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A starter repository for RCOS student status updates.

What are Status Updates?

Status Updates are informal weekly short-form blog posts detailing a student's progress in RCOS during the previous week. Please consult the RCOS Handbook for a detailed overview of background and requirements.

System Requirements

First-Time Setup

If you're a first-time RCOS student follow these steps to get started:

  1. Fork this repository (rcos/rcos-status-updates) so you have your own copy.

  2. Clone the your fork of this repository down to your local machine and navigate into the resulting directory:

git clone
cd rcos-status-updates
  1. Add this repository (rcos/rcos-status-updates) as the upstream git remote to your local copy:
git remote add upstream

This will enable you to easily sync changes made in rcos/rcos-status-updates with your repository.

  1. First-time setup is complete :)

Returning Student Setup

If you're a returning RCOS student follow these steps at the beginning of the semester:

  1. Navigate to your local copy of this repository, for example:
cd ~/code/rcos-status-updates

Make sure that all your current changes have been saved and committed - you can check with the git status command.

  1. Pull the latest changes from this repository (rcos/rcos-status-updates):
git pull upstream/master
  1. Returning student setup is complete :)

Submitting Status Updates

  1. Write a new status update in the directory corresponding to the current semester (i.e. summer_2018).

  2. Track and commit your changes:

git add .
git commit -m 'Added status update for week 01'
  1. Push your status update to the master branch of your fork:
git push origin master
  1. All done :)