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Pre-Training SCoRe Using Synthesized Data

This directory contains code for further pre-training RoBERTa or BERT on synthesized data to generate SCoRe used for MWoZ or other tasks (SParC, CoSQL, and SQA).

Download Synthesized Data

Download synthesized data files from here, unzip it, and put data/ under score/ dir. The data directory structure looks as follows:

 - data/
  - augment_all_context.txt
  - augment_all_mlm_context.txt
  - ...

Pre-Training SCoRe

First, create a dir to save generated SCoRe checkpoints by running mkdir score_logs_checkpoints (under score/ dir).

Uncomment corresponding running commands in, and run


for training different SCoRe checkpoints.

You should find saved SCoRe checkpoints in score_logs_checkpoints/ dirs.