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BlackBoard Python Automation with Playwright

Code made in Python and JavaScript with libraries:

aiofiles, openpyxl, pandas, playwright, pyarrow, pyside6, python-docx, python-dotenv, pytest-playwright, regex, setproctitle, spacy, unidecode

Getting Started

Needs Python 3.12

To install all the dependencies use this command on the console :

  • on powershell :
  • Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
  • then on console :
  • .\setup.bat
  • To create new Methods use the command on console :
  • python -m playwright codegen

    Automation for administration of educational system based on BlackBoard platform

    consuming API content and internal ID to find items and search courses

    search and modifying items to whats preset


    Automação em Python para BlackBoard com Playwright

    Código feito em Python e JavaScript com as bibliotecas:

    aiofiles, openpyxl, pandas, playwright, pyarrow, pyperclip, pyside6, python-docx, pytest-playwright, regex, spacy, unidecode

    Começar a utilizar

    Requer Python 3.12

    Para instalar todas as dependências, utilize este comando no console :

  • no powershell :
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
  • então no console :
  • Para criar novos métodos, utilize o seguinte comando no console :
    python -m playwright codegen

    Automação para administração de sistema educacional baseado na plataforma BlackBoard.

    Consumindo conteúdo de API e ID interno para encontrar itens e buscar cursos.

    Pesquisa e modificação de itens de acordo com o predefinido.