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DonDra Backend

This is a repository for the backend of DonDra project.

How to run this project


  • Docker installed and running
  • Internet connection
  • Node.js installed and running


  1. Open a terminal from this project directory
  2. Run docker compose build
  3. Run docker-compose up
  4. Open http://localhost:3001/ in your browser
  5. Backend is up and running

How to seed the database

  1. Run npx ts-node typeorm/seed.ts

Techstacks used

  1. ExpressJS (4.18.1)
  2. TypeORM (0.3.7)
  3. Docker
  4. Jest (v28.1.3)
  5. Node JS (v16.13.1)
  6. PostgreSQL (v12.2.0)
  7. Redis (using Upstash)


  1. Factory
    Factory digunakan untuk melakukan inisiasi database (seeding). Factory ini akan membuat objek yang diubah menjadi data yang akan diinsert ke database.
  2. Singleton
    Singleton digunakan pada objek jwt. Objek jwt hanya ada satu instance yang bertugas memverifikasi token dan membuat token.
  3. Observer
    Design pattern observer digunakan dalam pembuatan route/endpoint. Observer dalam konteks ini adalah objek app yang kemudian dapat ditambahkan endpoint/router yang sudah dibuat.


All of the endpoints require token authentication except for login and register.

  1. /checkUser/:id - Check if user with id :id exists
  2. /getAllUsers - Get all users
  3. /getAllUsers/:id - Get one user with the id :id
  4. getHistory/:id?page=:page - Get all history of user with id :id with pagination from query.
  5. /getSaldo/:id - Get the balance of user with id :id
  6. /getUnverifiedMoneytoring - Get all unverified moneytoring from all user
  7. /getUnverifiedUsers - Get all unverified users
  8. /login - Login with username and password and return a token
  9. /register - Register a new user
  10. /requestMoneytoring - Send a add or substract balance request. Require body with id, nominal, and isIncome
  11. /transfer - Transfer money from one user to another. Require body with idPengirim, idPenerima, and nominal
  12. /verifyMoneytoring/:idMoneytoring - Verify moneytoring with id :idMoneytoring, admin can reject or approve the request. Require body with isRejected
  13. /verifyUser/:id - Verify user with id :id

How to use the system

  1. Call /login to get a token
  2. Call /register to register a new user
  3. Use all the APIs by providing token


  1. The token is valid for 24 hours
  2. If you want to use your own REDIS_URL or DATABASE_URL or PORT variables, you can create .env file in the root directory and add it
  3. This backend is deployed under



Backend repository for DonDra finance web






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