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AutoHotKey v2 class for writing key chords (key sequences, key chains, whatever you wanna call them).

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KeyChord Class for AutoHotkey v2

Table of Contents


KeyChord is a class for AutoHotkey v2 that allows you to create complex key chords (key sequences, key chains, whatever you want to call them). It enables you to bind multiple actions to a series of keystrokes, creating a flexible and customizable hotkey system. KeyChord extends the Map class, and as such all of it's methods and properties are available, and they can be enumerated.

Thank you to Descolada, The __Enum method was really cleared up for me after reading a discord post they made.

Thank you to Nikola for the MouseHook script that helped me understand DllCalls and aided in the creation of the KCInputHook class.


  • Create nested key chord sequences
  • Support for various types of actions (strings, numbers, functions, and nested KeyChords, to name a few)
  • Customizable timeout for key input
  • Mouse Button support (Lbutton, RButton, XButton1, etc...)
  • Conditional actions. Only executed if the attached condition is true.
    • Conditions can be any valid expression that evaluates to true or false.
    • Conditions can not be set on hotkeys that fire a nested KeyChord. This is a known limitation, and I may fix this in the future.
  • Wildcard key matching
    • ? matches any single character producing key, like c, a, or 9. (no Numpad4, PgUp, Delete, etc...)
    • * can be used to match key names and represent multiple valid candidates.
      • F* would match any key F1 to F24.
      • F1* would match any key F1, and F10-F19
      • Num* would match any key that starts with Num (Numpad1, NumLock, NumpadEnd, etc...)
      • *PgUp would match PgUp or NumpadPgUp
    • a-b is the range operator. It matches any key in the ascii range a to b inclusive. a-f, 0-9, etc...
      • This matches based on the numeric character code (Ord), so any ASCII range where Ord(a) <= Ord(b) is valid.
      • :-@ would match any of the following characters: :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @ (ASCII Range 58-64).
      • ASCII Character Table
  • Useful Help window that can be attached to a hotkey.
  • KeyChord class is fully enumerable, returning up to 5 values.
  • KeyChord.Transform(func) function provides a powerful way to modify your KeyChords.


1. KeyChord Class

class KeyChord

  • KeyChord Constructor


    • actions*: A list of KCAction objects to add to the KeyChord, optional
    exampleChord := KeyChord(
        KCAction("^a", Send.Bind("^a"), True, "Select all"),
        KCAction("^c", Send.Bind("^c"), True, "Copy")
    exampleChord := KeyChord({
        Key: "^a",
        Command: () => Send("^a"),
        Condition: True,
        Description: "Select all" },
        Key: "^c",
        Command: Send.Bind("^c"),
        Condition: True,
        Description: "Copy" }
  • KeyChord Properties

    • Native:
      • RemindKeys: Whether to remind the user of the keys in the KeyChord
      • Length: The number of actions in the KeyChord
  • KeyChord Methods

    • Native:

      • AddActions(actions*)

        • Adds one or more KCAction objects to the KeyChord
        • actions*: The KCAction objects to add
        exampleAction := KCAction("^m", Run.Bind("notepad"), () => (A_Hour > 12))
        exampleChord := KeyChord()
      • Set(key, action, condition := True, description := "Description not set.")

        • Sets a key-action pair in the KeyChord
        • key: The key which the user will press to execute action
        • action: The action to execute when the user presses key
        • condition: A condition to evaluate before executing the action, optional
        • description: A description of the action, optional
        exampleChord := KeyChord()
        exampleChord.Set("^s", "Save File", True, "Saves the current file")
      • Get(key)

        • Gets a KCAction from the KeyChord, given a key
        • key: The key to get the action for
        • Returns: KCAction object
        action := exampleChord.Get("^s")
      • Has(key)

        • Checks if the KeyChord contains a key
        • key: The key to check for
        • Returns: Boolean
        if exampleChord.Has("^s")
            MsgBox("Save action exists")
      • Remove(key)

        • Removes an action by key
        • key: The key of the action to remove
      • Clear()

        • Removes all actions from the KeyChord
      • Merge(keychords*)

        • Merges this KeyChord with other KeyChords
        • keychords*: The KeyChords to merge with
        • Returns: This KeyChord with merged actions
        chord1 := KeyChord(KCAction("^a", "Select All"))
        chord2 := KeyChord(KCAction("^c", "Copy"))
        mergedChord := chord1.Merge(chord2)
      • SortByKey()

        • Returns a new KeyChord with actions sorted by key
        • Returns: New KeyChord with sorted actions
        sortedChord := exampleChord.SortByKey()
      • ValidateAll()

        • Validates all actions in the KeyChord
        • Returns: Boolean indicating if all actions are valid
        if exampleChord.ValidateAll()
            MsgBox("All actions are valid")
      • Clone()

        • Creates a deep copy of the KeyChord
        • Returns: New KeyChord with copied actions
        clonedChord := exampleChord.Clone()
      • FindIndexes(comparisonFunc)

        • Finds indexes of actions that match a given comparison function
        • comparisonFunc: A function that takes an action and returns true if it matches the criteria
        • Returns: Array of indexes where matching actions are found
        indexes := exampleChord.FindIndexes((action) => action.Key == "^s")
      • FirstIndexOf(key)

        • Finds the index of the first occurrence of a key
        • key: The key to search for
        • Returns: Integer index of the first occurrence of the key, or 0 if not found
        index := exampleChord.FirstIndexOf("^s")
      • LastIndexOf(key)

        • Finds the index of the last occurrence of a key
        • key: The key to search for
        • Returns: Integer index of the last occurrence of the key, or 0 if not found
        index := exampleChord.LastIndexOf("^s")
      • AllIndexesOf(key)

        • Finds all indexes of a key
        • key: The key to search for
        • Returns: Array of all indexes where the key is found
        indexes := exampleChord.AllIndexesOf("^s")
      • Transform(func, filterMode := false)

        • Transforms the KeyChord by applying a function to each action
        • func: The function to apply to each action
        • filterMode: If true, filters out actions for which func returns false
        • Returns: New KeyChord with transformed actions
        transformedChord := exampleChord.Transform((action) => (action.Description .= " (modified)"))
      • FindTrue(key)

        • Finds actions with true conditions for a given key
        • key: The key to search for
        • Returns: KeyChord with matching actions
        trueActions := exampleChord.FindTrue("^s")
      • FirstTrue(key)

        • Finds the first action with a matching key and true condition
        • key: The key to match
        • Returns: KCAction or undefined if none found
        firstTrueAction := exampleChord.FirstTrue("^s")
      • LastTrue(key)

        • Finds the last action with a matching key and true condition
        • key: The key to match
        • Returns: KCAction or undefined if none found
        lastTrueAction := exampleChord.LastTrue("^s")
      • GetCommandsByType(type)

        • Returns all commands of a specific type
        • type: The type of commands to return
        • Returns: Array of commands of the specified type
        stringCommands := exampleChord.GetCommandsByType("String")
      • ToString(indent := "")

        • Returns a string representation of the KeyChord, including nested KeyChords
        • indent: The indentation string for formatting nested structures
        • Returns: Formatted string representation of the KeyChord
        chordString := exampleChord.ToString()
    • Static:

      • MatchKey(pattern, input)

        • Matches a key pattern against an input
        • pattern: The key pattern to match
        • input: The input to match against
        • Returns: Boolean indicating if the input matches the pattern
        if KeyChord.MatchKey("^p-t", "^s")
            MsgBox("Key matched!")

2. KCAction Class

class KCAction

  • KCAction Constructor

    KCAction(key, command, condition?, description?)

    • key : The key or key combination that triggers the action.
    • command : The command to execute when the action is triggered.
    • condition : (Optional) A condition that must be true for the action to be executed.
    • description : (Optional) A description of the action.
    action := KCAction("a", () => MsgBox("A pressed"), () => true, "Press A to show message")
  • KCAction Properties

    • Key: The key or key combination that triggers the action.

    • Command: The command to execute when the action is triggered.

    • Condition: The condition that must be true for the action to be executed.

    • Description: A description of the action.

    • ReadableKey: A human-readable representation of the key.

      action := KCAction("^a", Run.Bind("notepad"))
      MsgBox(action.Key)  ; Displays "^a"
      MsgBox(action.ReadableKey)  ; Displays "Ctrl+a"
  • KCAction Methods

    • Native:
      • Execute(timeout?, parent_key?)

        • Executes the action.
        • timeout: (Optional) The timeout for execution.
        • parent_key: (Optional) The parent key string.
        action.Execute(5, "Ctrl+a")  ; Executes the action with a 5-second timeout and "Ctrl+a" as the parent key
      • IsTrue()

        • Checks if the condition for the action is true.
        • Returns: Boolean - True if the condition is met, False otherwise.
        if (action.IsTrue())
            MsgBox("Action condition is true")
      • ToString(indent?)

        • Returns a string representation of the action.
        • indent: (Optional) The indentation string for formatting.
        • Returns: String - A formatted string representation of the action.
        MsgBox(action.ToString("  "))  ; Displays the action details with 2-space indentation
      • static EqualsObject(obj)

        • Checks if an object is equivalent to a KCAction.
        • obj: The object to compare.
        • Returns: Boolean - True if the object is equivalent to a KCAction, False otherwise.
        obj := {Key: "a", Command: () => MsgBox("A pressed"), Condition: () => true, Description: "Press A to show message"}
        if (KCAction.EqualsObject(obj))
            MsgBox("Object is equivalent to a KCAction")

3. KCManager Class

class KCManager

  • KCManager Methods

    • Native:

      • TimedToolTip(text, duration?)

        • Displays a timed tooltip
        • text: The text to display
        • duration: The duration to display the tooltip in seconds, optional. Defaults to 3 seconds.
        KCManager.TimedToolTip("Hello, World!", 5)
      • Execute(keychord, mode := 1, timeout := 3, parent_key := A_ThisHotkey)

        • Executes a KeyChord
        • keychord: The KeyChord to execute
        • mode: The execution mode (1: first, 2: last, 3: all), optional
        • timeout: The timeout for execution in seconds, optional
        • parent_key: The parent key string, optional
        • Returns: Boolean indicating if execution was successful
        myKeyChord := KeyChord()
        myKeyChord.Set("a", () => MsgBox("A pressed"))
        result := KCManager.Execute(myKeyChord, 1, 5)
      • GetUserInput(timeout := 0)

        • Gets user input for a KeyChord
        • timeout: The timeout for input in seconds
        • Returns: String representing the user's input
        userInput := KCManager.GetUserInput(5)
        MsgBox("User pressed: " . userInput)
      • Help(keychord, parent_key := A_ThisHotkey)

        • Displays help for a KeyChord
        • keychord: The KeyChord to display help for
        • parent_key: The parent key string, optional
        myKeyChord := KeyChord()
        myKeyChord.Set("a", () => MsgBox("A pressed"), , "Press A for message")
        KCManager.Help(myKeyChord, "Ctrl+")
      • ParseKey(key)

        • Parses a key string into a more readable format
        • key: The key string to parse
        • Returns: String representing the parsed key string
        parsedKey := KCManager.ParseKey("^!a")
        MsgBox("Parsed key: " . parsedKey)  ; Displays "Parsed key: Ctrl+Alt+a"
  • KCManager.BlockingOverlay Subclass

    • Native:

      • Create()

        • Creates or returns the existing BlockingOverlay instance
      • Destroy()

        • Destroys the BlockingOverlay instance