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This software package contains a collection of configuration and data files used by Rime to support popular Chinese input methods.

A Rime input schema, which defines a specific input method in Rime's DSL, consists of a schema file named *.schema.yaml where * is the schema ID, and optionally an affiliated Rime dictionary file *.dict.yaml. In the following lists of Rime schemata, only schema IDs are listed for brevity.


  • default.yaml: Rime default settings
  • symbols.yaml: punctuation and special characters
  • essay.txt: a shared vocabulary and language model

Preset schemata

Input methods that are fundamental, or prevalent in a region.

  • bopomofo: Zhuyin (aka. Bopomofo) standard layout
  • cangjie5
  • luna_pinyin: Pinyin in Tranditional Chinese
  • stroke: five strokes represented by "hspnz"
  • terra_pinyin: Pinyin with tones

Supplemental schemata

Including input methods that are widely used and those who implement major modern dialects or historical diasystems. Less popular input methods with small dictionaries or without independent dictionaries are also included.

  • combo_pinyin: Chord-typing Pinyin
  • double_pinyin: ZiRanMa, ABC, flyPY, MSPY, PYJJ variants
  • emoji
  • ipa_xsampa: IPA symbols in X-SAMPA encoding
  • jyutping: Cantonese
  • pinyin_simp: Pinyin in Simplified Chinese
  • quick5: Simplified Cangjie 5
  • sampheng: Middle Chinese in 3-key shorthand
  • wubi86
  • wugniu: Wu (Shanghainese)
  • zyenpheng: Middle Chinese Pinyin

Extra schemata

Established input methods used by a minority, and evolving new inventions, are included in the source package but are not to be installed by default.

  • array30
  • scj6
  • soutzoe: Wu (Suzhounese)
  • stenotype: a stenographic system derived from ABC Easy Shorthand

Pull requests are welcome for anything notable that hasn't been included here, but you'll be responsible for providing data files along with an open-source license because licensing will be rigidly scrutinized by downstream packagers.

OpenCC configurations

OpenCC is used by many of the above input methods for conversion to Simplified/Traditional Chinese or other variant forms. As of OpenCC 1.0.2, some of the configurations used by brise are missing. We provide those configuration files under opencc/ as a backup, until they become widely available via future versions of downstream OpenCC packages.


Build dependencies

  • librime>=1.3 (for rime_deployer)

Runtime dependencies

  • librime>=1.3
  • opencc>=1.0.2

Build and install

sudo make install


We are grateful to the makers of the following open source projects:

Also to the inventors of the following Chinese input methods:

  • Cangjie / 倉頡輸入法 by 朱邦復
  • Array input method / 行列輸入法 by 廖明德
  • Wubi / 五筆字型 by 王永民
  • Scj / 快速倉頡 by 麥志洪
  • Middle Chinese Romanization / 中古漢語拼音 by 古韻


I may have missed someone. See the AUTHORS file for a more complete list of authors and their works.