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Bharat Kathi edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 6 revisions

VC DECA App Wiki Home

Welcome to the VC DECA App Wiki! This is a wiki for the iOS and Android app to be utilized by the Valley Christian Chapter of DECA written in Dart using the Flutter framework.

Below is a general guide to using the project. To learn more information about the different parts of the project, check out their respective pages.

Getting Started

You will need to have Flutter and Dart installed in order to build the repository. You can check out the installation instructions below.

Install on Windows

Click here for the installation guide for Windows.

Install on MacOS

Click here for the installation guide for MacOS.

Install on Linux

Click here for the installation guide for Linux.

Building the App

Go ahead and download the repository.

Open up the entire folder in your favorite IDE. I would recommend IntelliJ IDEA or VS Code as they are fully supported to run and develop Flutter applications.

Run the following terminal command in the main project folder.

$ flutter packages get

Note: If you are using IntelliJ or VS Code, make sure you have the Dart and Flutter plugins installed!

If you are going to run the iOS version, make sure to open Runner.xcworkspace from the ios folder with Xcode and set the development team.

Running the android version shouldn't require any additional setup as long as you are just using the emulator.


If you would like to contribute to this repository or provide feedback, check out the guidelines here.


  • Bharat Kathi
    • App Development
  • Myron Chan
    • UI/UX Design
    • Icon Design
  • Andrew Zhang
    • Documentation

Beta Testers

  • Kashyap Chaturvedula


  • App Startup

  • Authentication

  • TabBarController

  • Home Page

  • Conferences Page

  • Events Page

  • Chat Page

  • Settings Page

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