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Deephaven's Approach to Authentication

Deephaven integrates with both the original and the re-envisioned versions of Flight Auth.


Add -DAuthHandlers=$CLASS_1,$CLASS_2,etc... to your jvm command line to enable authentication for each supplied class.

Flight Basic Auth

Implement io.deephaven.auth.BasicAuthMarshaller.Handler and add to the list of enabled authenticators. Deephaven will check both Auth1 and Auth2 payloads to see if the request is via Flight's BasicAuth before moving to other authenticators.

More Complex Auth

Implement io.deephaven.auth.AuthenticationRequestHandler and add to the list of enabled authenticators. User are not required to implement both login methods unless they want to support clients using both Auth1 and Auth2. The interface includes a String getAuthType() which is used to route requests from clients to the proper authentication authority.

Flight Auth1 FlightService#Handshake

Flight's gRPC call for Handshake() takes a HandshakeRequest, which provides both a payload in bytes and a protocol version int64. The protocol version value is never written by current FlightClient implementations, leaving servers to only recognize the authentication details by the payload bytes.

As a result, our implementation tries to ignore protocol version. We felt that the API did not provide sufficient means for supporting multiple forms of authentication simultaneously. Aside from the BasicAuth support, we expect the Handshake payload to be a WrappedAuthenticationRequest. This is a tuple of type and payload. The type is used to route the request to the instance of io.deephaven.auth.AuthenticationRequestHandler where getAuthType is an exact match.

Flight Auth2 Authorization Header

Flight Auth was re-envisioned for the client to send an Authorization header to identify themselves. The header contains a prefix such as Basic or Bearer followed by a text payload. This prefix is used to route the request to the instance of io.deephaven.auth.AuthenticationRequestHandler where getAuthType is an exact match.

Session Bearer Token

Deephaven's server builds a Session around each authentication. An identification token is provided to the client in the form of a bearer token. This token needs to be supplied with all subsequent gRPC requests to match RPCs to a session and therefore an authorization context. As clients tend to be ephemeral, the server requires that the client rotates this bearer token and in return will ensure outstanding state continues to be available to that client.