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NOTE: These manual installation instructions are not necessary if you are using Shippy to install your pipeline.


The OpenShift configuration is in openshift-template.yml. It has two templates: one for build, one for deployment. This file defines all of the necessary resources to support the delivery pipeline, staging and production infrastructure.


Login on OpenShift and select project

oc login --server=        # MAIN
oc login --server= # SANDBOX
oc project <projectname>

Projects, users, squads and access control is manged by shippy.

Install Jenkins

Any new project will need a Jenkins server. We can clone and deploy the Jenkins starter kit:

git clone [email protected]:telus/openshift-jenkins-starter-kit.git

Install pipeline

Once your Jenkins is running, we can launch our pipeline on the project:

telus-isomorphic-starter-kit/openshift/ <branchname:optional>

Setup webhook

The OpenShift webhook triggers the pipeline to build for each commit to GitHub.

To get the webhook URL:

oc describe bc telus-isomorphic-starter-kit-pipeline

Under GitHub settings for your repository, click Webhooks, and add an application/json webhook to push to the URL.


If you are testing on sandbox, you may want to delete your project and all of its assets. This can be done in one command:

oc delete all -l=app=telus-isomorphic-starter-kit

NOTE: With great power, comes great responsibility...