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A S3 Shuffle plugin for Apache Spark to enable elastic scaling for generic Spark workloads.


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Shuffle Plugin for Apache Spark 3.1.x and S3 compatible storage services

This plugin allows storing Apache Spark shuffle data on S3 compatible object storage (e.g. S3A, COS). It uses the Java Hadoop-Filesystem abstraction for interoperability for COS, S3A and even local file systems.

Note: This plugin is based on Apache Spark Pull Request #34864. It has since been significantly rewritten.

Examples are available here.


sbt package  # Creates a minimal jar.
sbt assembly # Creates the full assembly with all dependencies, notably hadoop cloud.

Required configuration

These configuration values need to be passed to Spark to load and configure the plugin:

  • spark.shuffle.manager: The shuffle manager. Needs to be set to org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.S3ShuffleManager.

  • The sort io plugin class. Needs to be set to org.apache.spark.shuffle.S3ShuffleDataIO.

  • spark.shuffle.s3.rootDir: Root dir for the shuffle files. Examples:

    • s3a://zrlio-tmp/ (Hadoop-AWS + AWS-SDK)
    • cos://zrlio-tmp.resources/ (Hadoop-Cloud + Stocator)

    Individual blocks are prefixed in order to get improved performance when accessing them on the remote filesystem. The generated paths look like this: ${rootDir}/${mapId % 10}/${appDir}/ShuffleBlock{.data / .index}.

    The number of prefixes can be controlled with the option spark.shuffle.s3.folderPrefixes.


Changing these values might have an impact on performance.

  • spark.shuffle.s3.bufferSize: Default buffer size when writing (default: 8388608)

  • spark.shuffle.s3.maxBufferSizeTask: Maximum size of the buffered output streams per task (default: 134217728)

  • spark.shuffle.s3.cleanup: Cleanup the shuffle files (default: true)

  • spark.shuffle.s3.folderPrefixes: The number of prefixes to use when storing files on S3 (default: 10, minimum: 1).

    Note: This option can be used to optimize performance on object stores which have a prefix ratelimit.

  • spark.shuffle.s3.prefetchBatchSize: Prefetch batch size (default: 25). Controls how many partitions are prefetched concurrently per task.

  • spark.shuffle.s3.prefetchThreadPoolSize: Prefetch thread pool size (default: 100). The total size of the thread pool used for prefetching the shuffle blocks.

  • spark.shuffle.checksum.algorithm: Checksum algorithm (default: ADLER32, supported: ADLER32, CRC32), backport from Spark 3.2.0.

  • spark.shuffle.checksum.enabled: Enables checksums on Shuffle files (default: false), backport from Spark 3.2.0.

    Note: Creates additional overhead if active.

Debug configuration options

Configuration options used for debugging:

  • spark.shuffle.s3.alwaysCreateIndex: Always create an index file, even if all partitions have empty length ( default: false)

    Note: Creates additional overhead if active.

  • spark.shuffle.s3.useBlockManager: Use the Spark block manager to compute blocks (default: true).

    Note: Disabling this feature might lead to invalid results. Only use if all the Shuffle operations require a barrier.

  • spark.shuffle.s3.forceBatchFetch: Force batch fetch for Shuffle Blocks (default: false)

    Note: Can lead to invalid results.


The tests store the shuffle data in /tmp/spark-s3-shuffle. The following configuration options need to be passed to Java > 11:

  --add-opens=java.base/ -


Copy one of the following files to your spark path:

  • spark-s3-shuffle_2.12-SPARK_VERSION_SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar (created by sbt assembly)
  • spark-s3-shuffle_2.12-SPARK_VERSION_SNAPSHOT.jar (created by sbt package)

With S3 Plugin

Add the following lines to your Spark configuration:

  • S3A_ACCESS_KEY: S3 access key.
  • S3A_SECRET_KEY: S3 secret key.
  • S3A_ENDPOINT: The S3 endpoint e.g.
  • SHUFFLE_ROOT: The Shuffle root for the shuffle plugin e.g. s3a://zrlio-tmp/s3-benchmark-shuffle.
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key=S3A_ACCESS_KEY
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key=S3A_SECRET_KEY
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled=false # Optional if https is not enabled.
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint=S3A_ENDPOINT
    --conf spark.shuffle.manager="org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.S3ShuffleManager"
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl="org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem"
    --conf spark.shuffle.s3.rootDir=SHUFFLE_ROOT

Optional: Manually add the AWS SDK if you want to use spark-s3-shuffle_2.12-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:

    --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath='/opt/spark/jars/aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.11.375.jar,/opt/spark/jars/hadoop-aws-3.2.0.jar'
    --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath='/opt/spark/jars/aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.11.375.jar,/opt/spark/jars/hadoop-aws-3.2.0.jar'

With COS/Stocator Plugin

  • COS_ACCESS_KEY: The key to access COS.
  • COS_SECRET_KEY: The secret key to COS.
  • COS_ENDPOINT: The COS endpoint e.g.
  • SHUFFLE_ROOT: The root dir for shuffle cos://zrlio-tmp/s3-benchmark-shuffle
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.cos.flat.list=false
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.stocator.scheme.list=cos
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.stocator.cos.scheme=cos
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.cos.resources.access.key=COS_ACCESS_KEY
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.cos.resources.endpoint=COS_ENDPOINT
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.cos.resources.secret.key=COS_SECRET_KEY
    --conf spark.shuffle.manager="org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.S3ShuffleManager"
    --conf spark.shuffle.s3.rootDir=SHUFFLE_ROOT