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This React Native Expo project (Android, iOS, web) is an example of how a React Native app and Flutter module could be integrated and communicate with each other.

This project created with Expo using npx create-expo-app -t expo-template-blank-typescript expo-flutter command.
Additionally, Expo module created using npx create-expo-module@latest --local command.

Android iOS Web
android ios web

Web is deployed to

Points of Interest


The embedded Flutter app lives in the flutter_module directory of this repo. That application is a standard Flutter module.

  • The pigeon plugin is used to generate interop APIs and data classes on mobile.
  • @staticInterop and createDartExport methods are used to allow certain Dart functions to be called from JavaScript on web.

The same DemoAppStateManager model class is used within the Kotlin/Swift program, the Dart program and in the interop between JS/Kotlin/Swift and Dart.


  • modules/expo-flutter-view is a standard Expo module, that contains a native view that renders a Flutter module with Expo modules API.
  • expo prebuild --clean support achieved by using a standard Expo config plugin (modules/expo-flutter-view/plugin), that adds required iOS and Android configs to the host app.


  • flutter.js is added using "script" tag in public/index.html.
  • Flutter is rendered in a custom hostElement.


  • Flutter aar files are added as dependencies to the expo-flutter-view module.
  • Flutter is rendered in a FlutterView.


  • Flutter frameworks are embedded to the host app automatically using CocoaPods and custom podspecs (see modules/expo-flutter-view/ios/Podspecs).
  • Flutter is rendered in a FlutterViewController.

How to build the app


If you want to build and run this demo on your machine, you'll need a moderately recent version of NodeJS:

$ node -v


And Flutter:

$ flutter --version

Flutter 3.10.5 • channel stable
Framework • revision 796c8ef792 (5 weeks ago) • 2023-06-13 15:51:02 -0700
Engine • revision 45f6e00911
Tools • Dart 3.0.5 • DevTools 2.23.1

Ensure npm and flutter are present in your $PATH.

Building the app

In order to build this app, first fetch its npm dependencies:

$ npm install

Then run the flutter:build:<platfrom> script for each platform you want to test:

$ npm run flutter:build:android
$ npm run flutter:build:ios
$ npm run flutter:build:web

Then run expo prebuild command to prepare the Expo app:

$ npx expo prebuild --clean

Finally, run the npm run <platfrom> command to start the Expo app on the desired platform:

$ npm run android
$ npm run ios
$ npm run web

Learn More

Embedding into the regular React Native app with web support: p-mazhnik/rn-package-flutter