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YouTube Superchat analysis tools

The scripts require this modified version of pytchat that is NOT in the pip repository.


channel ID: A unique identifier for each YouTube channel. It's the last part of the URL of a YouTube Channel and always starts with the letters 'UC'
video ID: A unique identifier for each YouTube video/livestream. It can be found at the end of the URL of a YouTube Channel, after the watch?v= part.

monitoring YouTube channels to record superchats from planned livestreams

usage: python3 path_to_channel_list
It supports multiple channels at once by passing a the path of a file that contains multiple channel IDs as parameter. The ID's in the file have to be separated by line breaks.
In order to track the activity of the channel, we rely on either the YouTube Data API v3 or the Holodex API. If you want to use the Holodex API, you need to provide the CLI parameter --holo_keyfile path_to_file. To get the metadata of the YouTube videos/streams, it purely relies on the YouTube Data API. Please get yourself the appropriate API keys and save the YouTube API key under yt_api_key.txt in the same folder as this python script.
When it detects a planned livestream, it will start recording Superchats before the livestream starts. Once it ends, it will try to re-record superchats from the archive of the video in order to retrieve potentially previously unrecorded superchats. It automatically adds those to the statistics and logs. It also saves membership anniversary messages. It treats them like super chats, using the imaginary currency MON (short for months), saving the membership duration (in months) as the donation value. The same applies to gifted memberships. The amount of gifted memberships will be recorded, using the imaginary currency MGI.

recording livestream superchats

usage: python3 video_id
This can be used to record superchats from ongoing & planned livestreams & premieres as well as from broadcast/livestream recordings as long as the chat (chat replay in case of recording) is available.
When it detects a planned or running livestream, it will start recording Superchats from the ongoing chat immediately. Once it ends, it will try to re-record superchats from the archive of the livestream in order to retrieve potentially previously unrecorded superchats. It automatically adds those to the statistics and logs. This script also fetches some metadata of the stream, for which it needs the same YouTube API key as mentioned above in the same text file.

Which information regarding the superchats will be recorded

  1. timestamp of message
  2. user id & name of sender
  3. the message text
  4. the used currency
  5. the amount of money donated
  6. The superchat colour

The scripts create a folder in the txtarchive folder for each YouTube Channel it comes across, using the channel ID as folder name. Within these the scripts saves the superchat logs into the sc_logs subfolder, naming the log textfile after the respective video ID + .txt
They also save some metadata about the stream (like title, channel, start & end time, total sum of donations split by currencies) in the vid_stats subfolder of the channel folder. The filenames consist of the video ID + _stats.txt at the end.
The stored data is JSON formatted.
All of the data is additionally stored in a postgres database which you must create by using the SQL commands in db-structure.sql.

making a superchat wordcloud

You need to install mecab on your PC before using this script. usage: python3 path_to_superchat_log_file path_to_mask_image
or: python3 video_id path_to_mask_image (if you want to use the data from the Postgres database) It generates a word cloud from a superchat log in the shape of the object in the mask image and saves a picture of the word cloud in the folder of the superchat log file. The object must be coloured. The background of the object must be pure white - all purely white areas will be detected as background. If you don't have a mask image, use the word "None" instead of a path to an image to generate a wordcloud with a size of 1280x720 pixels.
If you want to use the Postgres version: The Postgres credentials have to be stored in postgres-config-qt.json.

Plotting YT data

Usage: python3 This tool uses QT and matplotlib to access the database and plot some information that was recorded through the channel monitoring and superchat recording scripts. It should be self-explanatory once you open it. To use it, you need to directly connect it to your Postgres database. The Postgres credentials have to be stored in postgres-config-qt.json.

Plotting the superchat crowd

usage: python3 channel_ids
This collection includes which plots how the superchat donors are shared between channels as an upset-plot. Each streamer has a set of donors - this plot measures how big the intersections between those sets are. The dots indicate which intersection is being plotted above. Single dots indicate that the above plot indicates how many users have donated exclusively to the streamer marked with the single dot. To use it, you need to directly connect it to your Postgres database. The Postgres credentials have to be stored in postgres-config-qt.json.


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