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EasyQRCodeJS is a flexible QR code generator using JavaScript, supporting various drawing methods (Canvas, SVG, Table) and customization options. It's compatible with major frameworks and can be directly downloaded in the browser.


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EasyQRCodeJS is a feature-rich cross-browser pure JavaScript QRCode generation library. Support Canvas, SVG and Table drawing methods. Support Dot style, Logo, Background image, Colorful, Title etc. settings. Support Angular, Vue.js, React, Next.js framework. Support binary(hex) data mode.(Running with DOM on client side)

EasyQRCodeJS 是一个功能丰富的跨浏览器的纯 JavaScript QRCode 生成库。支持 Canvas, SVG, Table 等绘制方式。支持 JavaScript 模块化加载。支持点状风格,Logo,背景图片,规则色彩控制,标题等设置。支持 Angular, Vue.js, React, Next.js 等框架。支持二进制数据模式。(基于客户端 DOM 运行)

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Project Support
EasyQRCodeJS Running with DOM on CLIENT-SIDE . Browser(IE6+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Android, Windows Mobile, ETC.), Electron, NW.js, ETC.
EasyQRCodeJS-NodeJS Running without DOM on SERVER-SIDE. Save image to file(PNG/JPEG/SVG) or get data url text. NodeJS, Electron, NW.js, ETC.
EasyQRCode-React-Native A QRCode generator for React Native. Generate QRCode image or get base64 data url text.


  • English

    • Cross-browser support for QR code generation based on HTML5 Canvas, SVG and Table

    • Required Patterns that support dot style

    • Support for Quiet Zone settings

    • Support custom Position Pattern inner fill and outer border color

    • Support custom Alignment Pattern inner fill and outer border color

    • Support custom Timing Patterns vertical, horizontal color

    • Support Logo images (including transparent PNG images)

    • Support Background Image

    • Support for title, subtitle settings

    • Has no dependencies

    • Support AMD, CMD, CommonJS/Node.js JavaScript modules

    • Angular, Vue.js, React, Next.js Support

    • Support binary(hex) data mode

    • Support TypeScript

  • 中文

    • 跨浏览器,支持基于 HTML5 Canvas, SVG 和 Table 的二维码生成

    • 支持点形风格的 Required Patterns

    • 支持 Quiet Zone 设置

    • 支持自定义 Position Pattern 内填充和外边框颜色

    • 支持自定义 Alignment Pattern 内填充和外边框颜色

    • 支持自定义 Timing Patterns 垂直,水平颜色

    • 支持 Logo 图片(包括背景透明的 PNG 图片)

    • 支持 Background Image 背景图片

    • 支持标题,副标题设置

    • 不依赖任何第三方

    • 支持 AMD,CMD, CommonJS/Node.js JavaScript 模块加载规范

    • Angular, Vue.js, React, NEXT.js 支持

    • 二进制数据模式支持

    • TypeScript 支持

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Demo preview

Demo preview

QR Code Structure

QR Code Structure



  • Script load

     <script src="<PATH>/easy.qrcode.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
  • AMD load

     	paths: {
     		QRCode: "<PATH>/easy.qrcode.min"
     require(["QRCode"], function(QRCode){
     	// Your code...
  • Node.js load(For Example, Use in Electron)

     const QRCode = require('<PATH>/easyqrcodejs');
     // Your code...

Basic Usages

<div id="qrcode"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
	// Options
	var options = {
		text: ""
	// Create QRCode Object
	new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), options);



var qrcode = new QRCode(DOM_object, options_object);


 var options_object = {
    // ====== Basic
    text: "",
    width: 256,
    height: 256,
    colorDark : "#000000",
    colorLight : "#ffffff",
    correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H, // L, M, Q, H
    // ====== dotScale
    dotScale: 1, // For body block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleTiming: 1, // Dafault for timing block , must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleTiming_H: undefined, // For horizontal timing block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleTiming_V: undefined, // For vertical timing block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleA: 1, // Dafault for alignment block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleAO: undefined, // For alignment outer block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleAI: undefined, // For alignment inner block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    // ====== Quiet Zone
    quietZone: 0,
    quietZoneColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",

    // ====== Logo
    logo:"../demo/logo.png", // Relative address, relative to `easy.qrcode.min.js`
    logoWidth:80, // width. default is automatic width
    logoHeight:80, // height. default is automatic height
    logoBackgroundColor:'#fffff', // Logo backgroud color, Invalid when `logBgTransparent` is true; default is '#ffffff'
    logoBackgroundTransparent:false, // Whether use transparent image, default is false

    // ====== Backgroud Image
    backgroundImage: '', // Background Image
    backgroundImageAlpha: 1, // Background image transparency, value between 0 and 1. default is 1. 
    autoColor: false, // Automatic color adjustment(for data block)
    autoColorDark: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)", // Automatic color: dark CSS color
    autoColorLight: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .7)", // Automatic color: light CSS color
    // ====== Colorful
    // === Posotion Pattern(Eye) Color
    PO: '#e1622f', // Global Posotion Outer color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    PI: '#aa5b71', // Global Posotion Inner color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    PO_TL:'', // Posotion Outer color - Top Left 
    PI_TL:'', // Posotion Inner color - Top Left 
    PO_TR:'', // Posotion Outer color - Top Right 
    PI_TR:'', // Posotion Inner color - Top Right 
    PO_BL:'', // Posotion Outer color - Bottom Left 
    PI_BL:'', // Posotion Inner color - Bottom Left 
    // === Alignment Color
    AO: '', // Alignment Outer. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    AI: '', // Alignment Inner. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    // === Timing Pattern Color
    timing: '#e1622f', // Global Timing color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    timing_H: '', // Horizontal timing color
    timing_V: '', // Vertical timing color
    // ====== Title
    title: 'QR Title', // content 
    titleFont: "bold 18px Arial", //font. default is "bold 16px Arial"
    titleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "#000"
    titleBackgroundColor: "#fff", // background color. default is "#fff"
    titleHeight: 70, // height, including subTitle. default is 0
    titleTop: 25, // draws y coordinates. default is 30
    // ====== SubTitle
    subTitle: 'QR subTitle', // content
    subTitleFont: "14px Arial", // font. default is "14px Arial"
    subTitleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "4F4F4F"
    subTitleTop: 40, // draws y coordinates. default is 0
    // ===== Event Handler
    onRenderingStart: undefined,
    onRenderingEnd: undefined,
    // ===== Versions
    version: 0, // The symbol versions of QR Code range from Version 1 to Version 40. default 0 means automatically choose the closest version based on the text length.
    // ===== Binary(hex) data mode
    binary: false, // Whether it is binary mode, default is text mode. 
    // ===== Tooltip
    tooltip: false, // Whether set the QRCode Text as the title attribute value of the QRCode div
    // ==== CORS
    crossOrigin: null, // String which specifies the CORS setting to use when retrieving the image. null means that the crossOrigin attribute is not set.
    // =====  Drawing method
    drawer: 'canvas' // Which drawing method to use. 'canvas', 'svg'. default is 'canvas'

Option Required Type Defaults Description Compatibility
Basic options --- --- --- --- ---
text Y String '' Text  
width N Number 256 Width  
height N Number 256 Height  
colorDark N String #000000 Dark CSS color, rgba(0,0,0,0)  
colorLight N String #ffffff Light CSS color, rgba(255,255,255,0)  
correctLevel N Enum QRCode.CorrectLevel.H QRCode.CorrectLevel.H
Dot style --- --- --- --- ---
dotScale N Number 1.0 Dot style scale. Ranges: 0-1.0  
dotScaleTiming N Number 1.0 Dot style scale for timing. Ranges: 0-1.0  
dotScaleTiming_V N Number undefined Dot style scale for horizontal timing. Ranges: 0-1.0  
dotScaleTiming_H N Number undefined Dot style scale for vertical timing. Ranges: 0-1.0  
dotScaleA N Number 1.0 Dot style scale for alignment. Ranges: 0-1.0  
dotScaleAO N Number undefined Dot style scale for alignment outer. Ranges: 0-1.0  
dotScaleAI N Number undefined Dot style scale for alignment inner. Ranges: 0-1.0  
Quiet Zone --- --- --- --- ---
quietZoneColor N String rgba(0,0,0,0) Background CSS color to Quiet Zone  
Quiet Zone --- --- --- --- ---
quietZone N Number 0 Quiet Zone size  
quietZoneColor N String rgba(0,0,0,0) Background CSS color to Quiet Zone  
Logo options --- --- --- --- ---
logo N String undefined Logo Image Path or Base64 encoded image. If use relative address, relative to easy.qrcode.min.js  
logoWidth N Number undefined Height  
logoHeight N Number undefined Width  
logoBackgroundTransparent N Boolean false Whether the background transparent image(PNG) shows transparency. When true, logoBackgroundColor is invalid  
logoBackgroundColor N String #ffffff Set Background CSS Color when image background transparent. Valid when logoBackgroundTransparent is false  
Backgroud Image options --- --- --- --- ---
backgroundImage N String undefined Background Image Path or Base64 encoded Image. If use relative address, relative to easy.qrcode.min.js  
backgroundImageAlpha N Number 1.0 Background image transparency. Ranges: 0-1.0  
autoColor N Boolean false Automatic color adjustment(for data block)  
autoColorDark N String rgba(0, 0, 0, .6) Automatic color: dark CSS color  
autoColorLight N String rgba(255, 255, 255, .7) Automatic color: light CSS color  
Posotion Pattern Color options --- --- --- --- ---
PO N String undefined Global Posotion Outer CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark  
PI N String undefined Global Posotion Inner CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark  
PO_TL N String undefined Posotion Outer CSS color - Top Left  
PI_TL N String undefined Posotion Inner CSS color - Top Left  
PO_TR N String undefined Posotion Outer CSS color - Top Right  
PI_TR N String undefined Posotion Inner CSS color - Top Right  
PO_BL N String undefined Posotion Outer CSS color - Bottom Left  
PI_BL N String undefined Posotion Inner CSS color - Bottom Left  
Alignment Color options --- --- --- --- ---
AO N String undefined Alignment Outer CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark  
AI N String undefined Alignment Inner CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark  
Timing Pattern Color options --- --- --- --- ---
timing N String undefined Global Timing CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark  
timing_H N String undefined Horizontal timing CSS color  
timing_V N String undefined Vertical timing CSS color  
Title options --- --- --- --- ---
title N String ''  
titleFont N String bold 16px Arial CSS Font  
titleColor N String #000000 CSS color  
titleBackgroundColor N String #ffffff CSS color  
titleHeight N Number 0 Title Height, Include subTitle  
titleTop N Number 30 draws y coordinates.  
SubTitle options --- --- --- --- ---
subTitle N String ''  
subTitleFont N String 14px Arial CSS Font  
subTitleColor N String #4F4F4F CSS color  
subTitleTop N Number 0 draws y coordinates. default is 0  
Event Handler options --- --- --- --- ---
onRenderingStart(qrCodeOptions) N Function undefined Callback function when the rendering start. can use to hide loading state or handling.  
onRenderingEnd(qrCodeOptions, dataURL) N Function undefined Callback function when the rendering ends. dataURL parameter is the base64 data(canvas drawer) or SVG serialized text(svg drawer) of QRCode image(if not support canvas return null).  
Version options --- --- --- --- ---
version N Number 0 The symbol versions of QR Code range from Version 1 to Version 40. default 0 means automatically choose the closest version based on the text length. Information capacity and versions of QR Codes NOTE: If you set a value less than the minimum version available for text, the minimum version is automatically used.  
Tooltip options --- --- --- --- ---
tooltip N Boolean false Whether set the QRCode Text as the title attribute value of the QRCode div.  
Binary(hex) data model options --- --- --- --- ---
binary N Boolean false Whether it is binary mode, default is text mode.  
CORS options --- --- --- --- ---
crossOrigin N String null String which specifies the CORS setting to use when retrieving the image. null means that the crossOrigin attribute is not set. 'anonymous', null.  
Drawing method options --- --- --- --- ---
drawer N String canvas Which drawing method to use. canvas, svg. Chrome, FF, IE9+.


  • clear()

     qrcode.clear(); // remove the code.
  • makeCode(text)

     qrcode.makeCode(""); // make another code text.
  • resize(width, height)

     qrcode.resize(480, 480); // Resize the image 

Angular Support

  1. Add dependency

    # install with `npm`
    npm install --save easyqrcodejs
    # Alternatively you may use `yarn`:
    yarn add easyqrcodejs
  2. [NAME].component.html

    <!-- DOM Element-->
    <div #qrcode></div>
  3. Activate esModuleInterop in your tsconfig.json

    "esModuleInterop": true,
  4. [NAME].component.ts

    import { Component, AfterViewInit, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
    import QRCode from 'easyqrcodejs';
      selector: 'app-root',
      templateUrl: './app.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
    export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit{
      // Your DOM Element
      @ViewChild('qrcode', {static: false}) qrcode: ElementRef;
        // Options
        var options = {
          text: ""
        // Create new QRCode Object
        new QRCode(this.qrcode.nativeElement, options);
        // ....

Vue.js Support

  1. Add dependency

    # install with `npm`
    npm install --save easyqrcodejs
    # Alternatively you may use `yarn`:
    yarn add easyqrcodejs
  2. Template

    <!-- DOM Element-->
    <div ref="qrcode"></div>
  3. Script

    import * as QRCode from 'easyqrcodejs'   
    export default {
        // Options
        var options = {
          text: ""
        // Create new QRCode Object
        new QRCode(this.$refs.qrcode, options);

React Support

  1. Add dependency

    # install with `npm`
    npm install --save easyqrcodejs
    # Alternatively you may use `yarn`:
    yarn add easyqrcodejs
  2. Script

    • JavaScript

      import React from 'react';
      import './App.css';
      import * as QRCode from 'easyqrcodejs';
      class App extends React.Component {
          constructor(props) {
              this.qrcode = React.createRef();
          componentDidMount() {
              // Options
              var options = {
                  text: ""
              // Create new QRCode Object
              new QRCode( this.qrcode.current, options);
          render() {
              return ( 
              <div className = "App">
                  <div ref={this.qrcode}></div> 
      export default App;
    • TypeScript

      import React, { useEffect } from "react";
      import QRCode from "easyqrcodejs";
      function App() {
        const code = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
        useEffect(() => {
          new QRCode(code.current, { text: "" });
        }, [code]);
        return (
          <div className="App">
            <header className="App-header">
              <div ref={code}></div>
      export default App;

Next.js Support

  1. Add dependency

    Add easy.qrcode.min.js to your static files folder called static(<Next.js 9.1)/public(>=Next.js 9.1) in the root directory.

  2. Script

    import Layout from '../components/Layout';
    // Import Head
    import Head from "next/head";
    class About extends React.Component {
      constructor(props) {
        // QRCode DOM
        this.qrcodeDOM = React.createRef();
        // QRCode
      //QRCode generator
          var options = {
              text: "",
              colorDark : color?color:'#000000'
          this.qrcode=new QRCode(this.qrcodeDOM.current, options);
      // Gerenate QRCode on mount
      componentDidMount() { 
      render() {
        return (
              <p>This is About page</p>
              {/* DOM */}
              <div ref={this.qrcodeDOM}></div>
              {/* Gerenate QRCode on click */}
              <button onClick={this.generate.bind(this, '#ff0000')}>QRCode Generate</button>
              {/* Include EasyQRCodeJS library*/}
               <script type="text/javascript" src="/public/easy.qrcode.min.js"></script>
               <p>This is About page</p>
    export default About;


Q1. Tainted canvases may not be exported.

When use canvas drawer, Canvas toDataURL function does not allow load cross domain image. there are three options to slove this problem:

  • Option 1:

    Configure the crossOrigin attribute(crossorigin) for the image. Make sure that CORS is configured on the Server side.

       // ...
       // String which specifies the CORS setting to use when retrieving the image. null means that the crossOrigin attribute is not set. 'anonymous', null.
       crossOrigin : 'anonymous',
       // ... 
  • Option 2:

    Put your image under the same domain with your page.

  • Option 3:

    Use base64 image.

Browser Compatibility

IE6+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Android, Windows Mobile, ETC.


MIT License


EasyQRCodeJS-Premium is a more powerful and comprehensive business enterprise edition. You can use Canvas to customize any element, Such as Eye frame sharp, Eye ball sharp, QR Body block sharp, etc.

If you need more functions, we can provide you with customized development of API libraries or products. please contact me to buy the business enterprise edition.

EasyQRCodeJS-Premium 是功能更加强大和全面的商业/企业版本。让您可以在 QRCode 中通过 Canvas 自定义任何喜欢的元素,例如 Eye frame sharp, Eye ball sharp, QR Body block sharp 等等。

如果您需要更多功能,我们可以为您提供 API 库或产品的定制开发。请联系我购买商业/企业版本。

Premium demo preview


Email:[email protected]


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