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This program was designed, tested and run on Ubuntu 21.04. It will very likely run on other Linux distributions though it has not been tested. This program has not been tested on Windows or MacOS.

Table of Contents

  1. Standard Operating Procedure
  2. Settings
  3. Setup
  4. API
  5. Available Pollutant Tags

Standard Operating Procedure


This program is initialised via the terminal:

  • bash or ./ It then asks for a start year and end year in YYYY format. Some other formats can be used though are not recommended as only the year will be used in date calculation. Once the program is initialised, the opening blurb will show. If Debug Stats is set to true, it will display all information contained in config.json



config.json contains several configurable parameters for the program:

Key Type Description Options
AURN Domain str URL for the AURN website Valid URL
AURN Metadata Search str URN to query AURN metadata Valid URN
AURN Site Info str URN to prefix site info query Valid URN
AURN Site Info Provider str URN to prefix site info provider query Valid URN
AURN Site Code Link str URN to prefix site code query Valid URN
AURN Data Link str URN for site data download Valid URN
XPath to CSV str XPath to find CSV download link Valid XPath
Xpath to Code str XPath to find site code Valid XPath
User Agent str Valid user agent token. Required to communicate with AURN website, connection will fail otherwise Valid user agent
Pollutants list List of pollutants to download data for List of pollutants, options at the end of README
Debug Stats bool Print debug stats upon program init true/false
Influx Bucket str Bucket to export data to Any valid bucket, can be blank if Write to Influx is false
Influx IP str IP address of InfluxDB 2.x database IP of database, localhost if hosted on same machine, can be blank if Write to Influx is false
Influx Port str Port of InfluxDB 2.x database Port of database (usually 8086), can be blank if Write to Influx is false
Influx Token str Auth token for InfluxDB 2.x database Auth token provided by your admin, can be blank if Write to Influx is false
Influx Organisation str Organisation your token is associated with Organisation associated with auth token, can be blank if Write to Influx is false


Step 1: Download program from Github

Navigate to the directory you want to store the program in and run git clone

Step 2: Run setup script

bash or ./ runs the setup script, installing the virtual environment needed to run the program


The main script used to run the program, utilises modules found in modules using config specified in Settings

Command line arguments

Argument Type Usage Required? Default
-s / --start-date str Date to begin data download (YYYY-MM-DD) Y None
-e / --end-date str Date to end data download (YYYY-MM-DD) Y None
-c / --config str Alternate path to config file, use / in pleace of \ N Settings.config.json



Parses input string and returns datetime object. The string can have the following formats (see strftime for more info):

Simplified strftime
YYYY-MM-DD %Y-%m-%d
YYYY/MM/DD %Y/%m/%d
YYYY.MM.DD %Y.%m.%d
Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
date_string str The string to be parsed in to a datetime object Y None

`datetime object parsed from date_string

Error Type Cause
ValueError date_string does not match any of the valid formats

Makes a nicer output to the console

Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
str_to_print str String that gets printed to console Y None
length int Character length of output N 70
form str Output type (listed below) N NORM
char str Character used as border, should only be 1 character N \U0001F533 (White box emoji)
end str Appended to end of string, generally should be \n unless output is to be overwritten, then use \r N \r
flush bool Flush the output stream? N False

Valid options for form

Option Description
TITLE Centres the string, one char at start and end
NORM Left aligned string, one char at start and end
LINE Prints line of char of specified length

Open json file and return as dict

Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
path_to_json str The path to the json file, can be relative e.g Settings/config.json Y None

dict containing contents of json file

Error Type Cause
FileNotFoundError File is not present
ValueError Formatting error in json file, such as ' used instead of " or comma after last item

Scrapes data from the DEFRA website to download metadata and measurements made by the Automatic Urban and Rural Network



Handles communication with the AURN/DEFRA website to get metadata and measurements

Attribute Type Description
config dict Contains user-defined config information
metadata list Contains dicts containing metadata for AURN sites that were active in the specified date range. Each dict represents a site. The metadata is split in to "tags" for all text info (Site Name etc) and "fields" for location info (Latitude etc)
measurement_csvs defaultdict Contains all measurements downloaded from the AURN website, split by year and then station. Should be cleared regularly to avoid memory issues
measurement_jsons defaultdict Contains all measurements downloaded from the AURN website formatted for export to an InfluxDB 2.x database, splut by year and then station. Should be cleared regularly to avoid memory issues


Downloads metadata from AURN website. As there's no official Python API for the AURN, this function scrapes the AURN/DEFRA website for a csv containing all metadata for all station in the network and the download link for csv files in the network.

  • Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
start_year int The first year the measurement download will cover Y None
end_year int The last year the measurement download will cover Y None


Downloads csvs from the AURN website, remove unwanted pollutants and reformat tags in to a nicer format by removing brackets etc.

  • Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
download_code str The download code for the station Y None
year str The year you want to download data for, YYYY format Y None
  • Returns

None if no csv can be downloaded, no return function otherwise


Converts the formatted measurement csv to a list of jsons which an be exported to an InfluxDB 2.x database

  • Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
metadata dict Metadata for station, contains tags and fields for InfluxDB 2.x Y None
download_code str The download code for the site, used to find csv in measurement_csvs attribute Y None
year str The year the measurements were made Y None


Returns dataframe as text

  • Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
download_code str The download code for the site, used to find csv in measurement_csvs attribute Y None
year str The year the measurements were made Y None


Save csv file to path

  • Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
path str Path to save the csv to Y None
download_code str The download code for the site, used to find csv in measurement_csvs attribute Y None
year str The year the measurements were made Y None


Clear measurement_csvs to reduce memory usage


Clear measurement_jsons to reduce memory usage



Removed brackets and the contents within them from an input string

Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
string_with_brackets str Input string to have its brackets removed Y None

Input string with brackets and their contents removed

Contains functions and classes pertaining to writing data to InfluxDB 2.x database



Handles connection and export to InfluxDB 2.x database

Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
influx_config dict Contains all info relevant to connecting to InfluxDB database
Attribute Type Description
config dict Config info for InfluxDB 2.x database
client InfluxDBClient Client object for InfluxDB 2.x database
write_client InfluxDBClient.write_api Write client object for InfluxDB 2.x database


Writes list of measurement containers to InfluxDB 2.x database, synchronous write used as asynchronous write caused memory issues on a 16 GB machine.

  • Keyword Arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
list_of_containers list Exports list of data containers to InfluxDB 2.x database

Containers must have the following keys:

Key Description
time Measurement time in datetime format
measurement Name of measurement in the bucket
fields Measurements made at time
tags Metadata for measurements made at time
  • Returns None

Temporary class used for time based calculations, will be replaced eventually



Used for time based calculations

Keyword arguments
Argument Type Usage Required? Default
date_start datetime Start date Y None
date_end datetime End date Y None
Attribute Type Description
start datetime Start date
end datetime End date


Calculates days between start and end

  • Keyword Arguments None

  • Returns int representing number of days between start and end


Calculates weeks between start and end

  • Keyword Arguments


  • Returns

int representing number of days between start and end


Calculates years between start and end

  • Keyword Arguments


  • Returns

int representing number of days between start and end

Available Pollutant Tags


  • Nitric oxide
  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide
  • Ozone
  • PM2.5 particulate matter
  • Volatile PM2.5
  • Non-volatile PM2.5
  • Daily measured PM2.5
  • PM10 particulate matter
  • Volatile PM10
  • Non-volatile PM10
  • Daily measured PM10
  • Sulphur dioxide


Some other pollutants are downloaded from other networks, they can also be saved if required

  • n-heptane
  • cis-2-butene
  • n-pentane
  • ethyne
  • 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene
  • n-butane
  • 1,3-butadiene
  • 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene
  • m+p-xylene
  • n-hexane
  • isoprene
  • 1-butene
  • ethene
  • ethylbenzene
  • 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene
  • trans-2-butene
  • o-xylene
  • propane
  • iso-butane
  • n-octane
  • toluene
  • ethane
  • 1-pentene
  • propene
  • trans-2-pentene
  • benzene
  • iso-pentane
  • 2-methylpentane
  • iso-octane


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