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A humble code generator

humblegen is a highly experimental code generator written in Rust that allows defining data structures in a custom language and generating declarations as serialization and deserialization implementations in target languages. It is similar to protobuf but focuses on simple uses cases (i.e. small applications) where simplicity trumps performance. Core design goals are:

  • Support Rust and Elm.
  • Use JSON on the wire.
  • As indistinguishable from hand-written serialization code as possible.


You can compile and install humblegen directly from github:

$ cargo install --git


Create a Check out generator/tests/rust/showcase/spec.humble for an overview of the format. Then write your own humblespec in protocol.humble

API docs

humblegen -l docs protocol.humble


rm -rf Protocol
mkdir Protocol
humblegen -l elm -o Protocol --elm-module-root "Protocol" protocol.humble

Add the following dependencies

# 1.0.8
elm install elm/bytes
elm install danfishgold/base64-bytes
# 1.1.3
elm install rtfeldman/elm-iso8601-date-strings
# 3.2.1
elm install justinmimbs/date
# 1.0.0
elm install elm/time


humblegen -l rust -o  protocol.humble

Use the generated using include!("../") or similar.

Wherever you use the generated code, put the following into Cargo.toml:

humblegen-rt = "(match your humblegen version here)"
serde = { version = "1.0.110", features = [ "derive" ] }
tokio = { version = "0.2.20", features = ["rt-threaded", "tcp", "macros"] }

humblegen can be used in your directly, this has the advantage of automatically recompiling the Rust program whenever the underlying spec changes. To enable, you should first add humblegen to your build dependencies:

humblegen = "*"

(Using cargo add --build via cargo edit is recommended instead)

Then, add the following line to

humblegen::build("path/to/spec.humble").expect("compile humble");

Finally, import the module (which in this version of humblegen is always in a file called

mod protocol {
    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));