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This project is part of the monorepo and anti-framework.


Basic, but configurable and extensible S-Expression tokenizer, parser, AST builder and runtime / interpreter skeleton for custom, sandboxed DSL implementations.

The following default syntax rules are used:

  • whitespace: space, tab, newline, comma
  • expression delimiters: (, )
  • numbers: any float notation valid in JS, hex ints prefixed w/ 0x
  • string delimiters: "
  • line comments: ;

Everything else is parsed as is, i.e. as symbol.


ALPHA - bleeding edge / work-in-progress

Search or submit any issues for this package

Related packages

  • - Purely functional parser combinators & AST generation for generic inputs


yarn add

ES module import:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Skypack documentation

For Node.js REPL:

const sexpr = await import("");

Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 867 bytes


Usage examples

Several projects in this repo's /examples directory are using this package:

Screenshot Description Live demo Source
Browser REPL for a Lispy S-expression based mini language Demo Source
rstream based spreadsheet w/ S-expression formula DSL Demo Source


Generated API docs

Tokenize only (iterator)

The tokenize function returns an iterator of tokens incl. location details. Any whitespace is skipped and whitespace characters are configurable.

[...tokenize(`(* (+ 3 5) 10)`)];
// [
//   { value: '(', line: 0, col: 0 },
//   { value: '*', line: 0, col: 1 },
//   { value: '(', line: 0, col: 3 },
//   { value: '+', line: 0, col: 4 },
//   { value: '3', line: 0, col: 6 },
//   { value: '5', line: 0, col: 8 },
//   { value: ')', line: 0, col: 9 },
//   { value: '10', line: 0, col: 11 },
//   { value: ')', line: 0, col: 13 }
// ]

AST generation

The parse function takes a source string or iterable of tokens and parses it into an AST.

parse(tokenize(`(* (+ 3 5) 10)`));
// or directly from string
parse(`(* (+ 3 5) 10)`);
  "type": "root",
  "children": [
      "type": "expr",
      "value": "(",
      "children": [
          "type": "sym",
          "value": "*"
          "type": "expr",
          "value": "(",
          "children": [
              "type": "sym",
              "value": "+"
              "type": "num",
              "value": 3
              "type": "num",
              "value": 5
          "type": "num",
          "value": 10


The below code example implements a small Lisp-like language, complete with interpreter and can be used an the basis for an easily extensible (and more optimized) setup. Even this barebones implementation allows for defining of symbols & functions, lexical scoping, FFI via providing externally defined functions via the global environment, variadic math ops...

import type { Fn, Fn2 } from "";
import { DEFAULT, defmulti, type MultiFn2 } from "";
import {
    parse, runtime,
    type ASTNode, type Expression, type Implementations, type Sym
} from "";

// evaluator: parses given source string into an abstract syntax tree (AST) and
// then recursively executes all resulting AST nodes using the
// `interpret()` function defined below. Returns the result of the last node.
const $eval = (src: string, env: any = {}) =>
    parse(src).children.reduce((_, x) => interpret(x, env), <any>undefined);

// build runtime (interpreter) w/ impls for all AST node types. the generics are
// the types of the custom environment and the result type(s) of expressions.
// this is a multiple-dispatch function (see which chooses
// implementations based on the AST node type
const interpret = runtime<Implementations<any, any>, any, any>({
    // for expression nodes (aka function calls) delegate to builtins
    // (implementations are defined further below)
    expr: (x, env) => builtins(x.children, env),

    // lookup symbol's value (via its name) in environment
    sym: (x, env) => env[x.value],

    // strings and numbers evaluate verbatim
    str: (x) => x.value,
    num: (x) => x.value,

// another multiple-dispatch function for DSL builtins. we will call this
// function for each S-expression node and it will delegate to the actual impl
// based on the expression's first item (i.e. a symbol/fn name)
const builtins: MultiFn2<ASTNode[], any, any> = defmulti((x) => x[0].value);

// helper function which interprets all given AST nodes and returns an array of
// their result values
const evalArgs = (nodes: ASTNode[], env: any) => => interpret(a, env));

// helper function for basic math ops variable arity.
// with 2+ args: (+ 1 2 3 4) => 10
// and special cases for 1 arg only, i.e.
// `(+ 2)` => 0 + 2 => 2
// `(- 2)` => 0 - 2 => -2
// `(* 2)` => 1 * 2 => 2
// `(/ 2)` => 1 / 2 => 0.5
const mathOp =
    (fn: Fn2<number, number, number>, fn1: Fn<number, number>) =>
    ([_, ...args]: ASTNode[], env: any) => {
        const first = interpret(args[0], env);
        return args.length > 1
            ? // use a reduction for 2+ args
              evalArgs(args.slice(1), env).reduce((acc, x) => fn(acc, x), first)
            : // apply special case unary function

// implementations of built-in core functions
    "+": mathOp((acc, x) => acc + x, (x) => x),
    "*": mathOp((acc, x) => acc * x, (x) => x),
    "-": mathOp((acc, x) => acc - x, (x) => -x),
    "/": mathOp((acc, x) => acc / x, (x) => 1 / x),

    // count returns the length of first argument (presumably a string)
    // (e.g. `(count "abc")` => 3)
    count: ([_, arg], env) => interpret(arg, env).length,

    // concatenates all args into a space-separated string and prints it
    // returns undefined
    print: ([_, ...args], env) => console.log(evalArgs(args, env).join(" ")),

    // defines as new symbol with given value, stores it in the environment and
    // then returns the value, e.g. `(def magic 42)`
    def: ([_, name, value], env) =>
        (env[(<Sym>name).value] = interpret(value, env)),

    // defines a new function with given name, args and body, stores it in the
    // environment and returns it, e.g. `(defn madd (a b c) (+ (* a b) c))`
    defn: ([_, name, args, ...body], env) => {
        // create new vararg function in env
        return (env[(<Sym>name).value] = (...xs: any[]) => {
            // create new local env with arguments bound to named function args
            // (i.e. simple lexical scoping)
            const $env = (<Expression>args).children.reduce(
                (acc, a, i) => ((acc[(<Sym>a).value] = xs[i]), acc),
                { ...env }
            // execute function body with local env, return result of last expr
            return body.reduce((_, x) => interpret(x, $env), <any>undefined);

    // add default/fallback implementation to allow calling functions defined in
    // the environment (either externally or via `defn`)
    [DEFAULT]: ([x, ...args]: ASTNode[], env: any) => {
        const name = (<Sym>x).value;
        const f = env[name];
        if (!f) throw new Error(`missing impl for: ${name}`);
        return f.apply(null, evalArgs(args, env));

// testing our toy Lisp DSL...

// define symbol and use in another expression
$eval(`(def chars "abc") (print (count chars) "characters")`);
// 3 characters

// define function (multiply-add) and test
$eval(`(defn madd (a b c) (+ (* a b) c)) (print (madd 3 5 (* 5 2)))`);
// 25

// pre-define function via environment, then use in DSL
$eval(`(print (join " | " (+ 1 2) (* 3 4) (- 5 6) (/ 7 8)))`, {
    join: (sep: string, ...xs: any[]) => xs.join(sep),
// 3 | 12 | -1 | 0.875

// testing lexical scoping...
// function `foo` has `a` as local (with precedence over global) binding,
// but function `bar` correctly uses binding of the outer env, even if
// called from `foo`...
(def a 1)
(defn foo (a) (print "foo" a "bar" (bar)))
(defn bar () (+ a 1))

(print "root #1" a)
(foo 100)
(print "root #2" a)
// root #1 1
// foo 100 bar 2
// root #2 1

See test/ for a more in-depth version of this example...

Custom syntax

import { parse } from "";

// define syntax overrides (keep default whitespace rules)
const syntax = {
    scopes: [["<", ">"], ["{", "}"]],
    string: "'"

console.log(JSON.stringify(parse(`<nest { a '2' b 3 }>`, syntax), null, 2));

Resulting JSON output:

  "type": "root",
  "children": [
      "type": "expr",
      "value": "<",
      "children": [
          "type": "sym",
          "value": "nest"
          "type": "expr",
          "value": "{",
          "children": [
              "type": "sym",
              "value": "a"
              "type": "str",
              "value": "2"
              "type": "sym",
              "value": "b"
              "type": "num",
              "value": 3


If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:

  title = "",
  author = "Karsten Schmidt",
  note = "",
  year = 2019


© 2019 - 2023 Karsten Schmidt // Apache License 2.0