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Paragon Documentation

This documentation site serves as the both the documentation and workbench for Paragon. Get started:

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start the dev server
npm start
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ which corresponds to src/pages/index.mdx

Edits made to react components in src/ will be hot-reloaded in this doc site.

Including a custom theme

  1. Create a separate SASS stylesheet with your theme in src/scss, e.g. src/scss/my-theme.scss.
  2. Add your theme to theme-config.js, e.g.
exports.THEMES = [
  // Provide configuration of your theme so that documentation site can pick it up
  // label: Label of your theme which  will appear in theme selector
  // stylesheet: Name of your theme's stylesheet (without extension) which you created during the first step,
  //             it's assumed that stylesheet is located in 'src/scss'. The stylesheet will be compiled into CSS
  //             and placed into ./public/static directory under <stylesheet>.css name
    label: 'My custom theme',
    stylesheet: 'my-theme',
  1. Build your theme
  • If you have already started the dev server with npm start, run

    npm run build-themes

    the command will build your theme and add it to the site

  • If you haven't started the dev server yet, start it with

    npm start

    and your theme will automatically get picked up during the build.

Running playground locally

Playground is a separate application (provided by playroom package) that in production gets bundled together with docs site and is served by Gatsby by rendering this application in an iframe on the /playground route.

Currently, there is no way to reproduce this behavior in development mode. To work with Playground locally in development mode with hot-reloading you have to start playroom's dev server and work with it separately from the docs site. To do that, run:

npm run playroom:start

which will make playroom available at http://localhost:9000/.

To reproduce the production environment, you may build playroom's production bundle and serve it with Gatsby:

npm run playroom:build
npm run serve

This will make docs site available at http://localhost:9000/ together with Playground page working as in production site.

Feature Flags

In some scenarios, it is helpful to put your changes to the Paragon documentation site behind a feature flag so that you have more control over how a particular feature or change is rolled out more broadly.

Configuring feature flags

To configure feature flags for the documentation site, see the file src/config.js for instructions.

Enabling a feature flag

A feature flag may be enabled in two ways:

  1. Environment variable. This will allow you to persist the state of a feature flag at build time, with no way to disable it.
  2. Query parameter. Adding ?feature= to the URL as a query parameter, you can temporarily enable one or more features.

Feature Flags information

Listed features below are set up in the doc site. Some features can be enabled by default. To disable a specific feature, don't pass anything to the corresponding variable.


Axe is an accessibility testing engine for websites and other HTML-based user interfaces. By default, it is enabled and controlled by FEATURE_ENABLE_AXE. Open the console on a particular page on the site to see warning and errors from this package.

A note about .mdx files

MDX is a flavor of Markdown that affords writing JSX directly inside markdown files. For more information visit the website:

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