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This project is part of the monorepo.


Composable signal generators, oscillators, filters, FFT, spectrum, windowing & related DSP utils.

Partially ported from other projects (e.g.,, toxiclibs).


BETA - possibly breaking changes forthcoming

Even though this library is now at v2.0.0 and still retains most of the features from earlier versions, all recently added features (IGen's, IProc's, composition ops etc.) should be considered "beta" and are likely to undergo further (hopefully not too drastic) changes in the near future. Also, pending outcomes of ongoing experiments, some aspects might be ported to WASM.

Support packages


yarn add

Package sizes (gzipped, pre-treeshake): ESM: 6.70 KB / CJS: 7.17 KB / UMD: 6.67 KB


Usage examples

Several demos in this repo's /examples directory are using this package.

A selection:

Screenshot Description Live demo Source
Interactive inverse FFT toy synth Demo Source
Polygon to cubic curve conversion & visualization Demo Source
3D wireframe textmode demo Demo Source
WebGL screenspace ambient occlusion Demo Source


Generated API docs


The following unit generators are infinite data sources based on the IGen interface with most being resettable too. The interface is similar to ES6 iterators in that the next value can be obtained by calling .next(), however since IGens are always infinite, there's no need to wrap the result value as is done with ES6 iterables. Furthermore, all gens defined in this package do implement Symbol.iterator and so can actually be used as standard iterables as well.

IGen also implements the IDeref interface to obtain the gen's current (last generated) value.

// create exponential curve from 0 - 10 over 5 steps
const c = curve(0, 10, 5);

// get next value
// 0
// 6.087111442696312
// 8.505616378877338
// 9.46652635750935
// 9.848310977098592
// 9.999999999999998

// get current value
// 9.999999999999998

// reset gen

// produce an array (can also write into existing buffer)
// [
//   0,
//   6.087111442696312,
//   8.505616378877338,
//   9.46652635750935,
//   9.848310977098592,
//   9.999999999999998
// ]

// use as ES6 iterable, here w/ transducers
import { take } from "";

[...take(6, c.reset())]
// [
//   0,
//   6.087111442696312,
//   8.505616378877338,
//   9.46652635750935,
//   9.848310977098592,
//   9.999999999999998
// ]
  • add - adder
  • adsr - timebased ADSR / AD envelope generator
  • alt - alternating values
  • constant - constant value
  • cosine - trig-free cosine osc
  • curve - timebased exponential gain/decay (factory for madd)
  • impulse - impulse gen
  • impulseTrain - timebased cyclic impulse
  • line - timebased line gen (factory for add)
  • madd - multiply-adder
  • mul - multiplier (exponential gain/decay)
  • pinkNoise - configurable pink noise (1/f power spectrum)
  • reciprocal - fractional sequence (1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 etc.)
  • sincos - trig-free sin/cos LFO
  • sweep - freq sweep gen w/ phase accumulation for oscillators
  • whiteNoise - white noise

Higher order generators

  • mapG - IGen composition / transformation (1-4 inputs)
  • addG - higher-order adder
  • product - product of input gens
  • sum - sum of input gens


IGen wrappers
  • osc - arbitrary function oscillator w/ modulation support
  • modOsc - FM / FMAM oscillator builder
const FS = 44100;

// simple 100Hz sine oscillator
const o = osc(sin, 100 / FS, 0.5);

// get next sample;

// frequency & amplitude modulated saw osc
const fmam = modOsc(
    // carrier waveform
    // carrier freq
    1000 / FS,
    // fmod
    osc(saw, 5000 / FS, 0.3),
    // amod
    osc(saw, 500 / FS)

// compute 1sec of signal

Diagram of the FM/AM osc with some low pass filters applied:

FM/AM waveform

Stateless oscillator functions


The second fundamental interface in this package, similar to IGen and used to implement processors & transformers of input values (e.g those generated by the various IGens availabe). IProc implementations have a .next(x) method, where x is the next input to be processed.

The package also provides several approaches to compose multi-step processing pipelines (see section further below). Furthermore, all implementations in this package implement the IXform interface and so can be directly used in transducer pipelines too.

import { comp, push, take, transduce } from "";

const FS = 48000;      // sample rate
const F1 = 1 / FS;     // start freq
const F2 = 10000 / FS; // end freq

// generate oscillator sweep with some effects applied
const sig = new Float32Array(
            // consume 8 secs worth of samples
            take(8 * FS),
            // lowpass filter (state variable filter)
            // soft clip
            // 0.5sec delay w/ 60% feedback
            feedbackDelay(0.5 * FS, 0.6)
        // reducer: collect as array
        // oscillator (consumed as ES6 iterable)
            // osc function (use only 3 harmonics)
            // freq sweep F1 -> F2 over 6 sec
            sweep(F1, F2, 6 * FS),
            // envelope (using attack & decay phase only)
            adsr({ a: 0.05 * FS, d: 5.95 * FS, s: 0 })

fs.writeFileSync("sig.raw", Buffer.from(sig.buffer));

The raw audio file can then be converted to WAV via ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -f f32le -ar 48k -ac 1 -i sig.raw sig.wav -y


The following diagrams show various combinations of oscillator signals and their filtered responses (with different cutoff/center frequencies).

All diagrams were generated with this script.

The following filter types / functions are available:

  • onepoleLP - low pass, 6dB/oct falloff
  • dcBlock - high pass, 6dB/oct falloff
  • allpass - allpass (-90° phase shift @ center freq)

Low pass:

LPF response

DC blocker:

DC block response


Allpass response



  • biquadLP - low pass, 12dB/oct falloff, resonance
  • biquadHP - high pass, 12dB/oct falloff, resonance
  • biquadBP - band pass, 12dB/oct falloff, resonance
  • biquadNotch - notch / band-stop, resonance/bandwidth
  • biquadPeak - peak EQ, customizable +/- gain, bandwidth
  • biquadLoShelf - low shelf, customizable +/- gain
  • biquadHiShelf - low shelf, customizable +/- gain

(Q = 0.707 for all versions)

Low pass:

LPF response

High pass:

HPF response

Band pass:

BPF response


Notch response

Peak (gain = 6dB):

Peak response

Low shelf (gain = -6dB):

Lo-shelf response

High shelf (gain = -6dB):

Hi-shelf response

State variable filter


  • svfLP - low pass, resonance
  • svfHP - high pass, resonance
  • svfBP - band pass, resonance
  • svfNotch - notch / band-stop, resonance/bandwidth
  • svfPeak - peak EQ, customizable +/- gain, bandwidth
  • svfAllpass - allpass, bandwidth

(Q = 0.5 for all versions)

Low pass:

LPF response

High pass:

HPF response

Band pass:

BPF response


Notch response

Peak (gain = 6dB):

Peak response


Allpass response

Filter responses

Using the Filter response utils, the following filter types can be evaluated for analyzing their impact on specific frequencies (or frequency bands). Any type implementing IFilter can be used, currently:

  • 1-pole
  • DC-block
  • Biquad
// peak biquad @ 5kHz w/ -60dB gain
const coeffs = biquadPeak(5000 / FS, 10, -60).filterCoeffs();
// {
//   zeroes: [ 0.030659922512760035, -0.04493872132576855, 0.028719301737009807 ],
//   poles: [ 1, -0.04493872132576855, -0.94062077575023 ]
// }

// compute 256 filter responses between 0 - nyquist
// (magnitude in dBFS by default, phase shift in radians)
const resp = freqRange(0, 0.5, 256).map((f) => filterResponse(coeffs, f));
// [
//   { freq: 0, phase: 0, mag: -9.836140158843584e-14 },
//   {
//     freq: 0.00196078431372549,
//     phase: -1.025916720326544,
//     mag: -5.731888923801755
//   },
//   {
//     freq: 0.00392156862745098,
//     phase: -1.27451127560192,
//     mag: -10.788101434823263
//   },
//   ...
// ]

Basic filter response plot:

Filter response



Ringbuffer / delay line for arbitrary values and support for single & multi-taps at any relative positions. Useful fundamental building block for various other effects, filters etc.

Feedback delay


Variation of delay() which adds a portion of the delayed value to each new input and stores result in delay line.

Wave shaping


This operator remaps inputs via a user provided function. The following shaping functions are provided:

  • waveshapeTan - arctan based (soft-clip/distortion)
  • waveshapeSigmoid - sigmoid based, similar to above
  • waveshapeSin - depending on coefficient, can produce entirely new waveforms

Use the interactive calculator @ Desmos to experiment.


Tan response


Sigmoid response


Sine response

Foldback distortion


Recursively folds input into [-thresh .. +thresh] interval and amplifies it with amp (default: 1/thresh).

Use the interactive calculator @ Desmos to experiment.

Foldback response



  • fft()
  • ifft()
  • normalizeFFT()
  • denormalizeFFT()
  • scaleFFT()
  • complexArray()
  • conjugate()
  • spectrumMag()
  • spectrumPow() (optionally as dBFS)
  • spectrumPhase()
  • binFreq()
  • freqBin()
  • fftFreq()

Window functions


  • window()
  • windowRect()
  • windowSin()
  • windowSinPow()
  • windowLanczos()
  • windowHann()
  • windowHamming()
  • windowBlackman()
  • windowBlackmanHarris()
  • windowNuttal()
  • windowBlackmanNuttal()
  • windowGauss()



Karsten Schmidt


© 2015 - 2020 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0