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⛱ Broadly scoped ecosystem & mono-repository of 199 TypeScript projects (and ~180 examples) for general purpose, functional, data driven development


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Mono-repository for TypeScript/ES6 projects, a collection of largely data transformation oriented packages and building blocks for functional programming, reactive applications, dataflow graphs / pipelines, components (not just UI related), all with a keen eye on simplicity & minimalism without sacrificing flexibility.

This project is NOT a framework, provides no one-size-fits-all approach and instead encourages a mix & match philosophy for various key aspects of (web) application design. Most customization points only expect certain interfaces rather than concrete implementations.

All / most packages:

  • have detailed, individual README files w/ small usage examples
  • are versioned independently
  • distributed in ES6 syntax (as CommonJS modules) with doc comments (incl. example code snippets), bundled TypeScript typings & changelogs
  • highly modular with largely only a few closely related functions or single function / class per file to help w/ tree shaking
  • provide re-exports of all their publics for full library imports
  • have either none or only internal runtime dependencies
  • have been used in production
  • declare public interfaces, enums & types in an src/api.ts file (larger packages only)
  • auto-generated online documentation at
  • licensed under Apache Software License 2.0

There's a steadily growing number (20+) of standalone examples (different difficulties, many combining functionality from several packages) in the examples directory.


Projects Version Changelog Description version changelog Common types, decorators, mixins version changelog Alt Set & Map implementations version changelog Immutable value wrappers, views, history version changelog Basic benchmarking helpers version changelog Bitwise input / output streams version changelog In-memory caches / strategies version changelog Type & value checks version changelog Comparator version changelog Channel based async ops version changelog Doubly-linked list version changelog Dynamic multiple dispatch version changelog Dependency graph version changelog Array & object diffing version changelog Graphviz DOM & export version changelog Deep value equivalence checking version changelog Custom error types version changelog Hiccup based VDOM & diffing version changelog hdom based declarative canvas drawing version changelog hdom based UI components version changelog Binary & d-ary heap impls version changelog S-expression based HTML/XML serialization version changelog CSS from nested JS data structures version changelog hiccup based SVG vocab version changelog IGES format geometry serialization version changelog Composable event handlers & processor version changelog ES6 generators / iterators version changelog Function memoization w/ customizable caching version changelog Immutable nested object accessors version changelog stack-based DSL & functional composition version changelog Forth-like syntax layer for version changelog Binary data Range encoder / decoder version changelog Run-length encoding data compression version changelog DAG computations & value resolution version changelog Customizable browser & non-browser router version changelog Push-based, reactive event stream primitves version changelog Adapter bridge CSP -> rstream version changelog Graphviz visualization of rstream topologies version changelog Mouse & touch event stream abstraction version changelog Declarative dataflow graph construction version changelog Hierarchical structured data logging version changelog Triple store & query engine version changelog SAX-like XML parser / transducer version changelog Higher-order string formatting utils version changelog Composable data transformations version changelog Finite State Machine version changelog Transducer based hdom UI updates version changelog Technical / statistical analysis version changelog Wrapper for C-like structs / unions version changelog Memory-mapped vector & matrix operations


git clone
cd umbrella
yarn build

Building example projects

The below yarn examples command assumes you have the parcel bundler & terser minifier globally installed, if not then please first run:

yarn global add parcel-bundler terser
# build all examples (from project root)
yarn examples

# build a single example (production mode)
scripts/build-examples example-name

# in example dir
yarn build


(TODO most but not all packages have tests)

yarn test

# or individually
lerna run test --scope


The resulting reports will be saved under /packages/*/coverage/lcov-report/.

yarn cover


Autogenerated documentation (using TypeDoc) will be saved under /packages/*/doc/ and is also available at

yarn doc