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Victor Okoh

General description of the project

This project is part of Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree, with the aim of exploring the trend of average temperature over time to get actionable insights using exploratory and explanatory data analysis techniques.

This project is meant to unveil any sort of insights from my data exploration.

Acknowledgements and credits Bugs

Structure of the City_Temperature_data dataset

There are 2,906,327 observations with 8 unique features explaining the average temperature in terms of regions, countries and countries given over time. The dataset includes region, country, state, city, month, day, year and average temerature. Aside Avgtemperature, the rest datasets are all categorical data. This dataset is particularly important in terms of understanding the trend of weather over time as well as the effect of Global warming on our day-to-day operation. This would also be important in geting a sense of how real climate change is in our daily life

Also weather information is helpful for a lot of data science tasks like sales forecasting, logistics etc.

List of files included in the project.

Relevant and Required software for Installation

The following libraries are used in this project:

  1. Pandas
  2. Numpy
  3. Matplotlib
  4. Seaborn The software used include:
  5. Jupyter notebook
  6. Google Chrome browser

Summary of Findings

  • The overall objective of this research work is to explore the spread of temperature over time. The result shows that temperature is rising across the world

  • The Average Temperature appears to be Negatively Skewed with a modal value at 80 degrees. It is also generally considered very hot.

  • The Middle East region appears to have the highest average temperature. The harsh weather condition can be attributed to the high levels of humidity in the region and it also its vulnerability to the rising global temperatures.

  • Perphaps, with more rising temperature levels, the Middle East might become inhabitable for humans over time

  • The city that ever experienced the highest recorded average temperature ever is Kuwait with 110F.

  • This shows that Phoenix, Yuma and Las Vegas are the sunniest cities in the US.

  • The most hottest year in Nigeria is in 1998, 2010 & 2019

  • The months April, May and March are the warmest months in Nigeria with the average weather each above 100F.

  • All the region charts shows that the temperature across all regions has been increasing continously over time with Middle East continously being hottest

Key Insights for Presentation

  • Focus on the overall objective of the study which is to explore temperature data over time

  • Elaborate on the univariate aspects of the key varaibes in the dataset

  • Focus on flow of temperature data over given month

  • Offer a minimal note on the interconnedness of the selected multivariate relationships

  • Call of action would be on strategies to reduce the effect of global warming

Acknowledgements and credits

  • This project would never have been possible without the help of Udacity amazing teaching skills and ALX scholarship grant

  • Also, Kaggle for making it easy to access data


  • No bugs was found in the course of running the project


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