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# /***********************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# ***********************************************************/

How to configure and set up nightly Freshmeat updates.


The Freshmeat process consists of a number of some what independent programs
all tied together and automated by a shell/cron script. 

The process starts with initially loading the top 1000 projects.  

After the initial top 1000 projects have been obtained and uploaded.  When 
the cron job is set up and activated, only the projects in the top 1000 
that have had a version change will be uploaded.  This is accomplished by 
using the GetFM script.  GetFM should be scheduled with cron to get the 
daily Freshmeat RDF file and process it.  GetFM will:
  - Uncompress the rdf file
  - run mktop1k on it
  - use diffm to compare todays top1000 projects to yesterdays top1000.
  - Diffm will create an xml file that can be processed by get-projects.
  - If there are differences, get-projects is scheduled to go get them.
  - All successfully obtained projects are then scheduled for upload using

If you use the examples below, then setting up the nightly updates using
the GetFM script will be easier.

Set Up

0. Find significant disk space to hold the compressed archives that
get downloaded as well as the data files needed by the process.  At a minimum
a 100GB area should be used.  

For example, on the fossology instance, sneezy is an agent 
machine.  In the path /srv/fossology/repository/sneezy the Freshmeat
area is created and used.

0.1 Now that there is space, edit the makefile Makefile.utils, follow the
comments and put your path in.  When the makefiles are run the path will 
get propagated into the correct include files.

Run the makefiles and install the software.
(e.g. make install; sudo ./ -f)

The Freshmeat process expects the following directory setup:

If you have changed the makefile (see above), then the GetFM script will
make the above directories.  GetFM will also create a golden directory.
A directory called golden{Date}, where date is yyyy-mm-dd format, is created 
in the Freshmeat area for each run, all data for a run is kept in the
golden.yyyy-mm-dd directory, 

For the example below: the $DIR = /srv/fossology/repository/sneezy/Freshmeat

Get the initial project seed

1. The initial 1000 Freshmeat projects should be loaded as the first step.
This entails multiple steps:
   1. Get the Freshmeat RDF file from Freshmeat:
      - wget -o /tmp/wget-log $DIR/RDfs/fm-projects.rdf-20007-12-9.bz2 \
   2. Uncompress the fm-projects file downloaded in step 1 above.
   3. Use mktop1k(.php) to extract the top 1000 projects from the 
      uncompressed rdf file in step 2.  Put the result back in the Rdfs 
      directory. The naming convention to use is:
      'Top1k-yyyy-mm-dd' for example, Top1k-2007-12-09.
   4. Use get-projects to process the top1k file created in step 3.
      For example:
      get-projects -f /srv/fossology/repository/sneezy/Freshmeat/Rdfs/Top1k-20007-12-09
      The above will create a directory called golden.20007-12-09
      all results will be stored in this directory. There are three
      subdirectories in the golden directory:
      wget-logs/: the wget logs for each attempted download in this run.
      Logs-Data/: A directory for storing:
        - failed-wgets: list of projects where the wget failed.
        - skipped_fmprojects: list of projects that have no download urls
        - skipped_uploads: is a list of projects where the downloaded file
          is not a compressed archive.  The file format for skipped_uploads
          is project name followed by the path to the item that was downloaded.
      Input-files/: All successful downloads are recorded in 
                    Input-files/Freshmeat_to_Upload.  This file is actually
                    the input file for cp2foss.
   5. Run cp2foss to upload the archives into the data-base and repository.
      cp2foss -f <path>/goldenxxx/Input-files/Freshmeat_to_Upload
   6. Once the initial 1000 projects have loaded, (this can take days 
      sometimes) the cron job should be set up so that changes are checked 
      once a day and uploaded to the db.  There is already an example 
      crontab file, it's called fm.cron and is stored with the Freshmeat 
      sources.   See below for a complete discussion of the steps needed.
Setting Up daily Runs

1. Before starting cron, a few more important setup files must be created.

   - using the example paths above, two files must be created in 
     the Rdfs directory for the diffm program to use.  The GetFM script
     expects the following files to exist in the <path>/Freshmeat/Rdfs/ path:
     Current-top1k and Previous-top1k. 
     The contents of the above files is the path to the current and
     previous days top 1000 Freshmeat projects xml file respectively.
     These files are also in the <path>/Freshmeat/Rdfs/ path.
     Using the above example, the initial projects were obtained 
     (the top 1000). The next update run was on 12/05.  At this point the two 
     files should contain:
     Current-top1k:		<path>/Freshmeat/Rdfs/Top1k-2007-12-06
     Previous-top1k:	<path>/Freshmeat/Rdfs/Top1k-2007-12-05
     After that when the GetFM script runs on 12-06 the GetFM script will 
     keep the two files updated, and the above process should not need to be done.
     It's always a good idea to check on things to make sure it all worked.
     This is the hardest part to get right in the set up.
     The Current-top1k and Previous-top1k files may need to be adjusted if
     the cron is stopped for more than 1 day.  Technically the diffs should 
     just get bigger, but it doesn't always seem to work that way.  Again
     checking on the process is encouraged.
2. Now that the Rdfs directory is set up, use the cron template file,
   (fm.cron) and create a cron entry and start it in cron.
That's it!

Possible problems

One possible problem is the use of proxy's.  Some sites need them, if you do
then set your proxy in the GETFM file.  See the comments in that file and 
follow the instructions.  If you are not sure if you need a proxy, talk 
with your administrators or just try the process.  If wget keeps failing, 
set your proxy.

Monitoring Activity

- all programs keep logs
- logs are found in:
- No automatic cleanup (yet)
  - What should get cleaned up?
    - When (how often?)
