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AgroDAO - A Decentralized Autonomous Organization for Farmers

Revolutionize agriculture with AgroDAO: Empowering farmers, driving sustainability

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We were inspired by the challenges faced by farmers in the traditional agricultural system and the potential of blockchain technology to address these challenges. Witnessing the need for more sustainable and inclusive farming practices, we envisioned AgroDAO as a solution that could empower farmers, foster collaboration, and drive innovation within the agriculture industry.

What it does

AgroDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) community designed exclusively for farmers. It provides a platform for farmers to connect, share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and access resources that enhance productivity, profitability, and environmental sustainability. Through AgroDAO, farmers can engage in transparent and secure transactions, and utilize smart contracts for various purposes such as creating proposals and community voting for loan management. We utilized Chainlink for various functionalities such as:

Chainlink Data feeds for Currency Conversion: Chainlink provided reliable data feeds for accurate currency conversion, enabling seamless and secure transactions in different currencies.

Chainlink Automation for Accurate and Efficient Rewards: Chainlink's automation capabilities ensure the accurate and efficient distribution of AGRO tokens to active contributors. We reward the farmer with tokens depending on their reputation at the end of each month. This is automated by Chainlink and the reputation gets reset every month, but the earned tokens remain with user increasing their voting power.

Chainlink Automation for Token Burning for Loan Defaulters: With Chainlink automation, we can identify loan defaulters within AgroDAO. Once detected, their tokens are automatically burned as a consequence of their defaulting on loan obligations. This action ensures that defaulters face appropriate consequences for their actions and discourages irresponsible behavior. By leveraging Chainlink's automation capabilities, we can effectively identify loan defaulters and enforce token burning as a measure of accountability. This ensures that participants earn an appropriate amount of tokens and fulfill their financial responsibilities before being able to submit another proposal or engage in further activities within AgroDAO.

Chainlink Automation for Proposal Execution: With Chainlink automation, proposals within AgroDAO can be automatically executed based on predefined conditions and criteria. This automation eliminates the need for manual intervention and ensures that proposals are implemented in a timely and efficient manner. This also allows the user to choose whether to execute the proposal themselves or wait for a day for the proposal to be executed automatically.

How we built it

AgroDAO was built using Vite for a fast and lightweight development environment, ReactJS for the front-end interface, and Solidity for writing smart contracts. We utilized Remix as the Ethereum IDE for coding, compiling, testing, and deploying smart contracts. The user interface design was created using Chakra UI, a customizable component library for ReactJS. Thorough research, iterative development, and user feedback were key aspects of our process to ensure AgroDAO met the needs of farmers effectively.

Challenges we ran into

During the development of AgroDAO, we encountered several challenges. Integrating blockchain technology and smart contracts to automate processes such as currency conversion, loan management, and proposal automation required overcoming technical complexities and ensuring the security and efficiency of the system. Obtaining reliable data sources and integrating them seamlessly into the platform posed its own set of challenges. Chainlink API calls took a bit of time, and sometimes it became hard to get the required response quickly. While deploying the website, we came to know Vite app needs some configurations while using ChakraUI, which we found out after a lot of debugging.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud to have created AgroDAO as a transformative platform that empowers farmers and promotes sustainable practices within the agriculture industry. The successful integration of Chainlink Data Feed for accurate currency conversion and the implementation of chain automation for various functionalities within AgroDAO are significant accomplishments.

What we learned

Throughout the development process, we learned the importance of community-driven initiatives and decentralized governance. We discovered the immense value of blockchain technology in providing transparency, security, and efficiency to agricultural operations. We also gained insights into the specific challenges faced by farmers and the need for innovative solutions to enhance productivity, profitability, and sustainability. One significant learning experience for us was the integration of Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network, into AgroDAO. Learning about Chainlink data feeds helped us customize the currency option for farmers worldwide to understand and integrate with the platform easily. Chainlink automation is a great feature of chainlink that we learned and implemented in 3 areas of our project: Defaulters management, top contributor rewarding, and proposal automation. We also learned about Chainlink VRF and API triggering functionalities, but we didn't implement them in our project. This hackathon has been a great learning and collaborating experience for all of us, and we're now sure of implementing Chainlink functionality in our future projects.

What's next for AgroDAO - A DAO Community for Farmers

Looking ahead, AgroDAO is poised to take significant strides in advancing its platform for farmers. By integrating Chainlink's API, we will provide insurance-based weather checks, enabling farmers to assess and mitigate weather risks while optimizing their farming practices. Additionally, by incorporating IoT data, AgroDAO aims to offer real-time insights into crucial environmental factors, empowering farmers to make data-driven decisions and implement precision farming techniques. These advancements will enhance resilience, productivity, and sustainability within the agricultural sector, positioning AgroDAO as a transformative force for farmers worldwide.