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What you are reading is a little tutorial to get started with Nim CPS. This document will introduce the essential parts of the CPS API to get you started writing your own CPS programs.

The latest greatest CPS can be found at

If you are not familiar with the concept of CPS I recommend first reading up a bit on the background:

Table of contents

Baby steps: my first cps program

The complete code for this chapter can be found at

CPS is available as a regular Nim library that you must import before CPS is available in your program. The module offers a number of macros and templates, for details refer to the module documentation at

So we start with the import:

import cps

At the heart of CPS lies the Continuation type. In our implementation, this is just a regular Nim object that is inheritable. This is what the type looks like:

Continuation = ref object of RootObj
   fn*: proc (c: Continuation): Continuation {.nimcall.}

The object has a few more fields which are used for the CPS implementation internally, but one of the fields is very important for the users of CPS, which is fn, the function pointer that makes CPS continuations tick. We'll get back to its use later.

To start with CPS, you would typically define your own object, inherited from the CPS Continuation type, like so

  MyCont = ref object of Continuation

At a later time we will add our own fields to the derived Continuation objects, but for now we'll start out simple.

The CPS transform macro

Next to the continuation type, the .cps. macro is the other essential part of writing CPS programs, this is the macro that will be applied to any Nim function we want to transform to CPS style. This macro does two jobs:

  • It splits the Nim function into a number of separate functions that we can independently; each of these functions is what we call a "Leg".
  • It creates a new object type that is derived from our MyCont, on which it will store all function arguments and local variables. This type is opaque to us and is only used by CPS internally.

The .cps. macro is a bit special, as it is typed: when calling the macro, the user needs to specify the type on which the macro should operate, and this type needs to be a derivative of the Continuation root object. This is what the notation looks like:

proc hello() {.cps:MyCont.} =
  echo "Hello, world!"

Congratulations! We have now written our very first CPS program. Nim will now know all that is needed to do the transformation of our procedure at compile time so it will run our code in CPS style.

The next thing to do would be to run our CPS transformed function. This involves a few steps we'll go through below.

We start with instantiating the continuation: this means CPS will allocate a continuation object and prepare it so that it will point to the first leg of our function. Creating this instance is done with the whelp macro, and looks like this:

var c: Continuation = whelp hello()

For technical reasons, the whelp macro returns a derived type, which we need to convert back to the Continuation type to be able to work with it.

Our continuation is now ready to be run; in fact, it has already started! There is a little function to check the state of a continuation, and the one above is now in the state called Running. You can inspect the current state of a continuation like this:

doAssert c.state == Running

or, shorter:

doAssert c.running()

Now, to run the rest of our function (continue it!), we need to do a little function call dance, which in the world of CPS is called trampolining: we call the fn() proc that is in the object, and pass the object itself to it. The result of this function call is again a continuation. Calling the fn() function once will run exactly one leg of our function:

c = c.fn(c)

The effect of the call above is printing "Hello, world!" to your terminal!

Our original function was not very exciting and did not do much; after printing the text, it is done and finished - all the work could be done in one single leg. This means the continuation is now done and complete:

doAssert c.state == Finished

or again, the shorthand:

doAssert c.finished()

In real life, your CPS functions will have more then one leg. You would typically want to call the fn() proc repeatedly until the continuation is no longer running. This is a typical CPS idiom, and looks like this:

while c.running:
  c = c.fn(c)

Running the continuation legs sequentially is called "trampolining", look at the diagram below to see why:

whelp >--.     ,---.     ,---.     ,---.     ,---.     ,--> finished
          \   /     v   /     v   /     v   /     v   /
         +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+
         | leg |   | leg |   | leg |   | leg |   | leg |
         +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+

Because trampolining is a very common operation, CPS offers a template called trampoline() that does exactly this.

A more elaborate example: cooperative scheduling

The complete code for this chapter can be found at

The above function was pretty simple and minimal, as it was transformed to only one single leg; it served the purpose of showing how to instantiate and run a CPS function.

Let's go a bit deeper now. The essence of CPS is that our functions can be split into legs that can be run at leisure; one typical example of this would be cooperative scheduling, where we can run multiple CPS functions concurrently.

For a simple example, let's write a little function with a loop - just a normal regular Nim function, which we will change later to run concurrent using CPS:

proc animal(name: string) =
  var i = 0
  while i < 4:
    inc i
    echo name, " ", i

So let's call the function to see if it works:


The output of this function call looks like this:

donkey 1
donkey 2
donkey 3
donkey 4

Now let's see how we can leverage CPS to run multiple instances of this function concurrently!

Let's start with a place to store the continuations that we want to run. A deque is a good fit for this, this is a first-in-first-out queue where we can add new continuations on one side, and take them off to run them from the other:

import deques

var work: Deque[Continuation]

Now we need some code to run with this work queue. It will have a pretty simple job: it takes one continuation of the queue and trampolines it until it is no longer running, and repeat until there is no more work on the queue. Note that we also use the trampoline() template now, instead of calling c.fn() ourselves:

proc runWork() =
  while work.len > 0:
    discard trampoline work.popFirst()

Now we will introduce the last important part for building CPS programs, which is a special kind of function with the silly name cpsMagic. Hold on to your seat, because this is possibly the most confusing part of CPS:

Let's first describe what a cpsMagic function looks like. It:

  • is annotated with the {.cpsMagic.} pragma;
  • takes a continuation type as its first arguments;
  • has the same continuation type as its return value;
  • can only be called from within a CPS function.

When calling the function, you do not need to provide the first argument, as this will be injected by the CPS transformation at the call site. Also you do not need to consume its return value, as that is handled by CPS internally.

Now this is where the magic comes in. cpsMagic functions can be used to alter the program flow of a CPS function: it has access to the current continuation that is passed as its first argument, and it can return a continuation which will be used as the next leg in the trampoline.

That sounds complicated, so let's just write our first cpsMagic proc:

proc schedule(c: MyCont): MyCont {.cpsMagic.} =
  work.addLast c
  return nil

Let's see what happens when we call this:

  • The current continuation of the CPS function will be passed as the first argument c.
  • The continuation c is added to work - the dequeue of continuations.
  • It returns nil which means "no continuation". This will cause the trampoline that is running the continuation to terminate.

Summarizing the above, the schedule() function will move the current continuation to the work queue, and stop the trampoline. The trampoline now has lost track of the continuation, as it is stored on the work queue instead so we can pick it up and suspend it later.

Remember that when calling a cpsMagic function from within CPS, we do not need to provide the first argument, nor handle the return type. To call the above function, simply do:


It is now time to put the above pieces together. Let's take the example function we wrote before, and make the required changes:

  • Add the {.cps:MyCont.} pragma to make it into a CPS function.
  • Call schedule() in the loop to suspend execution of the code by the trampoline.

This is what it will look like now:

proc animal(name: string) {.cps:MyCont.}=
  var i = 0
  while i < 4:
    inc i
    echo name, " ", i
  echo ""

And that's it! Now we can instantiate the function into a continuation with the whelp macro. Let's do this twice to create two instances, and add the resulting continuations to the work queue:

work.addLast whelp animal("donkey")
work.addLast whelp animal("tiger")

Now let's run this beast:


And here is the output of our run:

donkey 1
tiger 1
donkey 2
tiger 2
donkey 3
tiger 3
donkey 4
tiger 4

What we have implemented here is very close to a concept known as "coroutines": this allows for functions that can suspend their execution (often called yield) at a point where we called schedule to be resumed later. In contrast with normal threads, coroutines are light as a feather: they typically cost only a handful of bytes per coroutine, and do not require OS context switching.

  : = schedule()

            :       :          :       :          :       :
 --[donkey..]       [..donkey..]       [..donkey..]       [..donkey..
            :       :          :       :          :       :
            [tiger..]          [tiger..]          [tiger..]
            :       :          :       :          :       :

Growing your own continuations

The complete code for this chapter can be found at

The example from the chapter above works just fine, but has one ugly drawback: the work queue is a global variable that is accessed from the cpsMagic proc. A nice way to solve this is to make the work queue a reference object, which is added to the continuation type itself: this way, every CPS function can access the work queue from the cpsMagic functions, without having to pass it around.

For this we need to make some changes to the code: first we define a reference type holding the work queue, and add a value of this type to our own continuation:

  Work = ref object
    queue: Deque[Continuation]

  MyCont = ref object of Continuation
    work: Work

When we now whelp new continuations, we need to make sure that the work pointer on the continuation points to a valid work queue. A little convenience function can be added for this, which we will use later to add our freshly whelped continuations to the work queue:

proc push(work: Work, c: MyCont) =
  work.queue.addLast c = work

The schedule function is now changed not to add the continuation to the global work queue, but to the queue that is stored on the continuation instead:

proc schedule(c: MyCont): MyCont {.cpsMagic.} = c
  return nil

The trampolining of the work queue was done in the main code before, let's move this to a proc instead:

proc work(work: Work) =
  while work.queue.len > 0:
    var c = work.queue.popFirst()
    while c.running:
      c = c.fn(c)

And this completes all the pieces of the puzzle: we can now create one instance of a work queue, add the fresh continuations to them and run the work queue like this:

var mywork = Work()
mywork.push whelp animal("donkey")
mywork.push whelp animal("tiger")

Going deeper: calling CPS from CPS

The complete code for this chapter can be found at

In the above examples we have seen how to write and run your own CPS functions using whelp and a trampoline. By moving the continuation objects around you are in full control of the control flow, running multiple functions concurrently.

Real programs are usually not made of one single function; instead, programs are composed of functions calling other functions, calling other functions, all the way down. When running regular function code, this is what your control flow might look like:

 ----[main..] - - [..main..] - - - - - - - - - - [..main]---> end
            |     ^        |                     ^
            v     |        v                     |
            [func1]        [func2..] - - [..func2]
                                   |     ^
                                   v     |

Conveniently, CPS offers this functional flow when you call a CPS function from another CPS function: the current continuation (the "parent") will be temporary suspended, and its continuation will be replaced by a newly whelped one for the new called function (the "child"). When the child finishes during trampolining, CPS will automatically restore the continuation for the parent, which can then be resumed.

Let's extend our earlier example. We will make a CPS-to-CPS function call from the animal proc, and call schedule from there:

proc sayHi(name: string, i: int) {.cps:MyCont.} =
  echo "Hi ", name, " ", i

proc animal(name: string) {.cps:MyCont.}=
  var i = 0
  while i < 4:
    inc i
    sayHi(name, i)
  echo ""

Note that we can just call the sayHi() proc as if it were a normal Nim proc: there is no need use whelp there, CPS will automatically do the right thing for you.

However, there is one more thing we need to add to the program to make this work:

Remember that when we whelped the initial continuation for the animal() function, we added this to the work queue with the push() function. push() does not only add the continuation to the work queue, but also sets the work field of the continuation to point to the work queue itself, so it can later be used by schedule() to suspend execution.

However, when we call sayHi() from animal(), CPS will implicitly whelp the new continuation for the sayHi() function for us, and this continuation will not have its work field initialized.

Enter CPS "hooks": hooks are procs or templates that get mixed in by CPS which you can choose to implement to tailor CPS' behaviour to your needs. We will use the pass() hook, which gets called when CPS performs a call or return from a CPS function, and looks like this:

proc pass(cFrom, cTo: Continuation): Continuation

It gets passed two continuations as arguments. The first is the current continuation that is now active, the second is the next continuation that will be ran:

  • on a call, cFrom will be the parent continuation, and cTo the child;
  • on a return, cFrom points to the child, and cTo to the parent.

We can use the pass() hook to set the work field of the new child continuation that gets whelped by CPS, effectively inheriting it from the parent function:

proc pass(cFrom, cTo: MyCont): MyCont = =
  return cTo

With the above changes, this is what the control flow will now look like this:

 : = schedule()

                   :                         :                              :
 --[donkey..]      :                         :         [..donkey..]         :
            |      :                         :         |          |         :
            [sayHi.] - - - - - - - - - - - - [..sayHi..]          [..sayHi..] - - - - - - - -
                   :                         :                              :
                   :                         :                              :
                   :                         :                              :
                   :       [..tiger..]       :                              :       [..tiger..
                   :       |         |       :                              :       |
 - - - - - - - - - [sayHi..]         [sayHi..] - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  [..sayHi]
                   :                         :                              :


  • {.cpsVoodo.}