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Added Erlang`s grammar
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fenollp committed Sep 7, 2013
1 parent 2117ee7 commit 63b30e6
Showing 1 changed file with 390 additions and 0 deletions.
390 changes: 390 additions & 0 deletions erlang/Erlang.g4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
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// An ANTLR4 Grammar of Erlang R16B01 made by Pierre Fenoll from

grammar Erlang;

forms : form+ EOF ;

form : (attribute | function | ruleClauses) '.' ;

/// Tokens

tokAtom : TokAtom ;
TokAtom : [a-z@][0-9a-zA-Z_@]*
| '\'' ( '\\' (~'\\'|'\\') | ~[\\''] )* '\'' ;

tokVar : TokVar ;
TokVar : [A-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]* ;

tokFloat : TokFloat ;
TokFloat : '-'? [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ ([Ee] [+-]? [0-9]+)? ;

tokInteger : TokInteger ;
TokInteger : '-'? [0-9]+ ('#' [0-9a-zA-Z]+)? ;

tokChar : TokChar ;
TokChar : '$' ('\\'? ~[\r\n] | '\\' [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]) ;

tokString : TokString ;
TokString : '"' ( '\\' (~'\\'|'\\') | ~[\\"] )* '"' ;
// antlr4 would not accept spec as an Atom otherwise.
AttrName : '-' ('spec' | 'callback') ;
Comment : '%' ~[\r\n]* '\r'? '\n' -> skip ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
attribute : '-' tokAtom attrVal
| '-' tokAtom typedAttrVal
| '-' tokAtom '(' typedAttrVal ')'
| AttrName typeSpec
/// Typing
typeSpec : specFun typeSigs
| '(' specFun typeSigs ')'
specFun : tokAtom
| tokAtom ':' tokAtom
// The following two are retained only for backwards compatibility;
// they are not part of the EEP syntax and should be removed.
| tokAtom '/' tokInteger '::'
| tokAtom ':' tokAtom '/' tokInteger '::'
typedAttrVal : expr ',' typedRecordFields
| expr '::' topType
typedRecordFields : '{' typedExprs '}' ;
typedExprs : typedExpr
| typedExpr ',' typedExprs
| expr ',' typedExprs
| typedExpr ',' exprs ;
typedExpr : expr '::' topType ;
typeSigs : typeSig (';' typeSig)* ;
typeSig : funType ('when' typeGuards)? ;
typeGuards : typeGuard (',' typeGuard)* ;
typeGuard : tokAtom '(' topTypes ')'
| tokVar '::' topType ;
topTypes : topType (',' topType)* ;
topType : (tokVar '::')? topType100 ;
topType100 : type200 ('|' topType100)? ;
type200 : type300 ('..' type300)? ;
type300 : type300 addOp type400
| type400 ;
type400 : type400 multOp type500
| type500 ;
type500 : prefixOp? type ;
type : '(' topType ')'
| tokVar
| tokAtom
| tokAtom '(' ')'
| tokAtom '(' topTypes ')'
| tokAtom ':' tokAtom '(' ')'
| tokAtom ':' tokAtom '(' topTypes ')'
| '[' ']'
| '[' topType ']'
| '[' topType ',' '...' ']'
| '{' '}'
| '{' topTypes '}'
| '#' tokAtom '{' '}'
| '#' tokAtom '{' fieldTypes '}'
| binaryType
| tokInteger
| 'fun' '(' ')'
| 'fun' '(' funType100 ')' ;
funType100 : '(' '...' ')' '->' topType
| funType ;
funType : '(' (topTypes)? ')' '->' topType ;
fieldTypes : fieldType (',' fieldType)* ;
fieldType : tokAtom '::' topType ;
binaryType : '<<' '>>'
| '<<' binBaseType '>>'
| '<<' binUnitType '>>'
| '<<' binBaseType ',' binUnitType '>>'
binBaseType : tokVar ':' type ;
binUnitType : tokVar ':' tokVar '*' type ;
/// Exprs
attrVal : expr
| '(' expr ')'
| expr ',' exprs
| '(' expr ',' exprs ')' ;
function : functionClause (';' functionClause)* ;
functionClause : tokAtom clauseArgs clauseGuard clauseBody ;
clauseArgs : argumentList ;
clauseGuard : ('when' guard)? ;
clauseBody : '->' exprs ;
expr : 'catch' expr
| expr100 ;
expr100 : expr150 (('=' | '!') expr150)* ;
expr150 : expr160 ('orelse' expr160)* ;
expr160 : expr200 ('andalso' expr200)* ;
expr200 : expr300 (compOp expr300)? ;
expr300 : expr400 (listOp expr400)* ;
expr400 : expr500 (addOp expr500)* ;
expr500 : expr600 (multOp expr600)* ;
expr600 : prefixOp? expr700 ;
expr700 : functionCall
| recordExpr
| expr800 ;
expr800 : exprMax (':' exprMax)? ;
exprMax : tokVar
| atomic
| list
| binary
| listComprehension
| binaryComprehension
| tuple
// | struct
| '(' expr ')'
| 'begin' exprs 'end'
| ifExpr
| caseExpr
| receiveExpr
| funExpr
| tryExpr
list : '[' ']'
| '[' expr tail
tail : ']'
| '|' expr ']'
| ',' expr tail
binary : '<<' '>>'
| '<<' binElements '>>' ;
binElements : binElement (',' binElement)* ;
binElement : bitExpr optBitSizeExpr optBitTypeList ;
bitExpr : prefixOp? exprMax ;
optBitSizeExpr : (':' bitSizeExpr)? ;
optBitTypeList : ('/' bitTypeList)? ;
bitTypeList : bitType ('-' bitType)* ;
bitType : tokAtom (':' tokInteger)? ;
bitSizeExpr : exprMax ;
listComprehension : '[' expr '||' lcExprs ']' ;
binaryComprehension : '<<' binary '||' lcExprs '>>' ;
lcExprs : lcExpr (',' lcExpr)* ;
lcExpr : expr
| expr '<-' expr
| binary '<=' expr
tuple : '{' exprs? '}' ;
/* struct : tokAtom tuple ; */
/* N.B. This is called from expr700.
N.B. Field names are returned as the complete object, even if they are
always atoms for the moment, this might change in the future. */
recordExpr : exprMax? '#' tokAtom ('.' tokAtom | recordTuple)
| recordExpr '#' tokAtom ('.' tokAtom | recordTuple)
recordTuple : '{' recordFields? '}' ;
recordFields : recordField (',' recordField)* ;
recordField : (tokVar | tokAtom) '=' expr ;
/* N.B. This is called from expr700. */
functionCall : expr800 argumentList ;
ifExpr : 'if' ifClauses 'end' ;
ifClauses : ifClause (';' ifClause)* ;
ifClause : guard clauseBody ;
caseExpr : 'case' expr 'of' crClauses 'end' ;
crClauses : crClause (';' crClause)* ;
crClause : expr clauseGuard clauseBody ;
receiveExpr : 'receive' crClauses 'end'
| 'receive' 'after' expr clauseBody 'end'
| 'receive' crClauses 'after' expr clauseBody 'end'
funExpr : 'fun' tokAtom '/' tokInteger
| 'fun' atomOrVar ':' atomOrVar '/' integerOrVar
| 'fun' funClauses 'end'
atomOrVar : tokAtom | tokVar ;
integerOrVar : tokInteger | tokVar ;
funClauses : funClause (';' funClause)* ;
funClause : argumentList clauseGuard clauseBody ;
tryExpr : 'try' exprs ('of' crClauses)? tryCatch ;
tryCatch : 'catch' tryClauses 'end'
| 'catch' tryClauses 'after' exprs 'end'
| 'after' exprs 'end' ;
tryClauses : tryClause (';' tryClause)* ;
tryClause : (atomOrVar ':')? expr clauseGuard clauseBody ;
argumentList : '(' exprs? ')' ;
exprs : expr (',' expr)* ;
guard : exprs (';' exprs)* ;
atomic : tokChar
| tokInteger
| tokFloat
| tokAtom
| (tokString)+
prefixOp : '+'
| '-'
| 'bnot'
| 'not'
multOp : '/'
| '*'
| 'div'
| 'rem'
| 'band'
| 'and'
addOp : '+'
| '-'
| 'bor'
| 'bxor'
| 'bsl'
| 'bsr'
| 'or'
| 'xor'
listOp : '++'
| '--'
compOp : '=='
| '/='
| '=<'
| '<'
| '>='
| '>'
| '=:='
| '=/='
ruleClauses : ruleClause (';' ruleClause)* ;
ruleClause : tokAtom clauseArgs clauseGuard ruleBody ;
ruleBody : ':-' lcExprs ;

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