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Supergraph Demo

smoke test Renovate

📣 Apollo Federation 2 is generally available! View the Federation 2 demo!

Moving from dynamic composition to static composition with supergraphs.


See also:


Apollo Federation and Managed Federation have delivered significant improvements over schema stitching and alternate approaches. Static composition introduces another big step forward as we move composition out of the Gateway and into the CI pipeline where federated graph changes can be validated sooner and built into static artifacts that define how a Gateway should route requests across the subgraphs in a federation.

Most contemporary federated GraphQL implementations dynamically compose a list of implementing services (subgraphs) into a GraphQL Gateway at runtime. There is no static artifact that can be versioned, validated, or reasoned about across a fleet of Gateway instances that are common in scale-out federated graph deployments. Gateways often rely on hard-coded behavior for directives like join or accept additional non-GraphQL configuration.

With static composition, you can compose subgraphs into a supergraph at build-time resulting in a static artifact (supergraph schema) that describes the machinery to power a graph router at runtime. The supergraph schema includes directives like join that instruct a graph router how federate multiple subgraphs into a single graph for consumers to use.

Apollo Federation with Supergraphs

See also: New Federation UX - Docs


You'll need:

To install rover:

curl -sSL | sh

Local Development

Local Supergraph Composition

See also: Apollo Federation docs

You can federate multiple subgraphs into a supergraph using:

make demo

which does the following:

# build a supergraph from 3 subgraphs: products, users, inventory
make supergraph

which runs:

rover supergraph compose --config ./supergraph.yaml > supergraph.graphql

and then runs:

docker-compose up -d

Creating apollo-gateway ... done
Creating inventory ... done
Creating users     ... done
Creating products  ... done

Starting Apollo Gateway in local mode ...
Using local: supergraph.graphql
🚀 Graph Router ready at http://localhost:4000/

make demo then issues a curl request to the graph router via:

make query

which issues the following query that fetches across 3 subgraphs:

query Query {
  allProducts {
    createdBy {

with results like:

  data: {
    allProducts: [
        id: "apollo-federation",
        sku: "federation",
        createdBy: {
          email: "[email protected]",
          totalProductsCreated: 1337
        id: "apollo-studio",
        sku: "studio",
          email: "[email protected]",
          totalProductsCreated: 1337

make demo then shuts down the graph router:

docker-compose down

Apollo Sandbox for Local Development

Deploy Graph

make docker-up

Query using Apollo Sandbox

  1. Open http://localhost:4000/
  2. Click Query your server
  3. Run a query:
query Query {
  allProducts {
    createdBy {

View results:

Apollo Sandbox Screenshot


make docker-down

Tracing with Open Telemetry

Deploy Graph with Open Telemetry Collector

make docker-up-otel-collector

Run Queries

make smoke

View Open Telemetry Traces

browse to http://localhost:9411/



make docker-down-otel-collector

Send Open Telemetry Traces to Honeycomb

You can send Open Telemetry from the Gateway to Honeycomb with the following collector-config.yml:

          - http://*
          - https://*

    endpoint: ""
      "x-honeycomb-team": "your-api-key"
      "x-honeycomb-dataset": "your-dataset-name"

      receivers: [otlp]
      exporters: [otlp]


Learn More

Apollo Studio

Composition in Apollo Studio

See also: Apollo Studio docs

Managed Federation in Apollo Studio enables teams to independently publish subgraphs to the Apollo Registry, so they can be automatically composed into a supergraph for apps to use.

Create a Federated Graph in Apollo Studio

To get started with Managed Federation, create your Apollo account:

Then create a Graph of type Deployed with the Federation option.

Once you have created your graph in Apollo Studio, run the following:

make demo-managed

Connect to your Graph in Apollo Studio

which will prompt for your graph key and graph ref and save them to ./graph-api.env:

  • graph key - the graph API key used to authenticate with Apollo Studio.
  • graph ref - a reference to the graph in Apollo's registry the graph router should pull from.
    • in the form <graph-id>@<variant>
    • @<variant> is optional and will default to @current
    • examples: my-graph@dev, my-graph@stage, my-graph@prod
  • see configuration reference for details.

Note: The generated ./graph-api.env holds your APOLLO_KEY and APOLLO_GRAPH_REF.

Publish Subgraph Schemas to the Apollo Registry

make demo-managed will publish the subgraphs/**.graphql schemas to your new Federated graph in the Apollo Registry, which performs managed composition and schema checks, to prevent breaking changes:

make publish

Temporary composition errors may surface as each subgraph is published:

+ rover subgraph publish supergraph-router@dev --routing-url http://products:4000/graphql --schema subgraphs/products/products.graphql --name products

Publishing SDL to supergraph-router:dev (subgraph: products) using credentials from the default profile.

A new subgraph called 'products' for the 'supergraph-router' graph was created.

The gateway for the 'supergraph-router' graph was NOT updated with a new schema

WARN: The following composition errors occurred:
Unknown type "User".
[products] Query -> `Query` is an extension type, but `Query` is not defined in any service

Success! Once all subgraphs are published the supergraph will be updated, for example:

+ rover subgraph publish supergraph-router@dev --routing-url https://users:4000/graphql --schema subgraphs/users/users.graphql --name users

Publishing SDL to supergraph-router:dev (subgraph: users) using credentials from the default profile.

A new subgraph called 'users' for the 'supergraph-router' graph was created

The gateway for the 'supergraph-router' graph was updated with a new schema, composed from the updated 'users' subgraph

Viewing the Federated graph in Apollo Studio we can see the supergraph and the subgraphs it's composed from: Federated Graph in Apollo Studio

Run the Graph Router and Subgraph Containers

The graph router and subgraph services will be started by make demo-managed next.

using docker-compose.managed.yml:

version: '3'
    container_name: apollo-gateway
    build: ./gateway
    env_file: # created with: make graph-api-env
      - graph-api.env
      - "4000:4000"
    container_name: products
    build: ./subgraphs/products
    container_name: inventory
    build: ./subgraphs/inventory
    container_name: users
    build: ./subgraphs/users
make docker-up-managed

which shows:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.managed.yml up -d
Creating network "supergraph-demo_default" with the default driver
Creating apollo-gateway ... done

Starting Apollo Gateway in managed mode ...
Apollo usage reporting starting! See your graph at
🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:4000/

Make a Federated Query

make demo-managed then issues a curl request to the graph router:

make query

which has the same query and response as above.

Clean Up

make demo-managed then shuts down the graph router:

make docker-down

Ship Faster Without Breaking Changes

See also: working with subgraphs docs

Apollo Schema Checks help ensure subgraph changes don't break the federated graph, reducing downtime and enabling teams to ship faster.

The Graph Router will Update In Place

With Managed Federation you can leave the graph router running and it will update automatically when subgraph changes are published and they successfully compose and pass all schema checks in Apollo Studio:

make docker-up-managed
Starting Apollo Gateway in managed mode ...
Apollo usage reporting starting! See your graph at
🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:4000/

Simulating a Change to the Product Subgraph

To simulate a change to the products subgraph, add a Color enum to .subgraphs/products.graphql:

enum Color {

Then publish the changes to the registry:

make publish

Then remove the Color enum from .subgraphs/products.graphql:

enum Color {

Run a Schema Check

Run a schema check against the published version in the registry:

make check-products

This detects the schema changes and compares them against the known graph operations to determine that even though there are schema changes, there is no impact to actual operations so changes can be safely published:

Checked the proposed subgraph against supergraph-demo@current
Compared 3 schema changes against 2 operations
│ Change │          Code           │               Description                │
│ PASS   │ TYPE_REMOVED            │ type `Color`: removed                    │
│ PASS   │ VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM │ enum type `Color`: value `BLUE` removed  │
│ PASS   │ VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM │ enum type `Color`: value `GREEN` removed │

Publish Validated Subgraph Schemas to Apollo Registry

Then publish the changes and check again:

make publish

make check-products

which shows:

Checked the proposed subgraph against supergraph-demo@current
There were no changes detected in the composed schema.


Using rover in a local dev environment helps catch potentially breaking changes sooner. The next section covers how rover can be integrated into your CI/CD environments, and how Managed Federation catches breaking changes before they are delivered to the graph router.

Standard CI/CD

This example repo is a monorepo, but this same basic CI/CD workflow applies for single-repo-per-package scenarios.

Subgraph CI

With this approach, failed schema checks (example) are caught as close to the source of the change as possible, but only fully validated supergraph schemas are published for use.


Breaking changes are sometimes intentional, and to accommodate this, Apollo Studio has the option to mark certain changes as safe in the UI, that provides a check report URL in your CI, so you can easily navigate to Apollo Studio to: review the check, mark things safe and then re-run your pipeline.


Subgraph Deployment

  • Run a deployment workflow like this simple example subgraph-deploy-publish.yml
    • Before subgraph deployment
      • Do a reality check with rover subgraph check
    • Deploy subgraph service
      • Should have the service deployed before publishing the subgraph schema
    • After subgraph deployment
      • Publish the subgraph schema to the registry with rover subgraph publish
      • Managed Federation will run central schema checks and operation check and publish a new supergraph schema for the Gateways in the fleet for each environment

Publishing subgraph schema changes with rover subgraph publish always stores a new subgraph schema version to the Apollo Registry, even if schema checks don’t pass.

Managed Federation ultimately catches all breaking changes prior before a new supergraph schema is published:

  • Runs schema checks after each rover subgraph publish
  • Composes a supergraph schema if all checks pass
  • Makes the supergraph schema available in the:
    • Apollo Uplink - that the Gateway can poll for live updates (default).
    • Apollo Registry - for retrieval via rover supergraph fetch.
    • Apollo Supergraph Build Webhook - for custom integrations

Key benefits to Managed Federation:

  • CI for multiple concurrent rover subgraph publish from multiple service repos
  • Central point of control & governance
  • Globally consistent schema checks and composition
  • Catches breaking changes at supergraph build time before a new supergraph is published, before they're published for Gateways to use.

Gateway CI

The Gateway image and configuration can be managed using standard CI practices.

For example, if using Docker images:

Gateway Deployment

The default configuration for the Gateway is to update in place by pulling new supergraph schema versions as they're published to the Apollo Uplink. Gateways in the fleet poll the Uplink every 10 seconds by default, so there will be a fast rolling upgrade as Gateways check the Uplink, without the need to restart the Gateway.

Update in place is useful for any long-lived Gateway instance where an immediate update of the Gateway instance's supergraph schema is desired.

Update-in-place with Managed Federation is useful for:

  • long-lived VMs
  • Kubernetes Deployments
  • Serverless functions that may be cached outside of operator control.

Configure the Gateways in each fleet dev, staging, prod to:

Custom Gateway Deployments

You can do custom CD with the following hooks and the rover CLI:

See Kubernetes-native GraphOps to learn more about using custom CD with Kubernetes and GitOps.

Deployment Examples

Kubernetes with Supergraph ConfigMap

You'll need the latest versions of:

  • kubectl - with expanded kustomize support for resources
  • kind

then run:

make demo-k8s

which generates a graph router Deployment and supergraph ConfigMap using:

kubectl kustomize k8s/router/base

and then creates:

  • local k8s cluster with the NGINX Ingress Controller
  • graph-router Deployment configured to use a supergraph ConfigMap
  • graph-router Service and Ingress

Gateway Deployment with Supergraph ConfigMap

using k8s/router/base/router.yaml via:

kubectl apply -k k8s/router/base
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: router
  name: router-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: router
        app: router
      - env:
          value: "true"
        image: prasek/supergraph-router:latest
        name: router
        - containerPort: 4000
        - mountPath: /etc/config
          name: supergraph-volume
      - configMap:
          name: supergraph-c22698b7b9
        name: supergraph-volume
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: supergraph-c22698b7b9
  supergraph.graphql: |
      @core(feature: ""),
      @core(feature: "")
      query: Query


    enum join__Graph {
      INVENTORY @join__graph(name: "inventory" url: "http://inventory:4000/graphql")
      PRODUCTS @join__graph(name: "products" url: "http://products:4000/graphql")
      USERS @join__graph(name: "users" url: "https://users:4000/graphql")

    type Product
      @join__owner(graph: PRODUCTS)
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "id")
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "sku package")
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "sku variation{id}")
      @join__type(graph: INVENTORY, key: "id")
      id: ID! @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      sku: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      package: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      variation: ProductVariation @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      dimensions: ProductDimension @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      createdBy: User @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS, provides: "totalProductsCreated")
      delivery(zip: String): DeliveryEstimates @join__field(graph: INVENTORY, requires: "dimensions{size weight}")

    type ProductDimension {
      size: String
      weight: Float

    type ProductVariation {
      id: ID!

    type Query {
      allProducts: [Product] @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      product(id: ID!): Product @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)

    type User
      @join__owner(graph: USERS)
      @join__type(graph: USERS, key: "email")
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "email")
      email: ID! @join__field(graph: USERS)
      name: String @join__field(graph: USERS)
      totalProductsCreated: Int @join__field(graph: USERS)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: router-service
  - port: 4000
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 4000
    app: router
kind: Ingress
  annotations: nginx
  name: router-ingress
  - http:
      - backend:
            name: router-service
              number: 4000
        path: /
        pathType: Prefix

and 3 subgraph services k8s/subgraphs/base/subgraphs.yaml via:

kubectl kustomize k8s/subgraphs/base

Make a GraphQL Query

make demo-k8s then runs the following in a loop until the query succeeds or 2 min timeout:

kubectl get all
make k8s-query

which shows the following:

NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/inventory-65494cbf8f-bhtft           1/1     Running   0          59s
pod/products-6d75ff449c-9sdnd            1/1     Running   0          59s
pod/router-deployment-84cbc9f689-8fcnf   1/1     Running   0          20s
pod/users-d85ccf5d9-cgn4k                1/1     Running   0          59s

NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/inventory        ClusterIP   <none>        4000/TCP   59s
service/kubernetes       ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    96s
service/products         ClusterIP    <none>        4000/TCP   59s
service/router-service   ClusterIP   <none>        4000/TCP   20s
service/users            ClusterIP     <none>        4000/TCP   59s

NAME                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/inventory           1/1     1            1           59s
deployment.apps/products            1/1     1            1           59s
deployment.apps/router-deployment   1/1     1            1           20s
deployment.apps/users               1/1     1            1           59s

NAME                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/inventory-65494cbf8f           1         1         1       59s
replicaset.apps/products-6d75ff449c            1         1         1       59s
replicaset.apps/router-deployment-84cbc9f689   1         1         1       20s
replicaset.apps/users-d85ccf5d9                1         1         1       59s
Smoke test
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{ allProducts { id, sku, createdBy { email, totalProductsCreated } } }" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   352  100   267  100    85   3000    955 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3911
{"data":{"allProducts":[{"id":"apollo-federation","sku":"federation","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}},{"id":"apollo-studio","sku":"studio","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}}]}}


make demo-k8s then cleans up:

deployment.apps "graph-router" deleted
service "graphql-service" deleted "graphql-ingress" deleted
Deleting cluster "kind" ...


See serverless.yml

make demo-serverless

which does the following:

rover supergraph compose --config serverless/supergraph.yaml > serverless/supergraph.graphql
docker-compose -f docker-compose.serverless.yml up -d
Creating network "supergraph-demo_default" with the default driver
Creating serverless ... done
docker-compose -f docker-compose.serverless.yml logs
Attaching to serverless
serverless    | Serverless: Running "serverless" installed locally (in service node_modules)
serverless    | offline: Starting Offline: dev/us-east-1.
serverless    | offline: Offline [http for lambda] listening on
serverless    | offline: Function names exposed for local invocation by aws-sdk:
serverless    |            * router: supergraph-serverless-dev-router
serverless    |            * inventory: supergraph-serverless-dev-inventory
serverless    |            * products: supergraph-serverless-dev-products
serverless    |            * users: supergraph-serverless-dev-users
serverless    |
serverless    |  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
serverless    |  │                                                                           │
serverless    |  │   ANY |                                              │
serverless    |  │   POST |      │
serverless    |  │   ANY |                                     │
serverless    |  │   POST |   │
serverless    |  │   ANY |                                      │
serverless    |  │   POST |    │
serverless    |  │   ANY |                                         │
serverless    |  │   POST |       │
serverless    |  │                                                                           │
serverless    |  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
serverless    |
serverless    | offline: [HTTP] server ready: 🚀
serverless    | offline:
serverless    | offline: Enter "rp" to replay the last request
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{id,sku,createdBy{email,totalProductsCreated}}}" }' http://localhost:4000/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   341  100   267  100    74    331     91 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   423

{"data":{"allProducts":[{"id":"apollo-federation","sku":"federation","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}},{"id":"apollo-studio","sku":"studio","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}}]}}
docker-compose -f docker-compose.serverless.yml down
Stopping serverless ... done
Removing serverless ... done
Removing network supergraph-demo_default

Apollo Router

The Apollo Router is our next-generation GraphQL Federation runtime written in Rust, and it is fast.

As a Graph Router, the Apollo Router plays the same role as the Apollo Gateway. The same subgraph schemas and composed supergraph schema can be used in both the Router and the Gateway.

This demo shows using the Apollo Router with a Federation 1 supergraph schema, composed using the Fed 1 rover supergraph compose command. To see the Router working with Federation 2 composition, checkout the Apollo Router section of apollographql/supergraph-demo-fed2.

Early benchmarks show that the Router adds less than 10ms of latency to each operation, and it can process 8x the load of the JavaScript Apollo Gateway.

To get started with the Router:

make demo-local-router

this uses a simple docker-compose.router.yml file:

version: '3'
    container_name: apollo-router
    build: ./router
      - ./supergraph.graphql:/etc/config/supergraph.graphql
      - ./router/configuration.yaml:/etc/config/configuration.yaml
      - "4000:4000"
    container_name: products
    build: ./subgraphs/products
    container_name: inventory
    build: ./subgraphs/inventory
    container_name: users
    build: ./subgraphs/users

which uses the following Dockerfile

from ubuntu

WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    libssl-dev \
    curl \

RUN ./

CMD [ "/usr/src/app/" ]

see ./router for more details.

Learn More

Apollo tools and services help you develop, maintain, operate, and scale your data graph.