured Seller, Best Seller and Top Seller query fixed for older version of WooCommerce
  • Fix: Translation issue fixed on withdraw template
  • Fix: Store pages template conflitcs with theme home page
  • Tweak: Various other code improvements

v2.6.2 -> May 18, 2017

  • New: Dynamic state select option for Vendor Setup Wizard
  • Fix: Change Product Seller from admin not working properly for variation products
  • Fix: Store listing search not showing same result if submitted
  • Fix: Store listing search sending multiple requests on AJAX
  • Fix: Feature products, Best selling products and Top rated seller queries fixed
  • Fix: Fixed Order status label issue in seller order listing
  • Tweak: Added currency argument for wc_price
  • Tweak: Various helper text labels updated

v2.6.1 -> May 04, 2017

  • New: Filter added dokan_get_seller_earnings
  • Fix: dokan-dashboard shortcode not rendering properly
  • Fix: Clear cache on vendor balance update
  • Fix: Order regenerate order status issue
  • Fix: Vendor wizard showing blank page
  • Fix: Downloadable product grant access issue in vendor order
  • Fix: Rating display on widget not working properly
  • Fix: Single product view sales schedule issue fixed
  • Fix: Vendor Product visibility and catalog issue fixed
  • Fix: Date range issue fixed for vendor balance
  • Tweak: Refill submitted values on error while adding new product
  • Tweak: Updated posted value handler function
  • Tweak: Hide view action on product listing if status is pending

v2.6.0 -> April 18, 2017

  • New: Made dokan compatible with WC 3.0
  • New: Store listing design updated with city added
  • Tweak: Store listing banner image streched for full view
  • Fix: Variations attribute issue fixed
  • Fix: Sub-order not created for multiple seller is fixed
  • Fix: Seller dashboard product and order listing showing notices fixed
  • Fix: Seller new product add page showing notices fixed
  • Fix: Saving digital product data with WC 3.0
  • Fix: Saving variation product data with WC 3.0
  • Fix: Registration form now working with WC 3.0

v2.5.7 -> March 30, 2017

  • New: New design for store listing page
  • New: Added gallery image uploader in add new product popup and page
  • New: Added dokan_get_seller_amount_from_order filter
  • Fix: Shipping tracking modal issue for third-party theme conflicting
  • Fix: Dokan updater issue fixed
  • Fix: Fix store listing search
  • Fix: "More tab" checkbox saving issue on store settings
  • Fix: Some translation issue fixed in product page
  • Tweak: Remove modal js library
  • Tweak: Remove default placeholder content from product description in new product page
  • Tweak: Change required field state to country in store settings

v2.5.6 -> March 16, 2017

  • Fix: If no withdraw limit is set then it defaults to ‘0’
  • Fix: Remove add to cart fragment filter for thirdparty theme conflicting
  • New: Added dokan_seller_total_sales, dokan_get_formatted_seller_balance and dokan_get_seller_balance filter

v2.5.5 -> March 13, 2017

  • Tweak: Enabled showing cancelled orders in case of multiple sub-orders
  • Fix: Fixed js error on my-account page
  • Fix: Fixed reports showing wrong curve
  • Fix: Text domain issue fixed

v2.5.4 -> March 8, 2017

  • Tweak: Changed text domain from 'dokan' to 'dokan-lite'
  • New: Added settings to turn on/off new product form pop-up
  • New: Added schedule discount price fields in new product form template when popup settings is disabled
  • Fix: Dokan Tabs css fixed for better compatibility with all themes
  • Fix: Fixed issues with saving product types other than simple like booking/auction
  • Fix: Fixed issues with withdraw balance and status
  • Fix: Template rendering issue on Store page and Review page for vendors is fixed.

v2.5.3 -> February 14, 2017

  • Fix: Order Tracking modal not working properly in some themes
  • Fix: Fixed showing notice on customer order table for multiple vendors
  • Fix: Fixed product listing status count issue
  • Fix: Fixed withdraw status messages and calculation
  • Tweak: Removed un-necessary codes and optimized code structure

v2.5.2 -> January 25, 2017

  • New: Added filter 'dokan_new_product_popup_args' to enable custom validation on new product add
  • New: Enabled vendors to select all products while creating coupon
  • Fix: On plugin activation auto flush rewrite rules
  • Fix: Seller Setup wizard not translating properly in some cases
  • Fix: Shipping tracking modal not showing while bootstrap loaded is fixed
  • Fix: Vendor statement enhanced for calculating per product commission
  • Tweak: Seller setup wizard enhanced for responsiveness
  • Tweak: Seller dashboard widgets enhanced for better responsiveness
  • Tweak: Add new product pop up enhanced for better responsiveness
  • Tweak: Several other optimizations to codebase for better and stable performance

v2.5.1 -> January 12, 2017

  • New: Front-End product template new UI
  • Tweak: All SELLER text is changed to VENDOR
  • Tweak: Updated Seller Earning Statement Report View
  • Tweak: Fixed variable product data saving issues
  • Tweak: Changed Order Tracking options from Select to Text box for sellers
  • Tweak: Improved Responsiveness on seller dashboard pages
  • Tweak: Product commission option is moved to advance tab from general
  • Fix: Improved Seller Setup wizard for better UX
  • Fix: Improved Seller Setup wizard for better UX
  • Fix: Fixed showing error If Google MAP API is not given
  • Fix: Fixed Extra fee receiver not working issue

v2.5 -> October 18, 2016

  • New: Setup Wizard on Admin panel
  • New: Setup Wizard for seller settings after new seller registration
  • New: Multiple header templates for store template
  • New: Added DOKAN shortcode insert button on post/page editor
  • New: Added store search option on store listing page
  • New: Added detailed income and withdraw statement for sellers
  • New: Added option to choose tax and shipping receiver as admin or seller.
  • New: Show seller payment options on user profile in back-end.
  • Tweak: Dokan store listing shortcode has more options
  • Tweak: Flat rate shipping synced with zone ID
  • Tweak: Fixed Tab view variation products
  • Tweak: Added active states in product review status filter
  • Fix: Fixed front-end variation issue for other languages
  • Fix: Fixed product add while selling is disabled for sellers

v2.4.12 -> August 08, 2016

  • New: Product base admin commission
  • New: Sellers coupon show on store
  • Tweak: Added Settings for gMap API key
  • Fix: Product with same sku
  • Fix: Product permalink, defaults to 'product'
  • Fix: Image upload attribute undefined issue
  • Fix: Multiple seller order mail
  • Fix: Product sku search
  • Fix: Store search by store name

v2.4.11 -> May 29, 2016

  • New: Refund request from seller to admin by sellers order details page
  • New: Tracker added
  • Fix: Checkout issue if flat rate shipping set as null
  • Fix: Change seller display name to store name
  • Fix: Multiple submit request on product add/edit
  • Fix: Undefine error on cart page for shipping additional price
  • Fix: Product edit page permission
  • Fix: Remove duplicate insert on dokan order table

v2.4.10 -> February 24, 2016

  • New: New dashboard menu added for 'store link', 'edit account' and 'sign out'
  • Fix: Remove repeated data rendering on admin panel dokan earning section
  • Fix: Terms and condition not showing on registration issue
  • Fix: Dashboard/orders page single view responsive issue
  • Fix: Product edit and add issue on Firefox and IE browser
  • Fix: Product variation save and update issues

v2.4.9 -> February 01, 2016

  • New: Plugin help page added
  • New: Seller search added on store listing
  • Tweak: Some validation on contact seller email handler and after sent hook updated
  • Tweak: Category check added on new product add without reloading page
  • Tweak: Auto suggestion and clear button on flat view variation product attributes input field
  • Fix: Downloadable file change in product after order issue fixed
  • Fix: Order status translation issue on order listing page
  • Fix: Email not send to seller on new order issue fixed
  • Fix: Allow float number for seller percentage
  • Fix: SEO hook updated for YOAST to make compatible with WP 4.4
  • Fix: Browser jump issue in tab view on click of tabs

v2.4.8 -> November 21, 2015

  • Tweak: Email template override system added
  • Fix: Change dokan SEO admin option section
  • Fix: Ajax url fixed to prevent conflict
  • Fix: Fix Arrow (reverted) for pagination
  • Fix: Hide unapproved comment from store review tab
  • Fix: Update cart discount meta on suborder create

v2.4.7 -> October 20, 2015

  • Fix: Fix Coupon discount redundancy
  • Fix: Fix product gallery image delete issue on tab view
  • Fix: Fix translation issue on user migration form
  • Fix: Fix Store listing template view for not logged-in user
  • Fix: parent sub-order creation on unsuccessful payment by card
  • Fix: Store page breadcrumb fixed to show Store name and listing link properly

v2.4.6 -> October 12, 2015

  • Tweak: Added terms and condition option field on Registration form
  • Fix: Remove required for product per page field on store settings
  • Fix: Fix delete variation product issue on tab view for seller
  • Fix: Fix redundant data for guest users
  • Fix: Fix responsive issue on front page product listing
  • Fix: Seller store banner size to cover
  • Fix: Store template fix for Twenty Twelve theme

v2.4.5 -> September 14, 2015

  • Fix: Fix responsive style issue for store page
  • Fix: Fix undefined parent order object issue on creat sub-order
  • Fix: Fix seller dashboard product comments count on widget

v2.4.4 -> September 4, 2015

  • New: Seller balance re-sync by checking unexpected order button added on tools page
  • Fix: Make some text translatable on contact seller widget
  • Fix: Optimize sql query to make regenerate process fast
  • Fix: Fix WooCommerce deactivate dependency issue
  • Fix: Fix plugin bulk activate issue with dokan welcome page

v2.4.3 -> August 25, 2015

  • New: Welcome page on activation with re-sync button added
  • Tweak: Visual Progress bar added for re-sync Order progress
  • Fix: Sub-order duplicate issue fixed
  • Fix: Fix WP editor compatible to 4.3
  • Fix: Compatible with WordPress 4.3 widget __construct functions
  • Fix: Fix table name in sync table sql
  • Fix: Fix store review rewrite problem, Move store functionality in Dokan_Pro_Store class
  • Fix: Fix seller migration template loader
  • Fix: Fix same seller multiple product type shipping issue
  • Fix: Fix flat rate shipping issue for multi seller

v2.4.2 -> August 12, 2015

  • Tweak: New hook on store header: dokan_store_before_social
  • Tweak: Re-arrange dokan admin settings fields
  • Tweak: Add field on seller store settings to manage store product per page
  • Tweak: Sellers redirected to dashboard after login
  • Fix: Feature seller widget display template path
  • Fix: Best seller widget display seller name changed to store name
  • Fix: Fix problem with showing variation data on order details
  • Fix: Update "dokan_create_seller_order" function to save variation order meta on sub-order
  • Fix: Update "dokan_post_input_box" function to add option for making text field and number field required
  • Fix: Fix balance separator problem on withdraw
  • Fix: Fix total sales balance display on seller dashboard page
  • Fix: Keep value saved of override shipping fields meta even when the option unchecked
  • Fix: English language phrases correction on several place
  • Fix: Fix calculation of sub-orders in WooCommerce dashboard status widget sales query

2.4.1 (August 1, 2015)

  • New: Pro version rewrite to Free


Initial version released

Upgrade Notice


Important Update This update is compatible with WooCommerce 3.0. Make sure to backup and read full changelog for more details.


No packages published


  • PHP 46.0%
  • JavaScript 38.4%
  • CSS 10.6%
  • Vue 4.5%
  • Other 0.5%