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Date/timestamp iterators, composable formatters, relative date parsing, rounding.


ALPHA - bleeding edge / work-in-progress

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Generated API docs

TODO - Please see tests and doc strings in source for now...

DateTime & iterators

The DateTime class acts as a thin wrapper around UTC epochs/timestamps, with the constructor supporting coercions and varying granularity/precision (from years to milliseconds). The main use case of this class is as backend for the various epoch iterators provided by this package, which in turn are largely intended for visualization purposes (axis tick label generators in

// create w/ current date (or pass epoch, Date or DateTime instances)
const a = dateTime();
// DateTime { y: 2020, M: 8, d: 19, h: 12, m: 17, s: 16, t: 884 }

// provide additional precision (here year only)
const b = dateTime(a, "y");
// DateTime { y: 2020, M: 0, d: 1, h: 0, m: 0, s: 0, t: 0 }

// Sat Sep 19 2020 12:17:16 GMT'
// '2020-09-19T12:17:16.884Z'

// 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

// true

// 30

[...months(b, a)]
// [
//   1577836800000,
//   1580515200000,
//   1583020800000,
//   1585699200000,
//   1588291200000,
//   1590969600000,
//   1593561600000,
//   1596240000000,
//   1598918400000
// ]

[...months(b, a)].map((x) => FMT_yyyyMMdd(x))
// [
//   '2020-01-01',
//   '2020-02-01',
//   '2020-03-01',
//   '2020-04-01',
//   '2020-05-01',
//   '2020-06-01',
//   '2020-07-01',
//   '2020-08-01',
//   '2020-09-01'
// ]

Relative dates

Relative dates can be obtained via parseRelatie() or relative().

const now = dateTime();
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 21, h: 14, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }

// see the linked documentation for all supported formats
parseRelative("2 weeks ago", now);
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 7, h: 14, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }

parseRelative("an hour", now);
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 21, h: 15, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }

parseRelative("tomorrow", now);
// DateTime { y: 2021, M: 2, d: 22, h: 14, m: 26, s: 0, t: 661 }


Custom date/time formatters can be assembled via defFormat(), using the following partial format identifiers. The MMM and E formatters use the currently active locale. To escape a formatter and use as a string literal, prefix the term with \\.

ID Description
yyyy Full year (4 digits)
yy Short year (2 digits)
MMM Month name in current locale (e.g. Feb)
MM Zero-padded 2-digit month
M Unpadded month
dd Zero-padded 2-digit day of month
d Unpadded day of month
E Weekday name in current locale (e.g. Mon)
HH Zero-padded 2-digit hour of day (0-23)
h Unpadded hour of day (1-12)
mm Zero-padded 2-digit minute of hour
m Unpadded minute of hour
ss Zero-padded 2-digit second of minute
s Unpadded second of minute
S Unpadded millisecond of second
A 12-hour AM/PM marker
Z Timezone offset in signed HH:mm format
ZZ Same as Z, but special handling for UTC

(Format IDs somewhat based on Java's SimpleDateFormat)

The following preset formatters are available:

  • FMT_ISO_SHORT - "2020-09-13T21:42:07Z"
  • FMT_yyyyMMdd - "2020-09-13"
  • FMT_Mdyyyy - "9/13/2020"
  • FMT_MMMdyyyy - "Sep 13 2020"
  • FMT_dMyyyy - "13/9/2020"
  • FMT_dMMMyyyy - "13 Sep 2020"
  • FMT_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss - 20200913-214207
  • FMT_HHmm - "21:42"
  • FMT_hm - "9:42 PM"
  • FMT_HHmmss - "21:42:07"
  • FMT_hms - "9:42:07 PM"


For timebased media applications, the higher-order defTimecode() can be used to create a formatter for a given FPS (frames / second, in [1..1000] range), e.g. HH:mm:ss:ff. The returned function takes a single arg (time in milliseconds) and returns formatted string.

The timecode considers days too, but only includes them in the result if the day part is non-zero. The 4 separators between each field can be customized via 2nd arg (default: all :).

a = defTimecode(30);
a(1*HOUR + 2*MINUTE + 3*SECOND + 4*1000/30)
// "01:02:03:04"

// "01:00:00:00:00"

b = defTimecode(30, ["d ", "h ", "' ", '" ']);
b(Day + HOUR + 2*MINUTE + 3*SECOND + 999)
// "01d 01h 02' 03" 29"


The MMM (month) and E (weekday) formatters make use of the strings provided by the current LOCALE (default: EN_SHORT) and can be set/changed via the setLocale() function:

const fmt = defFormat(["E", " ", "d", " ", "MMM", " ", "yyyy"]);

setLocale(EN_SHORT); // default
// {
//   months: [
//     'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
//     'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
//   ],
//   days: [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ]
// }

// Sat 19 Sep 2020

// {
//   months: [
//     'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
//     'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
//   ],
//   days: [
//     'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
//   ]
// }

// Saturday 19 September 2020


Karsten Schmidt

If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:

  title = "",
  author = "Karsten Schmidt",
  note = "",
  year = 2020


© 2020 - 2021 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0