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ArrayBuffer based malloc() impl for hybrid JS/WASM use cases, based on

Supports free block compaction and configurable splitting. Unlike the original, this implementation also supports realloc() and does not constrain the overall number of blocks in use and the only imposed limit is that of the underlying array buffer.

Each MemPool instance operates on a single large ArrayBuffer used as backing memory chunk, e.g. the same buffer used by a WASM module.

Even for non-WASM use cases, using this package can drastically speed up allocation of typed arrays and reduce GC pressure. See benchmarks below.

Memory layout

Since v4.1.0, all internal allocator state is stored in the ArrayBuffer itself (thanks to the initial idea & work done by @Bnaya). This change allows the ArrayBuffer (or SharedArrayBuffer) being passed to workers and/or the entire memory state being easily serialized/restored to/from local storage.

The new memory layout is as follows:

Memory layout diagram

Free block compaction / coalescing

The allocator supports coalescing of free memory blocks to minimize fragmentation of the managed address space. This feature is enabled by default, but can be disabled via config options.

The following diagrams show the different stages of this behavior:

Initial layout

In this example we start with three allocated neighboring blocks:

Block compaction (initial layout)

Non-continuous free blocks

After freeing the first & last blocks, the free blocks are linked via their next pointers, but still occupy non-continuous memory regions.

Block compaction (non-continuous)

Single compacted free block

After also freeing block #2, all three blocks now span a single continuous address range and are merged into a single larger free block. Furthermore, if that resulting new block turns out to be the top-most block (in terms of previously allocated address space), the allocator does not create a free block at all, but merely resets its heap top pointer to the beginning of that block and considers it blank space that way (essentially a merge with the remaining free/unallocated space of the array buffer).

Block compaction (result)

Block splitting

In order to avoid unnecessary growing of the heap top, the allocator can split existing free blocks if the user requests allocating a smaller size than that of a suitable free block available. If the free block has sufficient excess space (configurable via the minSplit option), the free block will be split, the lower part marked as allocated and inserted into the used block list and the excess space inserted as new free block back into the free list.

This behavior too is enabled by default, but can be turned off via the split config option.

Initial example layout:

Block splitting (initial layout)

Layout after allocating only a smaller size than the free block's capacity:

Block splitting (result)


STABLE - used in production

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yarn add

ES module import:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Skypack documentation

For Node.js REPL:

# with flag only for < v16
node --experimental-repl-await

> const malloc = await import("");

Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.88 KB



Generated API docs


The MemPool constructor takes an object of optional configuration options. See MemPoolOpts for further reference:

import { Type } from "";
import { MemPool } from "";

// example with some default options shown
new MemPool({
    size:     0x1000,
    compact:  true,
    split:    true,
    minSplit: 16

// create memory w/ optional start allocation address
// (start address can't be zero, reserved for malloc/calloc failure)
const pool = new MemPool({ size: 0x1000, start: 8 });

// all memory blocks will be aligned to 8-byte boundaries
// size is given in bytes
// returns pointer / index in array buffer
ptr = pool.malloc(16);
// 8

// request memory and return as typed array view
// in this case we use number of elements, NOT bytes
// IMPORTANT: there's no guarantee that the returned array's
// values are zeroed. Use `calloc`/`callocAs` for that purpose
vec = pool.mallocAs(Type.F64, 4);
// Float64Array [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

// report block stats (sizes & addresses in bytes)
// { free: { count: 0, size: 0 },
//   used: { count: 2, size: 48 },
//   top: 56,
//   available: 4040,
//   total: 4096 }

// reallocate/resize block for pointer/address
// (might move block contents to new mem region)
ptr = pool.realloc(ptr, 32);

// same but for arrays created with `mallocAs()`
vec = pool.reallocArray(vec, 5);

// release address or view back into pool / heap;
// true;
// true

// pointers / views can only be freed once;
// false

// memory blocks are re-merged whenever possible
// likewise, available free blocks might be split
// if smaller size requested...
// { free: { count: 1, size: 48 },
//   used: { count: 0, size: 0 },
//   top: 56,
//   available: 4040,
//   total: 4096 }

malloc(size: number)

Attempts to allocate a new block of memory of given byte size and returns start address if successful, or zero (0) if unsuccessful. Memory blocks always start at multiples of the configured alignment (default: 8).

mallocAs(type: Type, num: number)

Similar to malloc(), but returns a typed array view of desired type and instead of byte size, expects number of elements. Returns null, if allocation failed.

Types are referred to via the Type enum in the base package, e.g. Type.F64:

U8, U8C, I8, U16, I16, U32, I32, F32, F64

calloc(size: number, fill = 0)

Like malloc() but fill allocated block with given fill value before returning. Unless the allocated block is immediately filled with user data, this method is preferred over malloc() for safety.

callocAs(type: Type, num: number, fill = 0)

Like mallocAs() but fills allocated block with fill value before returning.

realloc(addr: number, size: number)

Attempts to adjust the size of the block at the given allocated address to new size or if not possible, attempt to allocate a new block and copies contents of current block (if successful, automatically frees old address). Returns new address if successful or else 0.

reallocArray(buf: TypedArray, num: number)

Similar to realloc(), but takes a typed array created with mallocAs() / callocAs() and returns new arrays of same type or null if re-allocation wasn't possible.

free(addr: number | TypedArray)

Releases given address or array view back into the pool. Returns true if successful. Only previously allocated addresses or views created by this instance can be freed and its the user's responsibility to not use the freed address or view after this call.


Frees all allocated blocks, essentially resets the pool. This is useful when using a MemPool for temporary object allocation within a function and then calling this method before returning. This is also much cheaper than individually freeing the blocks.


This completely destroys all internal pool references & state and should only be used when the pool is no longer needed. The pool is unusable afterwards. If there're no other external references to the pool's underlying ArrayBuffer, then it will also be garbage collected soon after.


Returns pool statistics (see above example).


The NativePool class provides a stub/polyfill implementation of the IMemPoolAs interface and is merely delegating to JS-native typed array ctors with no further management of the returned arrays.

const pool = new NativePool();

const a = pool.mallocAs(Type.F32, 4);
// Float32Array [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

const a2 = pool.callocAs(Type.F32, 4, 1);
// Float32Array [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]

const b = pool.reallocArray(a2, 8);
// Float32Array [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]


Benchmark (source) comparing against raw typed array construction of different sizes:

node bench/index.js
malloc_f64x4 x 3,317,667 ops/sec ±0.61% (93 runs sampled) mean: 0.00030ms**
malloc_f64x4_vanilla x 4,221,089 ops/sec ±0.32% (94 runs sampled) mean: 0.00024ms

malloc6_f64 x 358,405 ops/sec ±0.37% (90 runs sampled) mean: 0.00279ms
malloc6_f64_vanilla x 283,487 ops/sec ±0.81% (90 runs sampled) mean: 0.00353ms

malloc_f32x1024 x 13,700,920 ops/sec ±0.38% (96 runs sampled) mean: 0.00007ms
malloc_f32x1024_vanilla x 694,747 ops/sec ±2.11% (78 runs sampled) mean: 0.00144ms

In this micro benchmark, allocating 4KB blocks (1024 floats) is ~20x faster than calling new Float32Array(1024). On the other hand, allocating tiny arrays is slightly slower than the vanilla version... YMMV!




If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:

  title = "",
  author = "Karsten Schmidt and others",
  note = "",
  year = 2016


© 2016 - 2022 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0