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OroInstallerBundle enables developers to install Oro applications in a prepared environment using the CLI and to define activities for the installation process on a bundle level.


To run the installer on existing setup, you need to update parameters.yml file:

# ...
session_handler: ~
installed: ~


If you are using distribution package, you will be redirected to installer page automatically.

Otherwise, following installation instructions offered:

$ git clone
$ cd crm-application
$ wget
$ php composer.phar install
$ php bin/console oro:install


To add additional actions to the installation process you may use event listeners. Currently, there are three events dispatched:



Dispatched right before and after all database manipulation (creating table structure, executing migrations, loading demo-data (if set), etc.). This events can be used to modify database or execute some some service commands to prepare database for usage. Use next sample code to subscribe on this events:

        class:  Acme\Bundle\MyBundle\EventListener\MyListener
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: installer.database_preparation.after, method: onAfterDatabasePreparation }

namespace Acme\Bundle\MyBundle\EventListener;

use Oro\Bundle\InstallerBundle\InstallerEvent

class MyListener
    public function onAfterDatabasePreparation(InstallerEvent $event)
        // do something


Dispatched when the installation is finished. Example:

        class:  Acme\Bundle\MyBundle\EventListener\MyListener
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: installer.finish, method: onFinish }

namespace Acme\Bundle\MyBundle\EventListener;

class MyListener
    public function onFinish()
        // do something

Sample data

To provide demo fixtures for your bundle just place them in "YourBundle\Data\Demo" directory.

Additional install files in bundles and packages

To add additional install scripts during install process you can use install.php files in your bundles and packages. This install files will be run before last clear cache during installation.

This file must be started with @OroScript annotation with script label.


 * @OroScript("Your script label")

 // here you can add additional install logic

The following variables are available in installer script:

  • $container - Symfony2 DI container
  • $commandExecutor - An instance of CommandExecutor class. You can use it to execute Symfony console commands

All outputs from installer script will be logged in oro_install.log file or will be shown in console in you use console installer.

Launching plain PHP script in ORO Platform context

In some cases you may need to launch PHP scripts in context of ORO Platform. It means that you need an access to Symfony DI container. Examples of such cases may be some installation or maintenance sctipts. To achieve this you can use oro:platform:run-script command. Each script file must be started with @OroScript annotation. For example:

 * @OroScript("Your script label")

 // here you can write some PHP code

The following variables are available in a script:

  • $container - Symfony2 DI container
  • $commandExecutor - An instance of CommandExecutor class. You can use it to execute Symfony console commands


If you have multiple PHP versions installed, you need to configure PHP_PATH variable with PHP binary path used by web server

  • Apache2: SetEnv PHP_PATH /usr/bin/php

  • Nginx: fastcgi_param PHP_PATH /usr/bin/php;

  • PHP Built-in server: /usr/bin/php bin/console...