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This demo system simulates a web page A/B Testing scenario implementing multiple frameworks

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Simulation of Simple A/B Testing

This system consists of several scripts and applications that simulate a web page A/B Testing scenario.

The data workflow consists of the following steps:

  • start node WebApp listening
  • start python Requestor simulation of users hitting the web app
  • WebApp log files (config:10KB each) are saved to env_Processing/data_shared
  • pySpark processes each new batch (config:every X secconds) using AirFlow
  • results are saved to MongoDb
  • WebApp pulls data and presents in a graph


The system uses the following frameworks:

  • Python, Node/Express, D3
  • PM2
  • PySpark
  • MongoDb
  • AirFlow


  • Each service is maintained in its own docker container
  • Each service has its own dependencies and documentation
  • Troubleshoot configurations, such as ip address, using the following command: docker inspect <name>


Warning: the repo must be run from the /home/<user>/ directory; otherwise, errors will occur with the docker configurations and permissions with respect to the shared volume.

Node & Web App

git clone <this directory>
npm install
npm run test
npm run docker


mongo lib

docker pull mongo docker run --name data_store -d mongo Get the ipaddress using: docker inspect data_store

Take a look around, if necessary: docker exec -it data_store mongo

WebApp - Mongo Link ????

reference for various docker configurations create a container which has all the required data mounted and is linked to mongo container. docker run --name web_app --link data_store:mongo -d node_app docker run -it --name node -v "$(pwd)":/data --link mongo:mongo -w /data -p 8082:8082 node bash

// Ways to connect to MongoDb
// Original connect
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/blog', function(err, db) {
    // ...
// Connect using environment variables
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://'+process.env.MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR+':'+process.env.MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT+'/blog', function(err, db) {
    // ...
// Connect using hosts entry
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://mongo:27017/blog', function(err, db) {
    // ...

Spark-Mongo Processing

sudo docker run -i -t -v ~/demo_Sim:/home/  --link data_store:mongo zero323/mongo-spark:master /bin/bash
pyspark --jars ${JARS} --driver-class-path ${SPARK_DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH}

Spark-Jupyter Reporting

docker pull jupyter/all-spark-notebook

mkdir ~/data
sudo docker run -ti --rm --user root -v ~/demo_Sim:/home/jovyan/work -p 8888:8888 -e NB_UID=1000 -e NB_GID=100 -e GRANT_SUDO=yes  jupyter/all-spark-notebook
sudo docker exec -it 3783e6eff869 bash

jupyter lab sudo docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 jupyter/all-spark-notebook jupyter lab


crontab airflow-tut airflow-docs

Task scheduler for running spark scripts, cyclically.

sudo docker run -d -it -v ~/demo_Sim:/home/ --name pyspark --link data_store:mongo zero323/mongo-spark:master
sudo docker exec  pyspark /usr/local/spark/bin/spark-submit --jars ${JARS} --driver-class-path ${SPARK_DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH} /home/env_Processing/
1 * * * * /home/jason/demo_Sim/sch_process.bash



Enter the Requestor directory

pipenv shell
pipenv install 
pipenv run python



This demo system simulates a web page A/B Testing scenario implementing multiple frameworks






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