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Affiliate is a platform agnostic link affiliator. Simplify affiliating links with automatic affiliation in the browser. Affiliate works with libraries that mutate the DOM after the page loads, including React.

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$ npm i -S affiliate
$ yarn add affiliate

Or use a CDN

<!-- Replace <VERSION> with your intended version, e.g. 1.2.1 -->
<script src="<VERSION>/dist/affiliate.js"></script>

What It Can Do

Affiliate can modify the following link into any of the others.

<a href="">Original</a>
<a href="">New Query Tags</a>
<a href="">Modified URL Path</a>
<a href="">Modified Host Name</a>

Affiliate has easy plugins, including one for Amazon, which simplify adding affiliate links even more.

Basic Setup

Read the documentation for more advanced usage.

const Affiliate = require('affiliate');
const aff = Affiliate({
    tags: [
            hosts: ['', ''],
            query: {
                ref: 'my-tag' // This means ?ref=my-tag
            hosts: ['', ''],
            query: {
                tag: 'my-tag2' // This means ?tag=my-tag2


Affiliate is simple and quick to set up, even for more complex usage. Read the docs at:

Blogs and Related Sites

A simplified codeless solution might better suit some blogging-style sites.

Insert this code into the page <head>. The contents of the data-aff attribute will tell Affiliate what to do.

<!-- Replace 1.2 with your intended version -->
<script data-aff=", : tag = MY-AMAZON-TAG" src="[email protected]/dist/affiliate.js" async id="aff-js"></script>

data-aff Syntax

The syntax for data-aff is a comma separated list of domains, a colon, and then comma separated list of url queries in the format key=value. Multiple website groups can be separated by an exclamation mark., : tag = MY-AMAZON-TAG !, : ref = MY-OTHER-TAG


Affiliate is tested using Jasmine. The test of the minified packages is available here and the webpack package here.

Big Thanks

Sauce Labs

Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by Sauce Labs!

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MIT (C) Russell Steadman. Learn more in the LICENSE file.

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