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This document and others linked within it should be your PRIMARY source for understanding the expectations of this course. Be sure to read it carefully. You must contact the instructor for clarification if you receive information from any other source that is in contradiction to what is provided below.

Below are the links to different sections of the syllabus:


  • Instructor: Yekaterina Kharitonova (Prof. K)
  • Contact: Piazza or by email using [CS8] in the subject
  • Lecture 1: Monday and Wednesday, 11am--12:15pm, BUCHN 1930
    • Lab / Discussion Sections: in Phelps 3525 on Tuesdays: 9am, 10am, 11am, noon
    • Exam 1: 01/27, in class;
    • Exam 2: 02/24, in class;
    • Final Exam (see the note below): Room TBA; Thursday, March 19, 2020 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Lecture 2: Tuesday and Thursday, 11am--12:15pm, CHEM 1171
    • Lab / Discussion Sections: in Phelps 3525 on Wednesdays: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
    • Exam 1: 01/28, in class;
    • Exam 2: 02/25, in class;
    • Final Exam (see the note below): Room TBA; Wednesday, March 18, 2020 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Note that the final exam is going to be only 90 minutes long (towards the last half of the allotted time slot listed on GOLD). We will design the exam accordingly and will collect all exams after 90 minutes after the start time listed above. Please provide this information to the DSP office, when scheduling your accommodation.

No reference sheets or notes of any kind, no books, calculators, phones, laptops or other materials or devices will be allowed during the final exam.


The rest of this page details the policies that will be enforced in the Winter 2020 offering of this course. These policies are subject to change throughout the remainder of the course, at the judgement of the course staff (with a potential announcement on Piazza).

Required Resources


You are not alone in this course; the mentors (staff and the instructors) are here to support you as you learn the material. It's expected that some aspects of the course will take time to master, and the best way to master challenging material is to ask questions and practice. Take advantage of the office hours and the open-lab hours and attend them even if you don't have specific questions but feel uncertain about your understanding of the material. Small-group tutoring sessions can be available for students in need -- send a message to the instructor about arranging a session.

Contact us on Piazza!

We will be communicating with you and making announcements through an online question-and-answer platform called Piazza. We ask that when you have a question that might be relevant to other students, post it on Piazza instead of emailing us (if you wish, you can post your question anonymously to your classmates). That way, everyone can benefit from the response. You can also post private messages to instructors on Piazza, which we prefer to email.

Diversity and Inclusiveness

(Inspired by and adopted from Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Hacker Hours).

We (the instructor and the mentors) strive to create an environment in which students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives can be well-served in this course. We'd like for students' learning needs to be addressed both in and out of class, and maintain an environment where the diversity that students bring to this class is viewed as a resource, strength, and benefit. It is our intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender identity, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let us know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally, or for other students or student groups.

We (like many people) are still in the process of learning about diverse perspectives and identities. If something was said in class/section (by anyone) that made you feel uncomfortable, please, don't hesitate to talk to me (the instructor) about it. Help us create a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that supports a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and experiences, and honors your identities (including gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, age, race, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, nationality, culture, or religion (or lack thereof)).

To provide a way for you to communicate your feedback to the instructor, here's a link to an anonymous feedback-submission form: The submitted feedback will go directly to the instructor.

Disabled Students Program (DSP)

UCSB provides academic accommodations to students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are responsible for ensuring that the Disabled Students Program (DSP) is aware of their disabilities and for providing DSP with appropriate documentation. DSP is located at 2120 Student Resource Building and serves as the campus liaison regarding issues and regulations related to students with disabilities. The DSP staff works in an advisory capacity with a variety of campus departments to ensure that equal access is provided to all disabled students. If you have a disability that requires an accommodation in this class, please go see the DSP very early on in the quarter. I will only honor these types of requests for accommodation via the DSP. More information about the DSP is found here:

Managing Stress

Personal concerns such as stress, anxiety, relationships, depression, cultural differences, can interfere with the ability of students to succeed and thrive. In addition to the course staff and resources, you can contact UCSB Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) at 805-893-4411 or visit If you encounter a student in distress, please contact 805-893-3030 immediately and/or consult the Responding to Distressed Student Protocol at or phone 893-3030.

Building Academic Skills

For general academic support, students are encouraged to visit Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS) early and often. CLAS offers instructional groups, drop-in tutoring, writing and ESL services, skills workshops and one-on-one consultations. CLAS is located on the third floor of the Student Resource Building, or visit

Academic Integrity

By submitting your work in this course, whether it is homework, a lab assignment, or a quiz/exam, you agree and acknowledge that the submission is your own work and that you have read the policies regarding Academic Integrity: The Office of Student Conduct has policies, tips, and resources for proper citation use, recognizing actions considered to be cheating or other forms of academic theft, and students' responsibilities, available on their website at: You are required to read the policies and to abide by them.

You are not allowed to look up or use information and solutions from the Internet or from other individuals, except for when it is explicitly allowed by the instructor.

Please complete your own work and keep it to yourself. You should not share your code or answers directly with other students. Doing so doesn't help them; it just sets them up for trouble on exams. All students involved in an incident, regardless if they are copying or sharing their work, are going to be reported to The Office of Student Conduct. If you are not sure about whether some kind of collaboration is permitted or not, it is your responsibility to verify with the instructor and ask questions.

We will be using plagiarism detection services and we will report the violation of academic integrity cases to the Office of Student Conduct. Penalties for cheating are severe — they range from a zero grade for the assignment up to dismissal from the University, for a second offense. If you are caught cheating on an exam, you will receive a failing grade for the course.

Rather than copying someone else's work, ask for help. You are not alone in this course! We are here to help you succeed: read the book, solve practice problems, stop by the office hours and the open lab hours to ask questions, post on Piazza. If you invest the time to learn the material and complete the projects, you won't need to copy any answers.


Your mastery of class material will be assessed in the following ways, and final grades will be computed as follows:

  • 10% Homework Assignments and Participation
  • 30% Labs
  • 30% Exam 1 and 2
  • 30% Final Exam

It is certainly possible for all students to receive high grades in this course if all of you show mastery of the material on exams and complete all assignments.


Weekly homework assignments are a required part of the course. Each student must submit each homework independently unless specified otherwise.

Make a serious attempt at the assignment yourself, and then discuss your doubts with others. In this way you, and they, will get more out of the discussion. Please write up your answers in your own words and don't share your completed work. We take academic integrity seriously and we ask for your cooperation.


Lecture and lab attendance are highly encouraged as they are factored into your final grade in the course. I expect you to come to all classes and labs, since this is an essential part of your education. This is also your time to engage with the material and ask questions. During class, you will work alone and in groups to work through problems and answer questions. On some days, the groups will be asked to turn in their in-class work. If you were absent, you miss the opportunity for the points on that in-class assignment or iclicker questions.

I recognize that some absences (e.g., minor illnesses, mishaps, etc.) are unavoidable. Litigating whether each of these is "excused" or not isn't a good use of anyone's time, so instead we just drop the lowest grades from everyone's homework/in-class assignment grades (drop the lowest homework and two lowest in-class activities). In this way, absences (or failure to turn in homework) does not unduly penalize your grade unless it becomes excessive.

The participation portion of your grade can also include providing good answers on Piazza and engaging with the various activities that the instructor will provide throughout the quarter (e.g., online surveys, quizzes). Disrespectful, unprofessional, and otherwise inappropriate behavior can be grounds for receiving a zero for participation in this course.


Weekly labs are a required part of the course. To receive credit, you must attend lab, work on the lab assignment until you're finished or the lab period is over. Another advantage of attending the lab in person is that you can get help from the TA and tutors that are available to answer questions and provide guidance during the closed labs. Each person must submit each lab independently (unless specified otherwise), and you are welcome to collaborate with other students in your lab room.


Unless you have accommodations as determined by the university and approved by the instructor, you must take the exam at the date and time provided here. Please check your course schedule and make sure that you have no conflicts with the exams. If you have a conflict, please post a private note on Piazza visible to Instructors before the end of the second week of classes.

The swimming/guitar/painting analogy

You cannot learn to swim, play guitar, or paint from a textbook or a lecture. You can only:

  • learn to swim by spending many hours in the pool,
  • learn to play guitar by spending many hours playing the instrument,
  • learn to paint by spending many hours putting brush to canvas.

The same is true of learning about computing and, especially, programming. Programming is not a series of facts to be memorized—you cannot "cram" for an exam. You must practice, practice, practice. Go over the homework, lecture notes and slides, relevant book chapters, and try solving similar practice problems on paper and then verifying your answer on the computer -- if your solution does not work, make sure you figure out why, so that next time you see a similar problem, you'll be able to solve it correctly.

Here are some additional tips on what you can do instead of cramming: Why You Cram for Exams (and How to Stop) and How to Enjoy Studying.

Late Submission

Late submissions of labs will not be accepted under any circumstances. The same goes for homework, unless you have relevant DSP accommodations and you contact us before the assignment is due.

Reminder: If you are registered for another UCSB course that overlaps with this one, you MUST HAVE specific written permission from both instructors, or we are within our rights to give you a failing grade on any work you miss as a result, and will NOT make any accommodations for you. This includes exams.

Excused absence

There is no make-up, except for excused absences that are arranged with and agreed to by the instructor in writing, and in advance, for official UCSB activities.

In rare cases, if there is a properly and officially documented family emergency, documented extended illness, documented required court appearance, or other situation beyond the students' control (with appropriate official detailed documentation) the instructor may extend an assignment deadline, entirely at the instructor's discretion—but this is not a guarantee or a right.

A Parting Thought

We want you to learn and have a great time in the process. Please keep that goal in mind throughout the semester and do not hesitate to reach out if you'd like any help along the way. Welcome to CS 8!

Last major revision: Feb 26, 2020


  • 02/26/2020 added the note about the final exam
  • 01/05/2020 live version of the syllabus