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field value
version R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28)
os Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
system x86_64, linux-gnu
ui X11
language (EN)
collate en_US.UTF-8
tz Zulu
date 2017-11-20


package old new Δ
dplyr 0.7.4 *
assertthat 0.2.0 0.2.0
BH 1.65.0-1 1.65.0-1
bindr 0.1 0.1
bindrcpp 0.2 0.2
glue 1.2.0 1.2.0
magrittr 1.5 1.5
pkgconfig 2.0.1 2.0.1
plogr 0.1-1 0.1-1
purrr NA 0.2.4 *
R6 2.2.2 2.2.2
Rcpp 0.12.13 0.12.13
rlang 0.1.4 0.1.4
tibble 1.3.4 1.3.4
tidyselect NA 0.2.3 *


Couldn't check (3)

package version error warning note
cdcfluview 0.7.0 1
dataRetrieval 2.7.3 1
loon 1.1.0 1

Broken (12)

package version error warning note
assertr +1
biobroom 1.8.0 +1 2
breathtestcore 0.4.0 +1 1
desctable 0.1.0 +1 +1
GSODR 1.1.0 +1
IHWpaper 1.4.0 1 +1 2
keyholder 0.1.1 +1
mrgsolve 0.8.10 +1 1
neuropsychology 0.5.0 +1 1
sf 0.5-5 +1 1 1
switchde 1.2.0 1 +1
TPP 3.4.3 +2 +2 3

All (893)

package version error warning note
abjutils 0.0.1 1
ACDm 1.0.4
actogrammr 0.2.3
adegenet 2.1.0
admixturegraph 1.0.2
ADPclust 0.7 1
aemo 0.2.0
afex 0.18-0 1
afmToolkit 0.0.1 1
AIG 0.1.7
aire.zmvm 0.5.0 1 1
alakazam 0.2.8
alfred 0.1.4
alluvial 0.1-2
alphabetr 0.2.2
alphavantager 0.1.0 -1 1
alternativeSplicingEvents.hg19 1.0.0
ameco 0.2.8 1
AmesHousing 0.0.2
anchoredDistr 1.0.3
ANLP 1.3 1
annotatr 1.2.1 1 1
anomalyDetection 0.2.4 1
apa 0.2.0
apaTables 1.5.1
archivist 2.1.2 2
ARTool 0.10.4
assertive.types 0.0-3 1
assertr +1
atlantistools 0.4.3
auctestr 1.0.0 1
auk 0.1.0
automagic 0.3
AutoModel 0.4.9
backtestGraphics 0.1.6 1
ballr 0.1.0 1
bannerCommenter 0.1.0
banR 0.2.0 1 1
baseballDBR 0.1.2
basecallQC 1.0.1
basictabler 0.1.0 1
bayesGDS 0.6.2
bayesplot 1.4.0 1
BgeeDB 2.2.0
bib2df 1.0.0
bigrquery 0.4.1
billboard 0.1.0 2
binford 0.1.0
binomen 0.1.2
biobroom 1.8.0 +1 2
bioCancer 1.4.0 1 2
BiocFileCache 1.0.1 1
bioinactivation 1.1.5
biomartr 0.5.2 1
bioOED 0.1.1
bioset 0.2.0
biotmle 1.0.4 1
BIS 0.1.0
bkmr 0.2.0
blkbox 1.0 2
blscrapeR 3.0.1
bmlm 1.3.3 2
bodenmiller 0.1 1
bomrang 0.0.8 1
bootnet 1.0.1
bossMaps 0.1.0 1
boxr 0.3.4
BradleyTerryScalable 0.1.0 1
brazilmaps 0.1.0 2
breathtestcore 0.4.0 +1 1
breathteststan 0.4.0 1
broom 0.4.2 2
bsam 1.1.2 1
BSDA 1.2.0
BubbleTree 2.6.0 1 2
bulletr 0.1
bupaR 0.3.0
caffsim 0.2.2 1
CAISEr 0.2.1
canvasXpress 1.17.4 1
CARBayesST 2.5.1
carpenter 0.2.1
causaldrf 0.3
CausalImpact 1.2.3
cbar 0.1.3
cbsodataR 0.2.1 1
cdcfluview 0.7.0 1
cellscape 1.0.0 2 3
censusr 0.0.3 -1
cepR 0.1.0 1
childsds 0.6.7 2
ChIPexoQual 1.0.0
ChIPseeker 1.12.1 1
choroplethr 3.6.1
chromer 0.1 2
chunked 0.4
CINdex 1.4.0 1 2
ciTools 0.2.1
CityWaterBalance 0.1.0
civis 1.1.0
cleanNLP 1.10.0
climbeR 0.0.1
clustermq 0.8.0 1
clustRcompaR 0.1.0 1
clustrd 1.2.0
CNPBayes 1.6.1 1 3
codingMatrices 0.3.1 1
codyn 1.1.0
cofeatureR 1.0.1
cogena 1.10.0 1 3
CollapsABEL 0.10.11
CollapseLevels 0.1.0 1
collapsibleTree 0.1.6 1
colorednoise 0.0.1
cometExactTest 0.1.3
compareDF 1.2.0
comtradr 0.1.0 1 -1
concaveman 1.0.0
condformat 0.7.0
congressbr 0.1.1 1
coreSim 0.2.4
corrr 0.2.1
countyfloods 0.1.0 1 1
countytimezones 1.0.0
countyweather 0.1.0 1
cpr 0.2.3
cr17 0.1.0
CRANsearcher 1.0.0 1
crawl 2.1.1 1
cricketr 0.0.14
crosswalkr 0.1.1 1
crplyr 0.1.4
ctmle 0.1.1
ctsGE 1.2.0 1
curatedMetagenomicData 1.2.2 1 6
cytominer 0.1.0
d3r 0.7.0 1 1
d3Tree 0.2.0 1
dat 0.3.0 1
DataCombine 0.2.21
dataCompareR 0.1.1
datadogr 0.1.1
datadr 0.8.6 1
dataMeta 0.1.1
dataRetrieval 2.7.3 1
datastepr 0.0.2
datasus 0.4.0 1 1
dbfaker 0.1.0
dbplyr 1.1.0 1
ddpcr 1.8
decoder 1.1.12
DeepBlueR 1.2.10 1
DEGreport 1.12.0 2
DeLorean 1.2.5 1
dendroExtra 0.0.2
dendroTools 0.0.4
denovolyzeR 0.2.0
DepthProc 2.0.2 1
describer 0.2.0 1
descriptr 0.2.0
desctable 0.1.0 +1 +1
detrendr 0.1.0 1 2
dexter 0.5.1 1
dggridR 2.0.1 1
DiagrammeR 0.9.2
diceR 0.2.0
didrooRFM 1.0.0
DiffBind 2.4.8 3
diffloop 1.4.0 1
diffrprojects 0.1.14
diffrprojectswidget 0.1.5
discord 0.1
DisimForMixed 0.2
distrr 0.0.4
DiversityOccupancy 1.0.6
dmutate 0.1.2
DMwR2 0.0.2
docxtools 0.1.1
docxtractr 0.2.0
dotwhisker 0.3.0 1
dtplyr 0.0.2
dynfrail 0.5.2
eAnalytics 0.1.3
easyformatr 0.1.2
EbayesThresh 1.4-12
ecb 0.2
ecoengine 1.11.0 1
ecotox 1.1.0
edeaR 0.7.1
edgarWebR 0.2.1
eechidna 1.1 1
eemR 0.1.5
eesim 0.1.0
EFDR 0.1.1 1
efreadr 0.2.2
electionsBR 0.3.0
electoral 0.1.0
emil 2.2.8 1
emuR 0.2.3
ENCODExplorer 2.2.1 3
engsoccerdata 0.1.5
epicontacts 1.0.1 1 1
EpiCurve 2.0-1
epidata 0.1.0
episheet 0.2.0
epitab 0.2.1
epitable 0.1.2 1
esc 0.4.0 1
estatapi 0.3.0
ESTER 0.1.0
etl 0.3.7
europepmc 0.1.4
europop 0.3.1
eurostat 3.1.5
evaluator 0.1.0 1
EventStudy 0.34 2
exifr 0.2.1 2
explor 0.3.3
extdplyr 0.1.4
eyelinker 0.1
eyetrackingR 0.1.6 2
ezec 1.0.1
ezsummary 0.2.1
factorMerger 0.3.2
fastLink 0.2.0 1
fastqcr 0.1.0
fastR2 0.2.0 1
fbar 0.3.4
feather 0.3.1
FedData 2.4.6 -1
feedeR 0.0.7
fiftystater 1.0.1
FindMyFriends 1.6.0 1 2
fingertipsR 0.1.3 1
finreportr 1.0.1
flextable 0.3.0 1 1 1
flora 0.2.8
flowWorkspace 3.24.4 7
foghorn 0.4.4 1
fold 0.2.2
ForecastFramework 0.9.0
forestmodel 0.4.3
forwards 0.1.0
fourierin 0.2.2 1
fractional 0.1.3
frailtyEM 0.7.9
frequencies 0.1.1
freqweights 1.0.4 1
FRK 0.1.6 2
FSA 0.8.17 1
FSelectorRcpp 0.1.8 1
ftDK 1.0 1
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funModeling 1.6.5
funrar 1.2.0
furrowSeg 1.4.0 1
futureheatwaves 1.0.3
fuzzyjoin 0.1.3
GA4GHclient 1.0.0 1 1
GADMTools 2.1-1 1
gaiah 0.0.2 1
gapminder 0.3.0
gastempt 0.4.01 1
gdns 0.2.1
geex 1.0.3 1
GenCAT 1.0.3
gender 0.5.1 1
genderBR 1.0.1
geneXtendeR 1.2.0 2
GenomicInteractions 1.10.0 1
geoknife 1.5.5 1 1
GEOmetadb 1.36.0 1 2
geomnet 0.2.0
geoparser 0.1.1 1 1
geoSpectral 0.17.4
geotoolsR 1.0 1
GerminaR 1.2 1
gespeR 1.8.0 1 1
getCRUCLdata 0.1.10 1
GetHFData 1.4
GetITRData 0.6
GetLattesData 0.8 2 1
ggalt 0.4.0 1
ggCompNet 0.1.0 2
ggconf 0.1 1
ggedit 0.2.1
ggeffects 0.2.2
ggenealogy 0.3.0 2
ggfan 0.1.0 1
ggforce 0.1.1
ggformula 0.6
ggfortify 0.4.1 2 1
ggguitar 0.1.1 1
gghighlight 0.0.1
gglogo 0.1.3 1
ggmap 2.6.1
ggmcmc 1.1
ggmosaic 0.1.2 1
ggmuller 0.3
ggplotAssist 0.1.3 1
ggpmisc 0.2.16
ggpubr 0.1.6 1
ggquiver 0.1.0
ggRandomForests 2.0.1 1
ggraph 1.0.0 2
ggraptR 1.0 1 1
ggspectra 0.2.2
ggswissmaps 0.1.1
ggvis 0.4.3 1
gibble 0.0.1
giphyr 0.1.2
gistr 0.4.0 1
gitgadget 0.2.1
gitlabr 0.9
glycanr 0.3.0
gogamer 0.4.3
goldi 1.0.1
googleAnalyticsR 0.4.2
googledrive 0.1.1
googlesheets 0.2.2 1 1
gphmm 0.99.0
gQTLstats 1.8.0 5 8
GRANBase 1.6.5 1
graphicalVAR 0.2.1
graphTweets 0.3.2
grasp2db 1.0.0 4 5
grattan 2
Greg 1.2 2
groupdata2 1.0.0
growthcurver 0.2.1
GSODR 1.1.0 +1
gunsales 0.1.2
gutenbergr 0.1.3 1
gwdegree 0.1.1
hansard 0.5.5
happybiRthday 0.0.1
harrietr 0.2.2 1
hdr 0.1 1 1
healthcareai 1.2.0
heemod 0.9.2
hei 0.1.0
heims 0.2.4
hiAnnotator 1.11.1 2
highcharter 0.5.0 1
highlightHTML 0.1.1
hiReadsProcessor 1.12.0 2
HMMoce 1.0.0 1
hrbrthemes 0.1.0
HTSSIP 1.3.0 1 1 1
HURDAT 0.1.0
hurricaneexposure 0.0.1 1
hutils 0.9.0
huxtable 1.1.0 1 1
HydeNet 0.10.5
hydrolinks 0.5 1 1
hydrostats 0.2.5
hypothesisr 0.1.1
iadf 0.1.0
IAT 0.3
IATscores 0.1-2 1
iCOBRA 1.4.0
idbr 0.2
ideal 1.0.0 2
idefix 0.1.2 2
IHW 1.4.0 1 1
IHWpaper 1.4.0 1 +1 2
imager 0.40.2 2
imaginator 0.1.1
imfr 0.1.4 1
IMP 1.1
implyr 0.2.1
importar 0.1.1
imputeTestbench 3.0.1
incadata 0.6.1 1 1
incgraph 1.0.1 1
incR 1.0.1 1
inctools 1.0.10
IncucyteDRC 0.5.4
inferr 0.1.1
influxdbr 0.14.0 1
InformativeCensoring 0.3.4
inlabru 2.1.2 1 2
inlmisc 0.3.5
internetarchive 0.1.6 1
interplot 0.1.5
IONiseR 2.0.0 1 2
ipft 0.7.1
ipumsr 0.1.0
iRF 2.0.0
IRISMustangMetrics 2.0.8
isomiRs 1.4.0 1
JacobiEigen 0.2-2
janeaustenr 0.1.5 1
janitor 0.3.0
jpmesh 0.4.0 1
jpndistrict 0.2.0 1
kableExtra 0.6.1 1
keyholder 0.1.1 +1
kntnr 0.4.1
kokudosuuchi 0.4.1 2
KraljicMatrix 0.2.0 1
labelled 1.0.0 2
Lahman 6.0-0 1
laketemps 0.5.1
lans2r 1.0.5
LBSPR 0.1.2
leaflet.esri 0.2 2
leaflet.extras 0.2 2
leaflet.minicharts 0.5.1
lemon 0.3.1
LendingClub 1.0.3
lexRankr 0.4.1
lifelogr 0.1.0
livechatR 0.1.0
lmeresampler 0.1.0 1
LocFDRPois 1.0.0 1
longurl 0.3.0
lookupTable 0.1
loon 1.1.0 1
loopr 1.0.1 1
lplyr 0.1.12
lucid 1.4
lvnet 0.3.2
LymphoSeq 1.4.1 1
macleish 0.3.1 1
makeFlow 1.0.2
manifestoR 1.2.4
mapedit 0.3.2 1
mapfuser 0.1.2
mapview 2.2.0
mason 0.2.5 1
MazamaSpatialUtils 0.5.1
MazamaWebUtils 0.1.4
mbgraphic 1.0.0
MCbiclust 1.0.1 1
mdsr 0.1.4 3
medicare 0.2.1
merTools 0.3.0
metacoder 0.1.3
MetaComp 1.0.1
metagenomeFeatures 1.8.1 2
metaplot 0.2.1
metricsgraphics 0.9.0
metricTester 1.3.4
mglR 0.1.0
MIAmaxent 0.4.0
mixOmics 6.3.0
mixpack 0.3.6
MlBayesOpt 0.3.3 1
mlVAR 0.4
mnis 0.2.7 1
mnreadR 1.2.0
modelr 0.1.1 1
modeval 0.1.3 1
Momocs 1.2.2 1
MonetDB.R 1.0.1 2
MonetDBLite 0.5.0 2
monkeylearn 0.1.3 1
monocle 2.4.0 1 1
morse 2.2.0
mortAAR 1.0.0
mosaic 1.1.0 2
mosaicCore 0.4.0
mosaicData 0.14.0 1
mosaicModel 0.3.0 1
mousetrap 3.1.0 1
mplot 0.8.0
mpoly 1.0.5
mRchmadness 1.0.0
mrgsolve 0.8.10 +1 1
mscstexta4r 0.1.2 1
MSnID 1.10.0 1
mtconnectR 1.1.0
mudata 0.1.1
mudata2 1.0.0 1
muir 0.1.0
mvMonitoring 0.1.0
myTAI 0.6.0 1
nandb 0.2.1 1
naniar 0.1.0
nasadata 0.9.0
ncdump 0.0.3
ndjson 0.5.0
nesRdata 0.1.0 1
NestedCategBayesImpute 1.0.0 0.3.0
netprioR 1.2.0 1
networkreporting 0.1.1
NetworkRiskMeasures 0.1.2
neurobase 1.13.2
neurohcp 0.6
neuropsychology 0.5.0 +1 1
NFP 0.99.2 2
nlmixr 0.9.0-1 1 1 2
nlshelper 0.2
nlstimedist 1.1.1
noaastormevents 0.1.0 2
nofrills 0.2.0
nonmemica 0.7.6
nos 1.1.0 1
notifyme 0.3.0
NPC 1.1.0
nscprepr 0.1.1
nullabor 0.3.1 1
nycflights13 0.2.2 1
nyctaxi 0.0.1
nzelect 0.4.0 1
observer 0.1.2 1
oec 2.5 1
officer 0.1.8 2 1
olsrr 0.3.0
ompr 0.6.0
OncoSimulR 2.6.0 1
openadds 0.2.0 1
openair 2.1-5
opencage 0.1.2 1 1
opendotaR 0.1.4 1
openEBGM 0.3.0
openwindfarm 0.1.0 1
Organism.dplyr 1.2.2 1 1
OutliersO3 0.2.1
PAC 1.0.9
packagetrackr 0.1.1
padr 0.3.0
paramtest 0.1.0
parlitools 0.2.1 1
parsemsf 0.1.0 2 1 1
parSim 0.1
PathoStat 1.2.1 1
patternplot 0.2 1
pcr 1.0.1
peptider 0.2.2
perccalc 1.0.0 1
performanceEstimation 1.1.0
petrinetR 0.1.0
petro.One 0.1.1 1
philentropy 0.0.3
philr 1.2.0 1 2
photobiology 0.9.17
photobiologyInOut 0.4.13
phylopath 1.0.0
pitchRx 1.8.2 1
pivottabler 0.4.0
pixiedust 0.8.1
pkggraph 0.2.2
PKNCA 0.8.1 1
PKPDmisc 2.0.0 1
Plasmidprofiler 0.1.6
plater 1.0.1
platetools 0.0.2
pleiades 0.2.0
plotly 4.7.1
plotrr 0.2.0
pmc 1.0.2
PogromcyDanych 1.5 2
pointblank 0.1 1
poio 0.0-3 2
pollen 0.53.00
pool 0.1.3
PopED 0.3.2
poplite 0.99.19
poppr 2.5.0
powerlmm 0.1.0 1
prcr 0.1.5
prepdat 1.0.8
pRF 1.2
prisonbrief 0.1.0 1
processmapR 0.2.0
processmonitR 0.1.0
prodest 0.1.1
pRoloc 1.16.1 1 4
pRolocGUI 1.10.0 1 2
prophet 0.2.1 1
proteoQC 1.12.3 1 2
proustr 0.2.1 1
psichomics 1.2.1
psychmeta 0.1.1 1
psycho 0.0.2 1
ptstem 0.0.3 1
purrr 0.2.4
purrrlyr 0.0.2 1
PWFSLSmoke 0.99.9
qdap 2.2.8 1
qicharts2 0.1.1
qqplotr 0.0.1
quadmesh 0.1.0 1
qualvar 0.1.0 1
QuaternaryProd 1.4.0 1
questionr 0.6.2 2
queuecomputer 0.8.1
quickpsy 0.1.4
quickReg 1.5.0 2
quokar 0.1.0 1
qwraps2 0.2.4 1
r2glmm 0.1.2 1
R6Frame 0.1.0 1
radiant.basics 0.8.0 0.8.1 0.8.0
radiant.model 0.8.0 1
radiant.multivariate 0.8.0 1
rAltmetric 0.7.0
randomForestExplainer 0.9 1
randomizr 0.6.0
raptr 0.0.5 2
Rariant 1.12.0 1 3
rattle 5.1.0 1 2
raw 0.1.5
RBesT 1.2-3 2
rbgm 0.0.4
rbison 0.5.4 1
rccmisc 0.3.7 1
rchess 0.1
RCMIP5 1.2.0
rcongresso 0.2.1 1 1 1
rcrossref 0.7.0 1
rcv 0.2.1 1
rdefra 0.3.4 -1
RDML 0.9-9
rdrop2 0.8.1 1 1
readat 1.2.1 1
readODS 1.6.4
realestateDK 0.1.0
rebird 0.4.0
recexcavAAR 0.3.0 1
recipes 0.1.0
REDCapR 0.9.8 1
refund.shiny 0.3.0
replyr 0.9.0 2
repr 0.12.0 1
rerddap 0.4.2 1 1
resumer 0.0.3
reval 2.0.0
rex 1.1.2
rfishbase 2.1.2 1
rgho 1.0.1
Rilostat 0.2
RImmPort 1.4.2
ripums 0.1.0
rivr 1.2
rmapzen 0.3.3 1
RmarineHeatWaves 0.15.7
rmcfs 1.2.6 1
rmdHelpers 1.2
rmonad 0.3.0 1
RNeXML 2.0.7 1
RNHANES 1.1.0 1
Rnightlights 0.1.2
rnoaa 0.7.0 1
roadoi 0.4.1
robotstxt 0.5.2
rODE 0.99.6 1
rollmatch 1.0.0
rolypoly 0.1.0 1
ropenaq 0.2.2 1
ROpenFIGI 0.2.8
ropercenter 0.1.0
rpcdsearch 1.0
rpdo 0.2.2 1
rpivotTable 0.2.0 1
rplos 0.8.0
rPraat 1.0.8
rPref 1.2 1
RPresto 1.3.0
rprev 0.2.4
rroad 0.0.4
rrr 1.0.0 1
rsample 0.0.2
rscorecard 0.5.0 1
RSDA 2.0.2
rslp 0.1.0
rsoi 0.3.0 -1 1
rsparkling 0.2.2 1
RSQLServer 0.3.0
rSQM 1.2.42
RSSL 0.6.1 1
RSwissMaps 0.1.0 1
rtable 0.1.5
RTCGA 1.6.0 1 3
rtdists 0.7-3
rtide 0.0.4
rtimes 0.5.0 1
rtimicropem 1.3 1
rtrends 0.1.0 1
RtutoR 0.3
rtypeform 0.3.2
rvertnet 0.6.2 1
rwalkr 0.3.2
rwunderground 0.1.7
RxODE 0.6-1 1
saeSim 0.9.0
SanFranBeachWater 0.1.0 1
scanstatistics 1.0.0 2
scater 1.4.0 2
scholar 0.1.4
SEERaBomb 2017.2
sejmRP 1.3.4 1
seplyr 0.1.5 1
sergeant 0.5.2 1
Seurat 2.1.0 1
sevenbridges 1.6.4
sf 0.5-5 +1 1 1
sfc 0.1.0
sfdct 0.0.4
shazam 0.1.8 1
shinyAce 0.2.1 1
shinyHeatmaply 0.1.0 1
ShinyTester 0.1.0
SIBER 2.1.3 1
sicegar 0.2.2 1
sidrar 0.2.4 1
SimDesign 1.8
simglm 0.6.0
simmer 3.6.4 1
simmer.plot 0.1.11
simPH 1.3.10
simputation 0.2.2
sjlabelled 1.0.5 2
sjmisc 2.6.2 1
sjPlot 2.4.0 2
sjstats 0.12.0 1
slackr 1.4.2
smpic 0.1.0
solrium 1.0.0 1 1
solvebio 2.1.0
sophisthse 0.7.0 1
sorvi 0.7.26 1
sourceR 1.0.1 1 1
SpaCCr 0.1.0
SpaDES.core 0.1.0 1 1 0.1.0 1
sparklyr 0.6.4 1
sparsediscrim 0.2.4
sparseHessianFD 1
sparseMVN 0.2.1
SpatialEpiApp 0.3 2
spbabel 0.4.8
spdplyr 0.1.3
spellcheckr 0.1.2
spup 0.1-1
srvyr 0.2.2
ss3sim 0.9.5 1
stacomiR 0.5.3 1
statar 0.6.5
statesRcontiguous 0.1.0 2
stationaRy 0.4.1 1
statip 0.1.5 1
statisticalModeling 0.3.0 1 1 1
statsDK 0.1.1 1
sticky 0.5.2
stormwindmodel 0.1.0
stplanr 0.1.9 1
StratifiedRF 0.2.2
subSeq 1.6.0 1
sugrrants 0.1.1
summariser 0.1.0
sunburstR 1.0.2 1
superheat 0.1.0
surveybootstrap 0.0.1
surveydata 0.2.0
survminer 0.4.0 1 1
survutils 1.0.0
sweep 0.2.0 1
swfdr 1.0.0 1
switchde 1.2.0 1 +1
SWMPr 2.2.0
synlet 1.6.0 1
taber 0.1.0
tabularaster 0.3.0
tadaatoolbox 0.14.0 2
taxa 0.1.0 2 1 1
taxizedb 0.1.4 1
tbl2xts 0.1.2 1
TCGAbiolinks 2.5.9 2 1 3
Tcomp 1.0.0
tcR 3
TeachBayes 1.0
teachingApps 1.0.2 2
teamcolors 0.0.1
tempcyclesdata 1.0.1 1
temperatureresponse 0.1 1
testassay 0.1.0
tetraclasse 0.1.21
texmexseq 0.3 1
textmining 0.0.1 1
textreuse 0.1.4 1
textstem 0.1.2 1.0-8 1
tibble 1.3.4
tibbletime 0.0.2
tictactoe 0.2.2
tidyboot 0.1.0
tidycensus 0.3.1
tidygenomics 0.1.0
tidygraph 1.0.0
tidyjson 0.2.2 1
tidyposterior 0.0.1
tidyquant 0.5.3 1 1 1
tidyr 0.7.2 1
tidyRSS 1.2.2 1
tidyselect 0.2.3
tidystats 0.1
tidystringdist 0.1.0
tidytext 0.1.4 1
tidyverse 1.2.1 1
tigger 0.2.11
tigris 0.5.3
tilegramsR 0.2.0 2
timekit 0.3.1 1
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timelineS 0.1.1 1
TimerQuant 1.6.0 1
timescape 1.0.0 1 3
timetk 0.1.0 1
titanic 0.1.0
tmap 1.10 1
Tmisc 0.1.17
toxplot 0.1.0 1 1
TPP 3.4.3 +2 +2 3
traits 0.3.0 -1
treeplyr 0.1.3
trelliscope 0.9.8
trelloR 0.1.0
tribe 0.1.6
tRophicPosition 0.7.3
tropr 0.1.2
turfR 0.8-7 1
uaparserjs 0.1.0
ubeR 0.1.4
ukbtools 0.9.0 1
uncmbb 0.1.0
unjoin 0.0.3
unpivotr 0.2.1
unvotes 0.2.0 1
useful 1.2.3
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vaersvax 1.0.4 1
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vdmR 0.2.4 1
VIM 4.7.0 1
visdat 0.1.0
vkR 0.1
vpc 1.0.0
vqtl 1.2.0 1
vsn 3.44.0 2
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VWPre 1.0.0
waccR 0.1.0 1
wakefield 0.3.0
walker 0.2.0 1
wallace 0.6.4 1
wand 0.2.0
webTRISr 0.1.0
wec 0.4-1
wfindr 0.1.0
WHO 0.2
widyr 0.1.0 1
wiggleplotr 1.0.0 1 1
WikidataQueryServiceR 0.1.1
wikipediatrend 1.1.14
windfarmGA 1.1.1 1 1
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WordR 0.2.2
worldmet 0.7.5
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WRTDStidal 1.1.0
WufooR 0.6.2 -1
XBSeq 1.6.0 1 1 2
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XKCDdata 0.1.0 1
xpose4 4.6.0
xxIRT 2.0.3 1
yardstick 0.0.1
yorkr 0.0.7
Zelig 5.1.5
ZeligChoice 0.9-6
ZeligEI 0.1-2
zeligverse 0.1.1 1
zFactor 0.1.7 1
ztype 0.1.0 1