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Functional, polymorphic API for 2D geometry types & SVG generation.

This project is a partially ported from the Clojure version of the same name. All polymorphic operations built on

Shape types

The following shape primitives are provided. For many there're multiple ways to create them, please check linked sources and/or docs.

Shape/Form Description Hiccup support
AABB 3D Axis-aligned bounding box (2)
Arc 2D elliptic arc
Circle 2D circle
Cubic nD cubic bezier (1)
Ellipse 2D ellipse
Group group of 2D shapes
Line 2D line segment
Path 2D path
Path (from SVG) 2D path from SVG <path>
Plane 3D plane (2)
Point cloud nD point cloud (1)
Polygon 2D simple polygon (no holes)
Polyline 2D polyline
Quad 2D/3D quad (4-gon) (1)
Quadratic nD quadratic bezier (1)
Ray nD ray (1)
Rectangle 2D rectangle
Sphere 3D sphere (2)
Text Basic stub for text labels (3)
Triangle 2D triangle
  • (1) valid hiccup format, currently only useable/supported if 2D geometry
  • (2) valid hiccup format, currently unused/unsupported elsewhere
  • (3) merely treated as a point in space (e.g. used for placing text labels), no geometry of text itself

Hiccup support

With very few exceptions these all are implementing the IToHiccup interface and so can be easily converted (via hiccup) to a variety of other formats. By design, for better flexibility and performance reasons, the hiccup flavor used by this package is not compatible with that used by, though the latter provides a convertTree() function for that purpose. This is only needed for some cases of dynamic in-browser SVG DOM creation...

SVG support

SVG conversion is included via the asSvg() and svgDoc() functions.

Polymorphic operations

The following operations are provided (many also applicable to shape groups directly and/or perform automatic resampling/conversion if needed).

Operation Description
applyTransforms() applies any spatial transformation attributes
arcLength() compute arc length / perimeter of shape boundary
area() signed/unsigned surface area
asCubic() convert shape boundary to cubic bezier segments
asPath() convert shape to path
asPolygon() convert shape to polygon
asPolyline() convert shape to polyline
asSvg() serialize shape/group/hierarchy to SVG
bounds() compute bounding box
center() center shape around origin or point
centroid() compute shape centroid
classifyPoint() classify point in relation to shape boundary (in/out)
clipConvex() clip shape against convex boundary
closestPoint() compute closest point on shape boundary
convexHull() compute convex hull (2d only)
edges() extract edges
fitIntoBounds() rescale/reposition shapes into a destination boundary
flip() reverse order (vertices or direction)
intersects() pairwise shape intersection (various types)
mapPoint() transform world space point into local shape space
offset() shape/path offsetting
pointAt() compute point on shape boundary at parametric position
pointInside() check if point is inside shape
resample() resample/convert shape
rotate() rotate shape
scale() scale shape (uniformly/non-uniformly)
scatter() create random points inside a shape boundary
simplify() simplify shape/boundary (Douglas-Peucker)
splitArcLength() split shapes & groups based on max. arc length
splitAt() split shape/boundary at parametric position
splitNear() split shape/boundary near world position
subdivCurve() recursively apply curve subdivision kernel
tangentAt() compute tangent at parametric position
tessellate() (recursively) tessellate shape
transformVertices() apply custom function to each vertex
transform() apply transformation matrix
translate() translate shape
union() compute shape union
vertices() extract/sample vertices from shape boundary
volume() compute shape volume (3D only)
warpPoints() transfer points between the local spaces defined by 2 shapes
withAttribs() shallow copy of given shape with new attribs assigned

This package acts as a higher-level frontend for most of the following related packages (which are more low-level, lightweight and usable by themselves too):

Support packages

Related packages


STABLE - used in production

Search or submit any issues for this package


yarn add

ES module import:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Skypack documentation

For Node.js REPL:

const geom = await import("");

Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 12.66 KB


Usage examples

Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.

A selection:

Screenshot Description Live demo Source
Fiber-based cooperative multitasking basics Demo Source
Convex hull & shape clipping of 2D polygons Demo Source
geom-fuzz basic shape & fill examples Demo Source
Animated, recursive polygon tessellations Demo Source
Poisson-disk shape-aware sampling, Voronoi & Minimum Spanning Tree visualization Demo Source
Mouse gesture / stroke analysis, simplification, corner detection Demo Source
2D Bezier curve-guided particle system Demo Source
Animated arcs & drawing using hiccup-canvas Demo Source
Canvas based Immediate Mode GUI components Demo Source
Animated sine plasma effect visualized using contour lines Demo Source
k-means clustering visualization Demo Source
2D Poisson-disc sampler with procedural gradient map Demo Source
Polygon to cubic curve conversion & visualization Demo Source
Minimal rdom-canvas animation Demo Source
Animated Voronoi diagram, cubic splines & SVG download Demo Source
2D scenegraph & shape picking Demo Source
2D scenegraph & image map based geometry manipulation Demo Source
Compute cubic spline position & tangent using Dual Numbers Demo Source
SVG path parsing & dynamic resampling Demo Source
3D wireframe textmode demo Demo Source
Multi-layer vectorization & dithering of bitmap images Demo Source


Generated API docs



If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:

  title = "",
  author = "Karsten Schmidt",
  note = "",
  year = 2013


© 2013 - 2023 Karsten Schmidt // Apache License 2.0