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This directory contains benchmarks written in Python 3. We now describe how the benchmarks work.


Consider the unreplicated state machine protocol in shared/src/main/scala/frankenpaxos/unreplicated. We have a single unreplicated server that manages a state machine, and we have any number of clients. A client can send a state machine command to the server, and when the server receives the command, the state machine executes the command, and the server returns the result of executing the command back to the client.

A javascript visualization of this protocol can be found here. In this example, the state machine is an array of strings. Clients send strings to the server, and the server appends the strings.

Imagine we want to deploy this protocol on EC2 with the server on one machine and every client on its own machine. We could deploy the protocol by hand, ssh'ing into each machine and manually running all the executables making sure to pass in all the right command line flags and whatnot. This is super tedious and super error-prone. Instead, we have a python script do all the heavy lifting for us. We pass the python script a list of the IP addresses of our EC2 machines, the JAR file we want to execute, and a couple other flags, and the script takes care of ssh'ing in to every machine and running the right commands. That looks something like this:            
+--------+       SSH         +--------+
| python | ----------------> | server |
| script |                   |        |
+--------+                   +--------+
           \    \    \
            \ +--------+   \ +--------+   \ +--------+
             \| client |    \| client |    \| client |
              |        |     |        |     |        |
              +--------+     +--------+     +--------+

Here, we have five machines with the fictional IP addresses,, ..., We run the Python script on, and the script ssh's into the other machines to launch the server and three clients. The protocol then runs for some time, with clients and servers communicating with one another over TCP or UDP or whatever it is they use to communicate with one another. That looks something like this:            
+--------+                   +--------+
| python |                   | server |
| script |                   |        |
+--------+                   +--------+
                    ___________/ | \___________
                   /             |             \
              +--------+     +--------+     +--------+
              | client |     | client |     | client |
              |        |     |        |     |        |
              +--------+     +--------+     +--------+

When we run benchmarks, we assume that every node (e.g., the server and every client in this example) has access to a shared file system. If we run a benchmark locally on our laptop (i.e. we run every node on our laptop using localhost), then this shared file system is just our laptop's file system. When we run a benchmark across multiple machines on EC2, we use EFS as the shared file system. That is, every machine mounts a shared EFS file system.

As the clients and server run, they record information about the execution of the benchmark in a directory in the shared file system (more on this later). Later, we can read the data, analyze it, plot it, etc.

A Minimal Working Example

We can run this exact scenario for real on our local machine. Make sure you've run frankenpaxosJVM/assembly in sbt and then run the following from the frankenpaxos directory where ~/.ssh/id_rsa is the private SSH key you can use to run ssh localhost:

python -m benchmarks.unreplicated.smoke \
    -s /tmp \
    -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa \
    --cluster benchmarks/unreplicated/local_cluster.json

If everything runs correctly, you should see some output that looks something like this:

Running suite in /tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke
[001/003; 33.33%] 0:00:08 / 0:00:08 + 0:00:16? {'num_client_procs': 1, 'num_clients_per_proc': 1, 'latency.median_ms': '0.103715', 'start_throughput_1s.p90': '16212.0'}
[002/003; 66.67%] 0:00:08 / 0:00:16 + 0:00:08? {'num_client_procs': 2, 'num_clients_per_proc': 1, 'latency.median_ms': '0.143476', 'start_throughput_1s.p90': '11784.0'}
[003/003; 100.0%] 0:00:10 / 0:00:26 + 0:00:00? {'num_client_procs': 3, 'num_clients_per_proc': 1, 'latency.median_ms': '0.52744', 'start_throughput_1s.p90': '3127.6'}

Let's dissect what's happening. benchmarks/unreplicated/ contains code that specifies how to ssh into a cluster of machines to run the unreplicated server and clients. There's nothing magic about the script; it literally just has the command you would have to run in a shell to run the server and the clients, and has some code to run these commands over ssh. In general, every protocol has a file like this (e.g., benchmarks/multipaxos/, benchmarks/epaxos/, etc.)

Note though that is not actually executable. It contains all the code needed to run an experiment, but it doesn't actually run any specific experiment. Instead, we create separate scripts, one per experiment, that use the code to run a specific experiment. benchmarks/unreplicated/, for example, is a smoke test. It's a dirt simple script that just makes sure our code runs at all.

If you peek inside the script, you can see the specific parameters of the experiment:

return [
        workload=workload.StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0),
    for num_client_procs in [1, 2, 3]

Here, our experiment (also called a benchmark suite) has three benchmarks. The first benchmark runs 1 client, the second runs 2 clients, and the third runs 3 clients. All three benchmarks use the 'Noop' state machine, they run for 2 seconds with a 2 second warmup, they use a JVM heap size of 100 MB, etc.

Now, let's look at the arguments we pass to the script.

  • -s tmp specifies that every benchmark in the suite should write to a directory in /tmp. If we were running on EC2, we wouldn't use /tmp. Instead, we'd pass in a mounted EFS file system. We'll discuss exactly what is written into this directory in a moment.

  • -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa is the key we use to SSH. You should be able to run ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa localhost (or ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa $SOME_EC2_PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS) without getting prompted for a password. If that command doesn't run successfully, or it prompts you for a password, the script probably won't run correctly. Remember that the scripts are just running ssh under the hood.

  • --cluster benchmarks/unreplicated/local_cluster.json is a JSON file specifying the IP addresses of the machines on which we run the benchmark suite. It looks like this.

        "1": {
          "clients": ["localhost"],
          "server": ["localhost"]

    Here, the "1" maps to the IP addresses that we use when f = 1 (recall that we tolerate at most f faults). We specify that the clients and server both use localhost. Note that we can run more than one client, but we only need to specify one IP address for the clients. The scripts are smart enough to handle that (see the scripts for details). If we were running on EC2, we wouldn't use localhost, and we would list multiple IP addresses for the clients.

You can pass the --help flag to the script to see the other flags. Notice, for example, that the script used the default location of the JAR file (i.e. frankenpaxos/jvm/target/scala-2.12/frankenpaxos-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar).

What Data Gets Written (a.k.a. How Do I Debug This Mess?)

Benchmarks write data, logs, and debugging information to the shared file system. We now explore exactly what is written and how to read through things to debug stuff. When we ran the unreplicated smoke test above, the script printed out that it was writing stuff to /tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke. Every benchmark suite writes data to its own directory. The directory names start with the time at which the benchmark started, and they all include a unique string that you can use to cd a little more easily:

$ cd /tmp/*HAOS*
$ ls

Inside the suite directory, there are a number of files that contain information about the suite. args.json contains the flags we passed to the script:

$ cat args.json
    "suite_directory": "/tmp",
    "jar": "/home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/benchmarks/../jvm/target/scala-2.12/frankenpaxos-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar",
    "log_level": "debug",
    "profile": false,
    "monitor": false,
    "address": null,
    "cluster": "benchmarks/unreplicated/local_cluster.json",
    "identity_file": "/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa"

inputs.txt contains the input parameters for every benchmark (one line per benchmark).

$ cat inputs.txt
Input(num_client_procs=1, num_warmup_clients_per_proc=1, num_clients_per_proc=1, jvm_heap_size='100m', measurement_group_size=1, warmup_duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), warmup_timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), warmup_sleep=datetime.timedelta(0), duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), client_lag=datetime.timedelta(0), state_machine='Noop', workload=StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0, name='StringWorkload'), profiled=False, monitored=False, prometheus_scrape_interval=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 200000), client_options=ClientOptions(), client_log_level='debug', server_options=ServerOptions(flush_every_n=1), server_log_level='debug')
Input(num_client_procs=2, num_warmup_clients_per_proc=1, num_clients_per_proc=1, jvm_heap_size='100m', measurement_group_size=1, warmup_duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), warmup_timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), warmup_sleep=datetime.timedelta(0), duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), client_lag=datetime.timedelta(0), state_machine='Noop', workload=StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0, name='StringWorkload'), profiled=False, monitored=False, prometheus_scrape_interval=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 200000), client_options=ClientOptions(), client_log_level='debug', server_options=ServerOptions(flush_every_n=1), server_log_level='debug')
Input(num_client_procs=3, num_warmup_clients_per_proc=1, num_clients_per_proc=1, jvm_heap_size='100m', measurement_group_size=1, warmup_duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), warmup_timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), warmup_sleep=datetime.timedelta(0), duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), client_lag=datetime.timedelta(0), state_machine='Noop', workload=StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0, name='StringWorkload'), profiled=False, monitored=False, prometheus_scrape_interval=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 200000), client_options=ClientOptions(), client_log_level='debug', server_options=ServerOptions(flush_every_n=1), server_log_level='debug')

results.csv contains the results of every benchmark (one line per benchmark).

$ cat results.txt
Input(num_client_procs=1, num_warmup_clients_per_proc=1, num_clients_per_proc=1, jvm_heap_size='100m', measurement_group_size=1, warmup_duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), warmup_timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), warmup_sleep=datetime.timedelta(0), duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), client_lag=datetime.timedelta(0), state_machine='Noop', workload=StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0, name='StringWorkload'), profiled=False, monitored=False, prometheus_scrape_interval=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 200000), client_options=ClientOptions(), client_log_level='debug', server_options=ServerOptions(flush_every_n=1), server_log_level='debug')
Input(num_client_procs=2, num_warmup_clients_per_proc=1, num_clients_per_proc=1, jvm_heap_size='100m', measurement_group_size=1, warmup_duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), warmup_timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), warmup_sleep=datetime.timedelta(0), duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), client_lag=datetime.timedelta(0), state_machine='Noop', workload=StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0, name='StringWorkload'), profiled=False, monitored=False, prometheus_scrape_interval=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 200000), client_options=ClientOptions(), client_log_level='debug', server_options=ServerOptions(flush_every_n=1), server_log_level='debug')
Input(num_client_procs=3, num_warmup_clients_per_proc=1, num_clients_per_proc=1, jvm_heap_size='100m', measurement_group_size=1, warmup_duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), warmup_timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), warmup_sleep=datetime.timedelta(0), duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), client_lag=datetime.timedelta(0), state_machine='Noop', workload=StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0, name='StringWorkload'), profiled=False, monitored=False, prometheus_scrape_interval=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 200000), client_options=ClientOptions(), client_log_level='debug', server_options=ServerOptions(flush_every_n=1), server_log_level='debug')

start_time.txt and stop_time.txt contain the start and stop time of the suite.

$ cat start_time.txt
2021-04-07 18:41:18.893341
$ cat stop_time.txt
2021-04-07 18:41:45.525412

Finally, we have one directory for every benchmark. We ran three benchmarks (with 1, 2, and 3 clients), so we have three directories: 001/, 002/, and 003/. Let's look inside 001/.

$ cd 001/
$ ls

input.json and input.txt include the parameters of the benchmark. Recall that these were specified in

$ cat input.json
    "num_client_procs": 1,
    "num_warmup_clients_per_proc": 1,
    "num_clients_per_proc": 1,
    "jvm_heap_size": "100m",
    "measurement_group_size": 1,
    "warmup_duration": "0:00:02",
    "warmup_timeout": "0:00:03",
    "warmup_sleep": "0:00:00",
    "duration": "0:00:02",
    "timeout": "0:00:03",
    "client_lag": "0:00:00",
    "state_machine": "Noop",
    "workload": {
        "size_mean": 1,
        "size_std": 0,
        "name": "StringWorkload"
    "profiled": false,
    "monitored": false,
    "prometheus_scrape_interval": "0:00:00.200000",
    "client_options": {},
    "client_log_level": "debug",
    "server_options": {
        "flush_every_n": 1
    "server_log_level": "debug"
$ cat input.txt
Input(num_client_procs=1, num_warmup_clients_per_proc=1, num_clients_per_proc=1, jvm_heap_size='100m', measurement_group_size=1, warmup_duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), warmup_timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), warmup_sleep=datetime.timedelta(0), duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 2), timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3), client_lag=datetime.timedelta(0), state_machine='Noop', workload=StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0, name='StringWorkload'), profiled=False, monitored=False, prometheus_scrape_interval=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 200000), client_options=ClientOptions(), client_log_level='debug', server_options=ServerOptions(flush_every_n=1), server_log_level='debug')

log.txt contains a log of the benchmark execution.

$ cat log.txt
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:19.472150] Servers started.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:19.472220] Client lag ended.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:19.577963] Clients started and running for 0:00:02.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:26.793130] Clients finished and processes terminated.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:26.793205] Reading recorder data from the following CSVs:
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:26.793223] - /tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke/001/client_0_data.csv
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.025315] Recorder data read.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.025360] Setting aggregate recorder data index.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.026534] Aggregate recorder data index set.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.026560] Sorting aggregate recorder data on index.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.026977] Aggregate recorder data sorted on index.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.027000] Removing /tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke/001/client_0_data.csv.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.027241] Individual recorder data removed.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.027549] Dropping prefix of aggregate recorder data.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.030628] Prefix of aggregate recorder data dropped.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.031576] Computing on aggregate recorder data for write.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.033836] - Computing latency.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.040284] - Latency computed.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.040326] - Computing 1 second start throughput.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.045989] - 1 second start throughput computed.
[Wednesday April 07, 18:41:27.046033] Aggregate recorder data for write computed.

For every process, we record the command used to launch the process as well as the standard out, standard error, and return code of the process. In the first benchmark, we run 1 client process and 1 server process. We can inspect the client like this:

$ cat client_0_cmd.txt
echo NCLEJFKCRHRCEOEWTSOSVXDBWAUHHOQYOESIAYAUZFGQIKJEZVXVAZODNESTYQJHVUQDCHZNAAXECPHF; (java -cp /home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/jvm/target/scala-2.12/frankenpaxos-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar frankenpaxos.unreplicated.ClientMain --host --port 10000 --server_host --server_port 10100 --log_level debug --prometheus_host --prometheus_port -1 --measurement_group_size 1 --warmup_duration 2.0s --warmup_timeout 3.0s --warmup_sleep 0.0s --num_warmup_clients 1 --duration 2.0s --timeout 3.0s --num_clients 1 --workload /tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke/001/workload.pbtxt --output_file_prefix /tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke/001/client_0) 2> "/tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke/001/client_0_err.txt" > "/tmp/2021-04-07_18:41:18.893020_HAOSRTGXOI_unreplicated_smoke/001/client_0_out.txt"
$ cat client_0_out.txt
[Apr 07 18:41:20.570000000] [INFO] [Thread 1] Actor frankenpaxos.unreplicated.Client@77f1baf5 registering on address NettyTcpAddress(/
[Apr 07 18:41:20.647000000] [INFO] [Thread 1] Client warmup started.
[Apr 07 18:41:20.654000000] [DEBUG] [Thread 10] No channel was found between NettyTcpAddress(/ and NettyTcpAddress(/, so we are creating one.
[Apr 07 18:41:20.696000000] [DEBUG] [Thread 10] Attempted to send a message from NettyTcpAddress(/ to NettyTcpAddress(/, but a channel is currently pending. The message is being buffered for later.
[Apr 07 18:41:20.698000000] [INFO] [Thread 10] Client socket on address / (a.k.a. NettyTcpAddress(/ established connection with /
[Apr 07 18:41:20.698000000] [DEBUG] [Thread 10] A channel between local address NettyTcpAddress(/ and remote address NettyTcpAddress(/ is being registered, and a set of 2 pending messages was found. We are sending the pending messages along the channel.
[Apr 07 18:41:22.646000000] [INFO] [Thread 1] Client warmup finished successfully.
[Apr 07 18:41:22.655000000] [INFO] [Thread 1] Clients started.
[Apr 07 18:41:24.655000000] [INFO] [Thread 1] Clients finished successfully.
[Apr 07 18:41:24.656000000] [INFO] [Thread 1] Shutting down transport.
[Apr 07 18:41:24.656000000] [INFO] [Thread 1] Transport shut down.
[Apr 07 18:41:24.659000000] [DEBUG] [Thread 10] Successfully unregistered channel between local address NettyTcpAddress(/ and remote address NettyTcpAddress(/
$ cat client_0_err.txt
$ cat client_0_returncode.txt

If you run a script, and it crashes, this is the best place to look to figure out what went wrong. Did the process launch at all? If not, can you copy and paste the command into a terminal and run it successfully? If it did launch successfully, what errors did it print? What was its return code? How far did it get in its execution?

Let's walk through an example. Let's say we modify to include the following:

def inputs(self) -> Collection[Input]:
    return [
            workload=workload.StringWorkload(size_mean=1, size_std=0),

        for num_client_procs in [1, 2, 3]

When we run the script, it crashes with the following error:

/home/vagrant/install/anaconda3/envs/frankenpaxos/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.25.1) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a
supported version!
Running suite in /tmp/2021-04-07_19:22:38.030051_SCPYVKZCRO_unreplicated_smoke.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vagrant/install/anaconda3/envs/frankenpaxos/lib/python3.6/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "/home/vagrant/install/anaconda3/envs/frankenpaxos/lib/python3.6/", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/benchmarks/unreplicated/", line 53, in <module>
  File "/home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/benchmarks/unreplicated/", line 49, in main
  File "/home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/benchmarks/", line 268, in run_suite
    output = self.run_benchmark(bench, args, input)
  File "/home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/benchmarks/unreplicated/", line 273, in run_benchmark
  File "/home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/benchmarks/", line 431, in parse_labeled_recorder_data
    df = _wrangle_recorder_data(bench, filenames, drop_prefix, save_data)
  File "/home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/benchmarks/", line 397, in _wrangle_recorder_data
    start_time = df.index[0]
  File "/home/vagrant/install/anaconda3/envs/frankenpaxos/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 3958, in __getitem__
    return getitem(key)
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

What in the world does this mean? Let's take a look at the suite directory.

$ cd /tmp/*SCPYV*
$ cd 001
$ cat server_err.txt
Invalid initial heap size: -Xms100f
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

The server's standard error reports that we passed in an invalid heap size. We can check the command that got run to confirm.

$ cat server_cmd.txt
echo JKLRZCAJCZOQGMWGLXJUDDEHBYXUGTKNZLOXEDOLORRAKMWEFLXLSPCDDNLGFIBIYXKIVPYNGRMVYOZL; (java -Xms100f -Xmx100f -cp /home/vagrant/frankenpaxos/jvm/target/scala-2.12/frankenpaxos-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar frankenpaxos.unreplicated.ServerMain --host --port 10100 --log_level debug --state_machine Noop --prometheus_host --prometheus_port -1 --options.flushEveryN 1) 2> "/tmp/2021-04-07_19:22:38.030051_SCPYVKZCRO_unreplicated_smoke/001/server_err.txt" > "/tmp/2021-04-07_19:22:38.030051_SCPYVKZCRO_unreplicated_smoke/001/server_out.txt"

Yup, we passed in -Xmx100f which is not a valid heap size. It should have been 100m. If we fix this in and run it again, things work fine.

For more information on running and plotting specific benchmarks, refer to the READMEs in the subdirectories of benchmarks/. For example, benchmarks/vldb20_matchmaker/ has information on how to run and plot Matchmaker Paxos benchmarks.

Getting Started

The benchmarks use Prometheus to monitor code and Grafana to analyze monitoring information. You might want to install these, but if you don't want to perform any monitoring, then you don't need to.

We highly recommend that you run the benchmarks from within a fresh conda environment or virtualenv or something similar. For example:

conda create --name frankenpaxos python=3.6
source activate frankenpaxos
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r benchmarks/requirements.txt

Running on EC2

To debug benchmarks and make sure that they run correctly, we recommend that you run benchmarks locally, but to get accurate performance numbers, we recommend you run them on multiple machines. Here, we describe how to run the benchmarks on EC2.

Step 1: Launch EC2 Machines. We recommend you launch m5.xlarge machines with Ubuntu 18.04, which have 4 vcpus and 16 GB of memory. The benchmarks may work on smaller instances, but we have not tested that. Make sure to configure security groups so that the machines can communicate with each other. Launch all the machines in the same region and same availability zone.

How many machines should you launch? That depends on the benchmark you're running. For example, if we read benchmarks/matchmakermultipaxos/, we see the benchmark needs 4 client machines, 2 leader machines, 3 matchmaker machines, 2 reconfigurer machines, 6 acceptor machines, 3 replica machines, 1 driver machine, and 1 machine for running the script.

Step 2: Create an EFS File System. As mentioned above, the benchmarks assume access to a shared file system. When we run benchmarks on EC2, this shared file system is EFS. Refer to the official documentation on how to create an EFS file system. Make sure to note the region and security groups when creating the EFS instance to make sure that your EC2 machines can mount it successfully. Every EFS instance is associated with a unique file system ID that looks something like fs-0a8f0a8e. Make sure to note this down; we'll need it later.

Step 3: Provision the Machines. Every machine needs to be able to run the JVM executables and mount the EFS file system. You can do this manually, or you can use the provisioning tools provided by EC2 (e.g., see here). We recommend you run something like the following.

# Make sure that everything is up to date and that we have all the basic tools
# we need.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git

# Install Java and Scala. You can do this however you like. We use the
# following scripts, but this is not necessary.
curl -sSf | sh
curl -sSf | sh
echo "source ~/.bash_path" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_path

# Mount the EFS file system. We do this as follows. If this doesn't work for
# you, consult the documentation (e.g.,
# and
git clone [email protected]:aws/efs-utils.git
cd efs-utils
sudo apt-get install binutils nfs-common stunnel4
sudo dpkg -i ./build/amazon-efs-utils*.deb
sudo mkdir /mnt/efs
# Use your EFS file system ID here.
sudo mount -t efs <fs-id> /mnt/efs
# Make sure you can read and write files to the mounted EFS. The default
# permissions of the mounted file system may be overly strict, so you might
# have to chmod things. You should be able to do things like the following:
mkdir /mnt/efs/tmp
touch /mnt/efs/tmp/test.txt
cat /mnt/efs/tmp/test.txt

Step 4: Run the Benchmarks. Choose one of the EC2 machines on which we'll run the benchmark scripts. You'll have to install Python on this machine (see the "Getting Started" section above). Then,

  • Build the code by running frankenpaxosJVM/assembly from within sbt.
  • Create a cluster file with the private IP addresses of your EC2 machines. For example, to create a cluster file for running Matchmaker Paxos, copy the example cluster file benchmarks/matchmakermultipaxos/local_cluster.json, and insert the private (not public) IP addresses of your EC2 machines.
  • Copy over the .pem file that you use to SSH into the EC2 machines. You should be able to run ssh -i <the pem file> <the private IP address of any of the EC2 machines> successfully without getting prompted for a password.

Finally, run a benchmark. That should look something like this:

cp jvm/target/scala-2.12/frankenpaxos-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /mnt/efs/tmp/ && python -m benchmarks.<some_benchmark> -j /mnt/efs/tmp/frankenpaxos-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -s /mnt/efs/tmp/ -m -l info -i <path_to_ssh_key> --cluster <path_to_cluster_file>

Here, we copy the jar file created by frankenpaxosJVM/assembly over to /mnt/efs/tmp so that every machine can access it. We run the benchmark, pointing it at this jar (-j ...) and we tell it to write output to /mnt/efs/tmp (-s ...). We perform monitoring (-m), have a log level of info (-l info), and provide the SSH key and cluster file (-i ... and --cluster ...).


  • Remember that the benchmark scripts launch processes over SSH. When running a benchmark on a single machine, it's possible that the script attempts to make too many SSH connections too quickly. In this case, the SSH connections may be rejected by your OS. You can fix this on Ubuntu, for example, by modifying the values of MaxSessions and MaxStartups in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. For example, we have MaxSessions 100 and MaxStartups 100:30:200. You probably want to restart the machines after making these modifications.
  • Because processes are launched over SSH, your local path and the path on the remote machine may not be the same. For example, just because you can run java locally doesn't mean that you can run ssh -i <pem file> java successfully. Make sure your paths are set up properly on all machines.
  • Make sure you have the write permissions to read and write from your EFS file system. If you can't do something like mkdir /mnt/efs/tmp or touch /mnt/efs/tmp/foo.txt, the scripts probably won't work.
  • Make sure you're using private IP addresses in the cluster file, not public.
  • Use bash, not zsh. This is a weird technical detail of how the scripts manage the life cycle of the processes they launch over SSH. I know it's janky.

Analyzing Benchmarks

To dissect the performance of a particular benchmark, we can use Prometheus and Grafana. When you run a benchmark with monitoring enabled (typically by passing the -m flag), Prometheus metrics are recorded into the prometheus_data directory of the benchmark's directory. We run a Prometheus server to serve these metrics and a Grafana server (that reads from the Prometheus server) to graph the metrics.

First, open grafana/dashboards/dashboards.yml, and update the path setting at the bottom of the file. path should be the absolute path of the grafana/dashboards/ directory. Next, head to the directory in which you installed Grafana and start a Grafana server like this:

GF_PATHS_PROVISIONING=path/to/frankenpaxos/grafana \
./bin/grafana-server web

where path/to/frankenpaxos/grafana is the absolute path to the frankenpaxos/grafana directory. The frankenpaxos/grafana directory contains all the configuration files that Grafana needs.

Finally, head to a benchmark directory and start a Prometheus server like this:

prometheus \
    --config.file=<(echo "") \
    --storage.tsdb.path=prometheus_data \

Private Install Instructions

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git tmux vim
# Install dotfiles if wanted.
# Install Java (
# Install Scala (
# Install efs-utils (
git clone [email protected]:aws/efs-utils.git
cd efs-utils
sudo apt-get install binutils nfs-common stunnel4
sudo dpkg -i ./build/amazon-efs-utils*.deb
sudo mkdir /mnt/efs
# Use your EFS file system id here.
sudo mount -t efs <fs-id> /mnt/efs