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Releases: HubSpot/hubspot-api-python


14 Mar 13:49
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Automation Actions client

  • Updated automation.actions.definitions_api.create() method to accept public_action_definition_egg instead of extension_action_definition_input and returned PublicActionDefinition instead ExtensionActionDefinition.
  • Updated automation.actions.definitions_api.get_by_id() method to return PublicActionDefinition instead of ExtensionActionDefinition.
  • Updated automation.actions.definitions_api.get_page() method to return CollectionResponsePublicActionDefinitionForwardPaging instead of CollectionResponseExtensionActionDefinitionForwardPaging.
  • Updated automation.actions.definitions_api.update() method to accept public_action_definition_patch instead of extension_action_definition_patch and returned PublicActionDefinition instead ExtensionActionDefinition.
  • Updated automation.actions.functions_api.create_or_replace() method to return PublicActionFunctionIdentifier instead of ActionFunctionIdentifier.
  • Updated automation.actions.functions_api.create_or_replace_by_function_type() method to return PublicActionFunctionIdentifier instead of ActionFunctionIdentifier.
  • Updated automation.actions.functions_api.get_by_function_type() method to return PublicActionFunction instead of ActionFunction.
  • Updated automation.actions.functions_api.get_by_id() method to return PublicActionFunction instead of ActionFunction.
  • Updated automation.actions.functions_api.get_page() method to return CollectionResponsePublicActionFunctionIdentifierNoPaging instead of CollectionResponseActionFunctionIdentifierNoPaging.
  • Updated automation.actions.revisions_api.get_by_id() method to return PublicActionRevision instead of ActionRevision.
  • Updated automation.actions.revisions_api.get_page() method to return CollectionResponsePublicActionRevisionForwardPaging instead of CollectionResponseActionRevisionForwardPaging.
  • Added new function type POST_ACTION_EXECUTION to automation.actions.models.PublicActionFunctionIdentifier and automation.actions.models.PublicActionFunction.
  • Added new param automation_field_type to automation.actions.models.InputFieldDefinition.
  • Added automation.actions.models.OutputFieldDefinition.
  • Added automation.actions.models.PublicExecutionTranslationRule.
  • Added new params to automation.actions.models.FieldTypeDefinition:
  "help_text": "str",
  "referenced_object_type": "str",
  "name": "str",
  "options": "list[Option]",
  "description": "str",
  "external_options_reference_type": "str",
  "label": "str",
  "type": "str",
  "field_type": "str",
  "options_url": "str",
  "external_options": "bool",

CMS clients

  • Changed attach_to_lang_group(), detach_from_lang_group() and update_langs() methods of all Api clients(cms.blogs.authors.blog_authors_api, cms.blogs.blog_posts.blog_posts_api and cms.blogs.tags.blog_tags_api) return None instead of Error.
  • Added new param _property to cms.blogs.authors.blog_authors_api.get_by_id() and cms.blogs.authors.blog_authors_api.get_page().
  • Renamed cms.source_code.content_api.get() method to
  • Renamed cms.source_code.content_api.replace() method to cms.source_code.content_api.create_or_update().
  • Added new param hash to cms.source_code.models.AssetFileMetadata.
  • Added new param properties to cms.source_code.metadata_api.get().

CRM Associations and Objects clients


Please note that CRM Objects includes: companies, contacts, deals, line items, all CRM objects crm.objects, products, quotes and tickets

  • Changed the type of parameter category from ErrorCategory to string in crm.associations.models.StandardError.
  • Renamed crm.associations.v4.schema.definitions_api.delete() method to crm.associations.v4.schema.definitions_api.archive().
  • Changed the type of parameters object_id and crm.associations.v4.basic_api.to_object_id in crm.associations.v4.basic_api.archive(), crm.associations.v4.basic_api.create() and crm.associations.v4.basic_api.create_default() methods from string to int.
  • Changed the type of parameter object_id in crm.associations.v4.basic_api.get_page() method from string to int.
  • Changed the type of parameters to_object_id and from_object_id in crm.associations.v4.models.LabelsBetweenObjectPair to string.
  • Changed the type of parameter to_object_id in crm.associations.v4.models.MultiAssociatedObjectWithLabel to string.
  • Changed the type of property category in ErrorCategory to string in crm.associations.v4.models.StandardError.
  • Changed the type of property errors in crm.associations.v4.models.BatchResponsePublicDefaultAssociation from StandardError1[] to StandardError[].
  • Added parameter inverse_label to crm.associations.v4.models.PublicAssociationDefinitionCreateRequest and crm.associations.v4.models.PublicAssociationDefinitionUpdateRequest.
  • Updated crm.time_line.events_api.create_batch() method to return None insted BatchResponseTimelineEventResponse.
  • Changed the type of parameter category from ErrorCategory to string in crm.time_line.models.StandardError.
  • Removed crm.objects.associations_api.
  • Renamed param postal_mail to postal_mail_id in crm.objects.postal_mail.basic_api().
  • Changed the type of parameter after from int to string in all CRM models PublicObjectSearchRequest.
  • Added new param id_property in all CRM models SimplePublicObjectBatchInput.

CRM Extensions client

  • Changed parameter order in crm.extinsions.cards_api.archive() method from (app_id, card_id) to (card_id, app_id).
  • Updated crm.extinsions.cards_api.create() method to return PublicCardResponse instead CardResponse.
  • Updated crm.extinsions.cards_api.get_all() method to return PublicCardListResponse instead CardListResponse.
  • Changed parameter order in crm.extinsions.cards_api.get_by_id() method from (app_id, card_id) to (card_id, app_id) and method return PublicCardResponse instead CardResponse.
  • Changed parameter order in crm.extinsions.cards_api.update() method from (app_id, card_id, card_patch_request) to (card_id, app_id, card_patch_request) and method return PublicCardResponse instead CardResponse.
  • Added new params serverless_function and card_type to crm.extinsions.models.CardFetchBody and crm.extinsions.models.CardFetchBodyPatch.
  • Added new param audit_history to crm.extinsions.models.PublicCardResponse.
  • Added new allowable value marketing_events to crm.extinsions.models.CardObjectTypeBody.
  • Added developer_hapikey to crm.extinsions.videoconferencing.settings_api.
  • Added new param fetch_accounts_uri to crm.extinsions.videoconferencing.models.ExternalSettings.
  • Marked CRM Extensions Accounting Apis as deprecated.

CRM clients

  • Added import_template and import_source params to crm.imports.models.PublicImportResponse.
  • Renamed Api client from crm.lists.memberships_api() to crm.lists.list_app_membership_api().
  • Renamed Api client from crm.lists.lists_api() to crm.lists.list_app_api().
  • Changed the type of parameters list_id and list_ids: list[] from int to string in all methods of api crm.lists.list_app_api().
  • Changed the type of parameters list_id, request_body: list[] and source_list_id from int to string in all methods of api crm.lists.list_app_membership_api().
  • Renamed method crm.lists.memberships_api.add_remove() to crm.lists.list_app_membership_api.add_and_remove().
  • Renamed crm.lists.models.CollectionResponseLong to crm.lists.models.CollectionResponseJoinTimeAndRecordId.
  • Changed the type of parameter results: list[int] to results: list[JoinTimeAndRecordId] in crm.lists.models.CollectionResponseJoinTimeAndRecordId.
  • Changed the type of parameter list_id, business_unit_id, subscription_ids: list[], email_id, app_id, updated_by_id, rtype: list[], record_ids_to_remove: list[], record_ids_to_add: list[], record_ids_removed: list[], records_ids_added: list[] and record_ids_missing: list[] from int to string in all crm.lists.models in which these parameters are present.
  • Added param validate_deal_stage_usages_before_delete to crm.pipelines.pipelines_api.archive(), crm.pipelines.pipelines_api.replace() and crm.pipelines.pipelines_api.update() methods.
  • Added write_permissions param to crm.pipelines.models.PipelineStage.
  • Added description param to crm.schemas.models.ObjectTypeDefinitionPatch.
  • Added new params: option_sort_strategy, show_currency_symbol, form_field, referenced_object_type, text_display_hint, searchable_in_global_search
    and number_display_hint to crm.schemas.models.ObjectTypePropertyCreate.

Marketing client

  • Moved methods archive(), create(), do_cancel(), get_by_id(), replace() and update() from to
  • Moved method do_upsert() from to
  • Moved and renamed method archive_batch() to archive() from to
  • Moved methods do_email_upsert_by_id() and do_upsert_by_id() from to
  • Renamed Api to
  • Added new param is_large_value to
  • Changed the type of parameter category from ErrorCategory to string in
  • Added new param lifecycle_stages to `marketing.forms....
Read more

Added new parameters to the `PublicUser` model in `settings.users.models`

25 Jan 13:41
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  • Added new parameters to the PublicUser model in settings.users.models:
    • super_admin: boolean.
    • send_welcome_email: boolean.


19 Dec 11:28
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  • cms.pages Api client.
  • crm.lists Api client.
  • crm.objects.goals Api client.
  • crm.objects.taxes Api client.
  • events.send Api client.
  • settings.business_units Api client.

Fix initializing `developer_hapikey`

25 Sep 13:11
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Merge pull request #239 from HubSpot/feature/8.1.1



07 Aug 12:24
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Removed hapikey from

  • automation.actions.callbacks_api Api.

  • cms (all Api clients).

  • communication_preferences (all Api clients).

  • conversations (all API clients).

  • crm (all Api clients).

  • events (all Api clients).

  • files (all Api clients).

  • Api.

  • marketing.transactional Api client.

  • Change type from object to string in cms/hubdb/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from StandardError[] to StandardError1[] in crm/associations/v4/models/BatchResponseSimplePublicObjectWithErrors.errors.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/companies/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/contacts/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/deals/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/lineitems/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/calls/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/communications/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/emails/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/feedback_submissions/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/meetings/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/notes/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/postal_mail/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/tasks/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/products/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/properties/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/quotes/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/tickets/models/StandardError.category.

  • Change type from ErrorCategory to string in webhooks/models/StandardError.category.

  • example in README(SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)


12 Jun 12:16
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Fix utils.get_auth_url() (don’t add empty scopes or optional scopes to OAuth url)

Removed deprecated Webhooks util

17 May 12:57
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  • Removed deprecated webhooks util.
  • add more association types
  • add custom exceptions for Signature
  • Update README

Add missing crm.associations.v4.basic_api Api.

12 May 08:32
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  • add missing crm.associations.v4.basic_api Api.

Update associations clients

12 May 07:52
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  • crm.associations.v4.basic_api Api.


  • crm.associations.types_api -> crm.associations.schema.types_api.
  • crm.associations.v4.definitions_api -> crm.associations.v4.schema.definitions_api.

Added crm.objects.communications API client

04 May 11:45
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Merge pull request #197 from HubSpot/feature/8.0.0-beta-3
