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Linguistic and stylistic complexity measures for (literary) texts


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Linguistic and Stylistic Complexity


This project implements various measures that assess the linguistic and stylistic complexity of (literary) texts. All surface-based, sentence-based and dependency-based complexity measures are language independent. Some of the constituency-based measures are also language independent, but most rely on the NEGRA parsing scheme, i.e. can only be applied to German data.


The easiest way to install the toolbox is via pip (pip3 in some distributions):

pip install textcomplexity

Alternatively, you can download and decompress the latest release or clone the git repository:

git clone

In the new directory, run the following command:

python3 install


You can use the script bin/txtcomplexity to compute (a sensible subset of) all implemented complexity measures from the command line. The script currently supports two input formats: The widely used CoNLL-U format (--input-format conllu) and a custom tab-separated input format (--input-format tsv).

The CoNLL-U format consists of ten tab-separated columns that encode, among other things, the dependency structure of the sentence. Missing values can be represented by an underscore (_). Here is an example:

# sent_id = hdt-s469
# text = Netscape hatte den Browser-Markt noch 1994 zu fast 90 Prozent beherrscht .
1	Netscape	Netscape	PROPN	NE	_	11	nsubj	_	_
2	hatte	haben	AUX	VAFIN	_	11	aux	_	_
3	den	den	DET	ART	_	4	det	_	_
4	Browser-Markt	Markt	NOUN	NN	_	11	obj	_	_
5	noch	noch	ADV	ADV	_	6	advmod	_	_
6	1994	1994	NUM	CARD	_	11	obl	_	_
7	zu	zu	ADP	APPR	_	10	case	_	_
8	fast	fast	ADV	ADV	_	9	advmod	_	_
9	90	90	NUM	CARD	_	10	nummod	_	_
10	Prozent Prozent NOUN	NN	_	11	obl	_	_
11	beherrscht	beherrschen	VERB	VVPP	_	0	root	_	_
12	.	.	PUNCT	$.	_	11	punct	_	_

If you want to compute the constituency-based complexity measures, the input should be in a custom tab-separated format with six tab-separated columns and an empty line after each sentence. The six columns are: word index, word, part-of-speech tag, index of dependency head, dependency relation, phrase structure tree. Missing values can be represented by an underscore (_). Here is a short example with two sentences:

1	Das	ART	3	NK	(TOP(S(NP*
2	fremde	ADJA	3	NK	*
3	Schiff	NN	4	SB	*)
4	war	VAFIN	-1	--	*
5	nicht	PTKNEG	6	NG	(AVP*
6	allein	ADV	4	MO	*)
7	.	$.	6	--	*))

1	Sieben	CARD	2	NK	(TOP(S(NP*
2	weitere	ADJA	3	MO	*)
3	begleiteten	VVFIN	-1	--	*
4	es	PPER	3	OA	*
5	.	$.	4	--	*))

Without any further options, the script computes a sensible subset of all applicable measures (see below):

txtcomplexity --input-format conllu <file>

If you want to compute all applicable measures (including measures that are perfectly correlated with other measures), you can use the option --all-measures. You can also request specific subsets of the measures via the --sur, --sent --dep and --const options for surface-based, sentence-based, dependency-based and constituent-based measures. By default, the script formats its output as JSON but you can also request tab-separated values suitable for import in a spreadsheet (--output-format tsv). More detailed usage information is available via:

txtcomplexity -h

Utility scripts: From raw text to CONLL-U

Getting the input format right can sometimes be a bit tricky. Therefore, we provide simple wrapper scripts around two state-of-the-art NLP pipelines, stanza and spaCy. You can find the scripts in the utils/ subdirectory of this repository.


First, you need to install stanza:

pip install stanza

Now you can use the wrapper script to parse your text files: --language <language> --output-dir <directory> <file> …


First, you need to install spaCy:

pip install -U spacy spacy-lookups-data

Now you can use the wrapper script to parse your text files: --language <language> --output-dir <directory> <file> …

Complexity measures

Default set of measures

In our article on lexical complexity (currently in preparation) we argue that there are several distinct aspects (or dimensions) of lexical complexity and we propose a single measure for each of the dimensions. Most of them are implemented here.

  • Variability: How large is the vocabulary? Measured via type-token ratio.
  • Evenness: How evenly are the tokens distributed among the different types? Measured via normalized entropy.
  • Rarity: How many rare words are used? Measured with the help of a reference frequency list.
    • General rarity: Rarity with respect to a representative sample of the language.
    • Genre rarity: Rarity with respect to a specific genre.
  • Dispersion: How evenly are the tokens of a type distributed throughout the text? Measured via Gini-based dispersion (without hapax legomena)
  • Lexical density: How many content words are used? Measured with the help of part-of-speech tags.
  • Surprise: How unexpected are word choices in the text? Not implemented here.
  • Disparity: How semantically dissimilar are the words? Not implemented here.

Surface-based complexity measures

Measures that use sample size and vocabulary size

  • Type-token ratio
  • Brunet's (1978) W
  • Carroll's (1964) CTTR
  • Dugast's (1978, 1979) U
  • Dugast's (1979) k
  • Guiraud's (1954) R
  • Herdan's (1960, 1964) C
  • Maas' (1972) a2
  • Summer's S
  • Tuldava's (1977) LN

All of these measures correlate perfectly. Therefore, the default setting is to only compute the type-token ratio. If you want to compute all of these measures, use the option --all-measures.

Measures that use part of the frequency spectrum

  • Honoré's (1979) H
  • Michéa's (1969, 1971) M
  • Sichel's (1975) S

Michéa's M is simply the reciprocal of Sichel's S, therefore we only compute Sichel's S by default. If you want to compute Michéa's M as well, use the option --all-measures.

Measures that use the whole frequency spectrum

  • Entropy (Shannon 1948)
  • Evenness (= normalized entropy)
  • Herdan's (1955) Vm
  • Jarvis' (2013) evenness (standard deviation of tokens per type)
  • McCarthy and Jarvis' (2010) HD-D
  • Simpson's (1949) D
  • Yule's (1944) K

Yule's K, Simpson's D and Herdan's Vm correlate perfectly. Therefore, the default setting is to only compute Simpson's D (which can be interpreted as the probability of two randomly drawn tokens from the text being identical). If you also want to compute Yule's K and Herdan's Vm, use the option --all-measures.

Parameters of probabilistic models

  • Orlov's (1983) Z

Measures that use the whole text

  • Average token length

  • Covington and McFall's (2010) MATTR

  • Kubát and Milička's (2013) STTR

  • MTLD (McCarthy and Jarvis 2010)

  • Evenness-based dispersion

  • Gini-based dispersion

  • Gries' DP and DPnorm (Gries 2008, Lijffijt and Gries 2012)

  • Kullback-Leibler divergence (Kullback and Leibler 1951)

DP/DPnorm and KL-divergence require an additional parameter (the number of parts in which to split the text), therefore they are not computed in the command-line script.

Sentence-based complexity measures

  • Punctuation per sentence
  • Punctuation per token
  • Sentence length in words and characters

POS-based measures

  • Lexical density (Ure 1971)
  • Rarity (requires a reference frequency list)

Dependency-based measures

  • Average dependency distance (Oya 2011)
  • Closeness centrality
  • Closeness centralization (Freeman 1978)
  • Dependents per token
  • Longest shortest path
  • Outdegree centralization (Freeman 1978)

Constituency-based measures

Language-independent measures:

  • Constituents per sentence
  • Height of the parse trees
  • Non-terminal constituents per sentence

Language-dependent measures (defined for German):

  • Clauses per sentence
  • Complex t-units per sentence
  • Coordinate phrases per sentence
  • Dependent clauses per sentence
  • Noun phrases per sentence
  • Prepositional phrases per sentence
  • Verb phrases per sentence
  • t-units per sentence


Linguistic and stylistic complexity measures for (literary) texts







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