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Dev Environment Setup


Before running node server.js

  • Ensure MongoDB is running locally on port 27017
  • Ensure dummy auth_key file is created at project root
  • Ensure network/best-network.gz & network/<best-network-hash>.gz both exist (you could download it from
  • Build mongo index, run mongodb.indexes in mongo console
  • Run npm install to get required packages

Your project folder should look like this

- Project Root/
  - network/
    - best-network.gz
    - <best-network-hash>.gz   (e.g. 39d465076ed1bdeaf4f85b35c2b569f604daa60076cbee9bbaab359f92a7c1c4.gz)
  - node_modules/              (generated from `npm update`)
    - ...                      (bunch of packages)
  - static/
  - views/
  - auth_key                   (dummy file)
  - public_auth_key            (dummy file)
  - task_secret                (dummy file)
  - ...                        (and other project files)
  - server.js


The code is released under the AGPLv3 or later. See the LICENSE file for details.

How to run the server

First of all, install both nodejs and mongodb. The version of nodejs available in the Ubuntu 16.04 repositories does not work, it is probably too old. Then, follow the following steps from the root directory of the repostory:

  • run npm install
  • make a network directory and copy the best network file, whose name should be best-network.gz
  • make an auth_key file, containing the password which will be requested by the server for privileged operations
  • make a public_auth_key file, containing the password which will be requested by the server for unprivileged write operations (if empty, no password is required)
  • make a task_secret file, contaning the secret which will be used to sign option hashes for matches
  • run mongodb < mongodb.indexes
  • start the server with npm start
  • run curl -F 'weights=@network/best-network.gz' -F training_count=0 -F 'key=@auth_key' http://localhost:8080/submit-network

Collections in the MongoDB database


  • _id: internal identifier
  • hash: hash value (it is 62b5417b64c46976795d10a6741801f15f857e5029681a42d02c9852097df4b9 for ELF networks)
  • ip: IP address who submitted the network
  • training_count: number of games in DB when training has been computed
  • training_steps: number of steps of training
  • game_count: self-plays with this network
  • filters: number of filters
  • blocks: number of blocks
  • description: description of the network


  • _id: internal identifier
  • ip: IP address who submitted the game
  • networkhash: hash of the network to use for self play
  • sgfhash: hash of the sgf in tha games collection where to start from
  • movescount: number of the move in the sgf where to start from
  • komi: komi value to use for self play
  • noise_value: Dirichilet noise to use for self play
  • lambda: lambda value
  • resignation_percent: probability of resignation
  • no_resignation_probability: probability resignation_percent is ignored and set to 0
  • visits: visits value in leelaz/sai
  • number_to_play: number of self-plays to play
  • game_count: self-plays actually played with these settings
  • priority: priority value


  • _id: internal identifier
  • sgfhash: hash value of the sgf
  • clientversion: version of leelaz/sai who played this game
  • data: training data
  • ip: IP address who submitted the game
  • movescount: number of moves in the SGF
  • networkhash: hash of the network used for this game
  • options_hash: small hash of the options used to play this game
  • randomseed: seed used to play this game
  • selfplay_id: reference in the self_plays table when this is a special selfplay
  • sgf: SGF of the games
  • winnercolor: color of the winner


  • _id: internal identifier
  • network1: hash of the first network
  • network2: hash of the second network (if null, it will be changed to the current best network when it is scheduled the first time)
  • network1_losses: number of times the first network has lost a game
  • network1_wins: number of times the first network has won a game
  • game_count: number of playes games
  • number_to_play: number of games to play
  • options: a dictionary with options for leelaz/sai ( resignation_percent, randomcnt, noise, playouts , visits, komi, lambda )
  • options_hash: hash of the options dictionary


  • _id: internal identifier
  • sgfhash: hash value of the sgf
  • clientversion: version of leelaz/sai who played this game
  • data: training data
  • ip: IP address who submitted the game
  • loserhash: hash of the loser network
  • movescount: number of moves in the SGF
  • options_hash: hash of the options used for the match
  • score: result of the game
  • randomseed: seed used to play this game
  • sgf: SGF of the games
  • winnercolor: color of the winner
  • winnerhash: hash of the winner network


  • _id: internal identifier
  • username: username for the user
  • email: email of the user
  • password: sha256 hashed password for the user
  • active: true if the account is active. Initially false, it is changes to true after confirmation.
  • token: randomly generated string used for email confirmation. It is deleted after confirmation.

API and inner working

This is a very brief documentation of the web API of the server.

  • /best-network-hash: returns two rows: the first one is the hash of the network in network/best-network.gz, the second one contains the number 11 (why?).
  • /best-network: returns the best network with filename best-network.gz. The file is actually retrieved by the network directory, using as a name the hash of the best network with an added .gz extension. This was used by autogtp in the past, but now autogtp directly downloads the network from the network directory (which, in production, is served by nginx).
  • /best-network-chunk: returns the chunks for the current best network or for the one selected with the optional hash parameter.
  • /promote: promote the network specified in the hash paramter as best network.
  • /request-match: submit the request of a match between networks. The request is added to the matches collection of the MongoDB database. When /get-task is called, self-play tasks and match tasks are interleaved. It is a privileged API. Parameters playouts and visits cannot be used togther. If they are both omitted, a default of 3200 visits is used.
    • network1: hash of the first network
    • network2: (optional) hash of the second network. If it is not provided, the current best network is used.
    • playouts: number of playouts to use for the games.
    • visits: numbr of visits to use for the games.
    • resignation_percent: (optional, default 5) win probability resignation threshold
    • noise: (optional, default false)
    • randomcnt: (optional, default 0)
    • number_to_play: (optional, default 400) numbers of games to play
    • is_test: (optional) if provided with value "1" or "true", this is a test match (i.e., it cannot cause promotions of the second network)
    • key: password for the privileged API
  • /submit-match: submit a play corresponding to a match (i..e, a play between different networks). It may cause the current best-network to change. The play is added to the match_games collection. It is used by autogtp when a match-play is terminated.
    • sgf: a file with the gzipped SGF of the match
    • clientversion: version of the client AutoGTP
    • winnerhash: hash of the winning network
    • loserhash: hash of the losing network
    • winnercolor: color of the winner network
    • movescount: number of moves in the match
    • score: final score
    • options_hash: hash of the options used for the match
    • random_seed: seed used to play the match
    • username: username wanting to submit the match
    • password: sha256 hashed password for the user
  • /submit-network: submit a new network. It causes a new entry with metadatas to be inserted into the networks collection , while the network itself is copied into the network directory. It is a privileged API. Parameters:
    • weights: gzipped file with the new network
    • training_counts: (optional) number of games in the DB when the training data has been exported. Default value is the number of games in the db.
    • training_steps: (optional) number of training steps of the network.
    • description: description of the network which is saved in the database.
    • filters: number of filters in the network (if not present, it is autedected)
    • blocks: number of blocks in the network (if not present, it is autedected)
    • key: password for the privileged API
  • /submit: submit the result of a self-play. The game is added to the games collection, and the counter of self-plays for the related network is increased. It is used by autogtp when a self-play is terminated.
    • sgf: a file with the gzipped SGF of the self-play
    • trainingdata: the training data to be recorded for generating chunks
    • clientversion: version of the client AutoGTP
    • networkhash: hash of the network
    • winnercolor: color of the winner network
    • movescount: number of moves in the match
    • options_hash: hash of the options used for the match
    • random_seed: seed used to play the match
    • verification: the verification code previously sent by the server in the get-task reply
    • username: username wanting to submit the self-play
    • password: sha256 hashed password for the user
  • /network-profiles: displays a page with detailed informations on non-ELF networks.
  • /network-profiles/<hash>: displays a page with detailed informations on the non-ELF network with given hash.
  • /rss: returns an RSS feed of best networks
  • /get-task/<autogtp-version>[/<leelaz-version>]: requests a task for the given client versions (currently ignored). The result is a json encoding the type of match (self-play vs match) and other parameters for autogtp and leelaz. Used by autogtp when requesting a task.
  • /view/<hash>: displays the SGF of the specified self-play.
  • /match-games/<matchid>: displays the list of plays for the given match.
  • /viewmatch/<hash>: displays the SGF of the specifietd match-play.
  • /viewmatch/<hash>.sgf: returns the SGF of the specifietd match-play.
  • /data/elograph.json: displays the ELO graph
  • /user-request: create a new user with given username, email and password
  • /user-confirm/<username>/<token>: confirm creation of the given account
  • /: displays various statistics and general informations.


Submit a network

curl -F 'weights=@<network-file>' -F 'training_count=0' -F 'training_steps=80000' -F 'key=<password>' -F 'description=<description>' <server-url>/submit-network

Request a match

curl -F 'network1=<network-hash>' -F 'key=<password>'  <server-url>/request-match

Optional nginx configuration

Serve network files via nginx instead of node.js for higher performance

   location /networks {
        fancyindex on;
        fancyindex_default_sort date_desc;
        alias /home/jroy/code/leela-zero-server/network;


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