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Honestly, you could just copy/paste into your project; it's literally just a single class.

A very small and lightweight Java configuration manager.


  • Smol - only one functional class (+1 interface, technically), artifact size 5 kB
  • Simple - just do a new ConfigManager( [...] ) and it handles everything for you
  • No dependencies!

How to use

  1. Create (public, optionally static) fields to hold configurable values in a class of your choice (e.g. MainClass)
public class MainClass [
  public int settingA = 4; // Default value: 4
  public booelan settingB = false; // Default value: false
  1. (optional) Create a template config file (to be embedded inside the JAR) in your resource folder (src/main/resources/ for Gradle)
  2. Initialise a new ConfigManager instance in your entrypoint
import me.av306.liteconfig.ConfigManager;
public class MainClass {
  private ConfigManager cm;
  public void entrypoint() {
    cm = new ConfigManager(
      "Test App", // Name of program, for logging
      Path.of( "path/to/config/file/directory/" ),
      "", // Name of config file (with extension), should be the same as the one you created in step 2
      this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/" ), // Can omit if you did step 2, otherwise pass in the InputStream from your desired file
      this.getClass(), // or MainClass.class if static context
      this // or null if static fields are used
  1. The constructor handles the initial creation and reading of the config file
  2. To update configs, call ConfigManager#readConfigFile()
  3. To save configs if they were changed during runtime, call ConfigManager#saveConfigFile()

That's it!


You have to provide a default config file for ConfigManager, although very technically we could create one by inferring from the fields in the configurable class, but then we'd need annotations and stuff and that's way too complex for this. If you need those, try one of the better config libraries out there, like CompleteConfig (for Minecraft).

License: MIT


smol config manager







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