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Constantin Masson geekymoose
Software Engineer (real-time systems)

Ubisoft Paris

Yersel Hurtado yersel500
Data Science & Full-Stack Developer with a background in Electronics Engineering. Fluent in multiple languages, frameworks, and technologies.


X acoder-x
Now, a self-supervised learner in major of EECS :)

Self-employed Earth

Abhik sparky-abhik06
I'm a Data Science enthusiastic. Interested in NLP, Computer Vision research.
Tech-A-Peek Tech-A-Peek
Partner with Teach A Peek and let's take a peek into the future of technology together.

Mumbai, India

团员 Tuan-yuan

Tongji University

HaramKim HaramKim0608

Soongsil University Republic of Korea

Lancer RuixiangMa

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan

Wenhan Zhan zhanwenhan
As a Senior Experimentalist in computer science with UESTC, my research interests include cloud and edge computing, distributed systems, and AI applications.

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Diego Carvalho zyhazz

@meetsoci Maranguape, Ceará, Brasil

carlochiri carlochiri
I'm Carlo Chiri, I'm currently studying for a master degree in mechanical engineering in Italy. Always trying to improve coding skills with new projects
Tommy ToGmhss
UWaterloo MEng

UWaterloo Ontario, Canada

Shaheer Jamal Shaheer04
Aspiring ML Engineer

karachi, Pakistan

Hugo de Oliveira Resende Hugo-Oliveira-RD11
Nerd que programa orientado a dor e rock 🖖🤟.

aguas lindas de goias

Sarah Hesham Sarah-Hesham-2022
AI/ML Enthusiast

Cairo University, Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence Egypt

Loyso LoyisoJ
Tech Kop

South Africa

Rafael Costa rdscosta
Undergrad Physics Student
Kan Yu WalterYeYint
Machine Learning, Electronics Engineer and programming enthusiast. Interested in IoT Systems, Control Systems, Computer Vision and AI.
Chunde Chunde
Ph.D. in Physics & M.S. in CS. Experience in Experimental Cold Atom Physics, Theoretical Superfluidity, Quantum Computing and Machine Learning

Washington State University USA

Parker Todd Brooks parkertoddbrooks

ANEMOI. prev. Apple, Beats Music/Beats by Dre, Ledger, We Are Everywhere, Cult Logic & Topspin Earth

go, rust
HuangYihang Micuris

SiChuan University

Andi Mardiansyah andmrdnsyh
21th century digital boy
Prithvi p-r-i-t-h-v-i
Existing and coding my way through this temporary manifestation of energy. Always open to collaborations and cosmic conversations. 🌌✨

Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

Sura Karthikeya abhinit21
Developing new version of myself


Hajira Khanum Hajiraa404
be the change you wish to see
may g3tl0st
print("gudbye world")

somewhere on earth

Anni kuroxx
Full stack dev | AI Tech Advocate | Women in AI
