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A Unified Python Library for Graph Prompting


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ProG: A Python Library for Multi-task Graph Prompting

ProG (Prompt Graph) is a library built upon PyTorch to easily conduct single or multi-task prompting for pre-trained Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The idea is derived from the paper: Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Jia Li, etc. All in One: Multi-task Prompting for Graph Neural Networks. KDD2023 (🔥 Best Research Paper Award, which is the first time for Hong Kong and Mainland China), in which they released their raw codes. This repository is a redesigned and enhanced version of the raw codes with extremely huge changes and updates

🌟ProG++🌟: A Unified Python Library for Graph Prompting

ProG++ is an extended library with ProG, which supports more graph prompt models. Currently, ProG++ is now in its beta version (a little baby: ProG Plus), and we will merge ProG Plus to ProG in the near future. Some implemented models are as follows (We are now implementing more related models and we will keep integrating more models to ProG++):

  • [All in One] X. Sun, H. Cheng, J. Li, B. Liu, and J. Guan, “All in One: Multi-Task Prompting for Graph Neural Networks,” KDD, 2023
  • [GPF Plus] T. Fang, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, C. Wang, and L. Chen, “Universal Prompt Tuning for Graph Neural Networks,” NeurIPS, 2023.
  • [GraphPrompt] Liu Z, Yu X, Fang Y, et al. Graphprompt: Unifying pre-training and downstream tasks for graph neural networks. The Web Conference, 2023.
  • [GPPT] M. Sun, K. Zhou, X. He, Y. Wang, and X. Wang, “GPPT: Graph Pre-Training and Prompt Tuning to Generalize Graph Neural Networks,” KDD, 2022
  • [GPF] T. Fang, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, and C. Wang, “Prompt tuning for graph neural networks,” arXiv preprint, 2022.

🐶We released a comprehensive survey on graph prompt!

Xiangguo Sun, Jiawen Zhang, Xixi Wu, Hong Cheng, Yun Xiong, Jia Li.

Graph Prompt Learning: A Comprehensive Survey and Beyond

in arXiv

(under review in TKDE)

In this survey, we present more details of ProG++ and also release a repository🦀 for a comprehensive collection of research papers, benchmark datasets, and readily accessible code implementations.

The Architecture of ProG++

🌹Please cite our work if you find help for you:

  title={All in One: Multi-Task Prompting for Graph Neural Networks},
  author={Sun, Xiangguo and Cheng, Hong and Li, Jia and Liu, Bo and Guan, Jihong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery \& data mining (KDD'23)},
  pages = {2120–2131},
  location = {Long Beach, CA, USA},
  isbn = {9798400701030},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3580305.3599256}

  title = {Graph Prompt Learning: A Comprehensive Survey and Beyond},
  author = {Sun, Xiangguo and Zhang, Jiawen and Wu, Xixi and Cheng, Hong and Xiong, Yun and Li, Jia},
  year = {2023},
  journal = {arXiv:2311.16534},
  eprint = {2311.16534},
  archiveprefix = {arxiv}

      title={All in One and One for All: A Simple yet Effective Method towards Cross-domain Graph Pretraining}, 
      author={Haihong Zhao and Aochuan Chen and Xiangguo Sun and Hong Cheng and Jia Li},

  title={Protein Multimer Structure Prediction via {PPI}-guided Prompt Learning},
  author={Ziqi Gao and Xiangguo Sun and Zijing Liu and Yu Li and Hong Cheng and Jia Li},
  booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},

      title={Prompt Learning on Temporal Interaction Graphs}, 
      author={Xi Chen and Siwei Zhang and Yun Xiong and Xixi Wu and Jiawei Zhang and Xiangguo Sun and Yao Zhang and Yinglong Zhao and Yulin Kang},
      journal = {arXiv:2402.06326}

      title={A Survey of Graph Meets Large Language Model: Progress and Future Directions}, 
      author={Yuhan Li and Zhixun Li and Peisong Wang and Jia Li and Xiangguo Sun and Hong Cheng and Jeffrey Xu Yu},
      journal = {arXiv:2311.12399}

Quick Start

Package Dependencies

  • PyTorch 1.13.1
  • torchmetrics 0.11.4
  • torch_geometric 2.2.0

Pre-train your GNN model

The following codes present a simple example on how to pre-train a GNN model via GraphCL. You can also find a integrated function pretrain() in

from ProG.utils import mkdir, load_data4pretrain
from ProG import PreTrain


pretext = 'GraphCL'  # 'GraphCL', 'SimGRACE'
gnn_type = 'TransformerConv'  # 'GAT', 'GCN'
dataname, num_parts, batch_size = 'CiteSeer', 200, 10

print("load data...")
graph_list, input_dim, hid_dim = load_data4pretrain(dataname, num_parts)

print("create PreTrain instance...")
pt = PreTrain(pretext, gnn_type, input_dim, hid_dim, gln=2)

pt.train(dataname, graph_list, batch_size=batch_size,
         aug1='dropN', aug2="permE", aug_ratio=None,
         lr=0.01, decay=0.0001, epochs=100)

Create Relative Models

from ProG.prompt import GNN, LightPrompt
from torch import nn, optim
import torch

# load pre-trained GNN
gnn = GNN(100, hid_dim=100, out_dim=100, gcn_layer_num=2, gnn_type="TransformerConv")
pre_train_path = './pre_trained_gnn/{}.GraphCL.{}.pth'.format("CiteSeer", "TransformerConv")
print("successfully load pre-trained weights for gnn! @ {}".format(pre_train_path))
for p in gnn.parameters():
    p.requires_grad = False

# prompt with hand-crafted answering template (no answering head tuning)
PG = LightPrompt(token_dim=100, token_num_per_group=100, group_num=6, inner_prune=0.01)

opi = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, PG.parameters()),
                 lr=0.001, weight_decay=0.00001)

lossfn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='mean')

The above codes are also integrated as a function model_create(dataname, gnn_type, num_class, task_type) in this project.

Prompt learning with hand-crafted answering template

from import multi_class_NIG
import torch

train, test, _, _ = multi_class_NIG(dataname, num_class)
gnn, PG, opi, lossfn, _, _ = model_create(dataname, gnn_type, num_class, task_type)
prompt_epoch = 200  # 200
# training stage
emb0 = gnn(train.x, train.edge_index, train.batch)
for j in range(prompt_epoch):
    pg_batch = PG.inner_structure_update()
    pg_emb = gnn(pg_batch.x, pg_batch.edge_index, pg_batch.batch)
    dot =, torch.transpose(pg_emb, 0, 1))
    sim = torch.softmax(dot, dim=1)
    train_loss = lossfn(sim, train.y)
    print('{}/{} training loss: {:.8f}'.format(j, prompt_epoch, train_loss.item()))

More Detailed Tutorial

For more detailed usage examples w.r.t prompt with answer tuning, prompt with meta-learning etc. Please check the demo in:


Compare this new implementation with the raw code

Multi-class node classification (100-shots)

                      |      CiteSeer     |
                      |  ACC  | Macro-F1  |
reported in the paper | 80.50 |   80.05   |
(Prompt)              |                   |
this version code     | 81.00 |   81.23   |
(Prompt)              |   (run one time)  | 
reported in the paper | 80.00 |  80.05   |
(Prompt w/o h)        |                   |
this version code     | 79.78 |  80.01   |
(Prompt w/o h)        |   (run one time)  |

Kindly note that the comparison takes the same pre-trained pth.The absolute value of performance won't mean much because the final results may vary depending on different pre-training states.It would be more interesting to see the relative performance with other training paradigms.




  title={All in One: Multi-Task Prompting for Graph Neural Networks},
  author={Sun, Xiangguo and Cheng, Hong and Li, Jia and Liu, Bo and Guan, Jihong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery \& data mining (KDD'23)},
  pages = {2120–2131},
  location = {Long Beach, CA, USA},
  isbn = {9798400701030},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3580305.3599256}
  title = {Graph Prompt Learning: {{A}} Comprehensive Survey and Beyond},
  author = {Sun, Xiangguo and Zhang, Jiawen and Wu, Xixi and Cheng, Hong and Xiong, Yun and Li, Jia},
  year = {2023},
  journal = {arXiv:2311.16534},
  eprint = {2311.16534},
  archiveprefix = {arxiv}


  • For More Information, Further discussion, Contact: Website
  • Email: xiangguosun at cuhk dot edu dot hk

Media Coverage

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Call for Contributors!

Once you are invited as a contributor, you would be asked to follow the following steps:

  • step 1. create a temp branch (e.g. xgTemp) from the main branch (latest branch).
  • step 2. fetch origin/xgTemp to your local xgTemp, and make your own changes via PyCharm etc.
  • step 3. push your changes from local xgTemp to your github cloud branch: origin/xgTemp.
  • step 4. open a pull request to merge from your branch to main.

When you finish all these jobs. I will get a notification and approve merging your branch to main. Once I finish, I will delete your branch, and next time you will repeat the above jobs.

A widely tested main branch will then be merged to the stable branch and a new version will be released based on stable branch.