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arXiv arXiv

This repository contains the implementation of the paper:

Automated Evaluation of Large Vision-Language Models on Self-driving Corner Cases
Kai Chen*, Yanze Li*, Wenhua Zhang*, Yanxin Liu, Pengxiang Li, Ruiyuan Gao, Lanqing Hong†, Meng Tian, Xinhai Zhao, Zhenguo Li, Dit-Yan Yeung, Huchuan Lu, Xu Jia
*Equal Contribution †Corresponding Author

Data Preparation

The instructions for downloading CODA-LM are listed as follows:

  1. Download the image files following the CODA official instructions here
  2. Download the CODA-LM annotation files and then decompress them in the same root directory.
Split Size Image Source Download
Train 4884 CODA2022 val HF Hub
Val 4384 CODA2022 test HF Hub
Test 500 CODA2022 test HF Hub
Mini 50 CODA2022 test HF Hub

Note that:

  1. Images of CODA-LM train set come from CODA2022 val set, while images of CODA-LM val and test sets come from CODA2022 test set.
  2. CODA-LM mini set is a 50-image subset of CODA-LM val set for demonstration.

After decompression, the data organization is listed as follows:

├── val                    -- CODA2022 val (we only use images)
│   │── images
│   │   │── *.jpg
├── test                   -- CODA2022 test (we only use images)
│   │── images
│   │   │── *.jpg
│   │── Train              -- CODA-LM train (we use 4884 images from CODA2022 val)
│   │   │── val_*.json
│   │── Val                -- CODA-LM val (we use 4384 images from CODA2022 test)
│   │   │── test_*.json
│   │── Test               -- CODA-LM test (we use 500 images from CODA2022 test)
│   │   │── test_*.json
│   │── Mini               -- CODA-LM mini (a 50-image subset of CODA-LM val)
│   │   │── test_*.json

Data Format

The annotation files contains question-answering pairs for all three tasks as following,

        "vehicles": [                             -- list containing information on all vehicles
                "description": <str>,             -- description about a single vehicle
                "explanation": <str>"             -- explanation why it affects the ego car
        "vulnerable_road_users": [...],           -- list containing information on all VRUs
        "traffic signs": [...],                   -- list containing information on all traffic signs
        "traffic lights": [...],                  -- list containing information on all traffic lights
        "traffic cones": [...],                   -- list containing information on all traffic cones
        "barriers": [...],                        -- list containing information on all barriers
        "other objects": [...],                   -- list containing information on all other objects
    	"description and explanation": <str>      -- summarization of information on all categories
        "1": {                                    -- region index
            "description and explanation": <str>, -- description of road users in the specific region with explanation on why it affects the ego car
            "box": <list of float>,               -- xywh coordinates
            "category_name": <str>                -- object category
        "2": {...},
        "3": {...}
    "driving_suggestion": <str>,

Data Usage

To help users better understand the structure of CODA-LM, we provide a python script to convert our annotations to basic VQA formats, as follows:

  1. Download the data and make sure the directory organization follows Data Prepration.

  2. Run as follows:

    # English
    python --coda_root $CODA_ROOT --codalm_ann_name CODA-LM
    # Chinese
    python --coda_root $CODA_ROOT --codalm_ann_name CODA-LM-chinese
  3. After that, the resulting data organization will be like this:

    ├── val
    │   │── images
    │   │── images_w_bboxes                  -- Images with bboxes drawn for region perception
    │   │   │── *.jpg
    ├── test
    │   │── images
    │   │── images_w_bboxes                  -- Images with bboxes drawn for region perception
    │   │   │── *.jpg
    ├── CODA-LM
    │   │── Train
    │   │   │── vqa_anno
    │   │   │   │── general_perception.jsonl  -- VQA annotations for general perception
    │   │   │   │── region_perception.jsonl   -- VQA annotations for region perception
    │   │   │   │── driving_suggestion.jsonl  -- VQA annotations for driving suggestion
    │   │── Val
    │   │   │── vqa_anno
    │   │── Test
    │   │   │── vqa_anno
    │   │── Mini
    │   │   │── vqa_anno
  4. The basic VQA format saves data sample simply with a dictionary containing question_id, image, question, and answer, as follows:

    {"question_id": 0, "image": val/images/0001.jpg, "question": <str>, "answer": <str>}
    {"question_id": 1, "image": val/images/0002.jpg, "question": <str>, "answer": <str>}
    {"question_id": 2, "image": val/images/0003.jpg, "question": <str>, "answer": <str>}
  5. Note that for regional perception, there are various possible manners to utilize the bbox annotations. Here we provide a simple implementation by drawing the bboxes with red rectangles on images, which are saved in the images_w_bboxes directory.


Data Annotation

Check CODA-LM Annotation Tool for more details.


Check CODA-LM Evaluation for more details.


  title={Automated Evaluation of Large Vision-Language Models on Self-driving Corner Cases},
  author={Li, Yanze and Zhang, Wenhua and Chen, Kai and Liu, Yanxin and Li, Pengxiang and Gao, Ruiyuan and Hong, Lanqing and Tian, Meng and Zhao, Xinhai and Li, Zhenguo and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.10595},