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Crystal Ops (crops)

This is a port of ops to Crystal. Versions start at 2.0.0, and the executable is still ops. ops remains available via gem as ops_team. See bottom of file for differences between crops and ops.

The code in this repo is currently hot garbage, due mostly to having been ported from Ruby without significant refactoring (it's certainly not due to my being new to Crystal). The refactor is a work in progress. However, the tool works.

Gem Version

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Jump to the installation instructions.


ops lets you add shell commands to ops.yml and run them via shortcuts when you're in that directory. ops.yml becomes a context-aware place to add common commands.

ops.yml excerpt

The commands you run to work with your project become discoverable to other devs. You can have different commands in different directories, because ops always looks for ops.yml in your current working directory.

ops t output

New devs don't need to find which Rakefile contains the task that failed. Just run ops help.

ops help output

You no longer have to write a shell script for that long curl command that hits your API in dev, just run ops create-event.

ops create-event output

ops will encrypt your SSH keys using a passphrase from an EJSON file, and never prompt you for the passphrase:

ops up sshkey output

This passphrase and other secrets for your project can be kept in an environment-specific EJSON file, which ops will automatically load for you every time it runs, if you have ejson installed. This lets you commit the secrets safely, while only sharing EJSON keys for each environment with other developers or a CI/CD pipeline.


You can record dependencies for your project in ops.yml:

ops.yml dependencies

and ops up will satisfy them for you.

ops up output

The following dependency types are supported:

  • brew: installs a package using Homebrew if running on a Mac
  • cask: installs a Homebrew cask if running on a Mac
  • apt: installs a package using apt if running on debian-based linux
  • apk: installs a package using apk if running on alpine linux
  • gem: installs a gem
  • docker: uses docker-compose to start and stop a service in a subdirectory of your project
  • custom: runs a custom shell command
  • dir: creates a local directory (for when your app needs a directory, but there are no checked-in files in it)
  • sshkey: creates an SSH key at the given path, if it doesn't already exist; can be configured to encrypt the private key with a passphrase

Config and Secrets

ops will try to load config/$environment/config.json and config/$environment/secrets.ejson when you run it. If these files aren't present, no problem.

$environment is a variable ops uses to detect which environment it's running in. ops assumes the environment is dev by default, and you can export environment=staging, for example, to change the current environment.

If these files are present, ops will load every key:value pair it finds under .environment into environment variables.

config.json example

For an EJSON file, ops will first decrypt these values, then load them.

You must have the executable ejson in your path to use this feature. You can install it via gem or by using the Shopify Homebrew tap shopify/shopify.

secrets.ejson example

This allows you to check in most of your secrets safely, and transparently load them when running your code.


Via gem

For the Crystallized version of ops from this repo:

brew install bdw-gc libevent libyaml pcre2
gem install ops_team -v 2.0.0.rc20

For the plain ol' Ruby version:

gem install ops_team

Via brew

brew tap nickthecook/crops
brew install ops

Via GitHub Release

There are tarballs of binaries in the Releases for this project. Just extract one, copy the binary for your platform into your $PATH, and run ops version to make sure it worked.

Differences between crops and ops

crops does not support:

  • the background builtin (bg)
  • the background-log builtin (bglog)
  • performance profiling
  • the sshkey.passphrase option (use ssh.passphrase_var instead; default is SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE)

The following things are different between crops and ops:

  • default template dir for ops init is $HOME/.ops_templates; override with option init.template_dir or OPS__INIT__TEMPLATE_DIR

Things that are different from ops but will be fixed

  • "did you mean...?" suggestions


ops supports options to change various behaviours:

  • snap.install
    • if true, ops will install snaps listed under dependencies
    • default: true
  • snap.use_sudo
    • if true, ops will use sudo to run snap commands
    • default: true
  • gem.use_sudo
    • if true, ops will use sudo to run gem install commands
    • default: false
  • gem.user_install
    • if true, ops will pass the --user-install option to gem install commands
    • default: false
  • pip.command
    • ops will use the value as the command to invoke pip
    • default: python3 -m pip
  • sshkey.key_size
    • ops will create private SSH keys with this size
    • default: 4096
  • sshkey.key_algo
    • ops will use this value as the SSH key algorithm
    • default: rsa
  • sshkey.passphrase_var
    • ops will use this value as the name of the environment variable to read the SSH key passphrase from
    • default: SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE
  • sshkey.add_keys
    • if false, ops will not attempt to add SSH keys it loads to the SSH agent
    • default: true
  • sshkey.key_lifetime
    • ops will set the key lifetime of SSH keys it adds to the agent to this number of seconds
    • default: 3600 (1 hour)
  • sshkey.key_file_comment
    • ops will use this value as the key comment when adding SSH keys to the SSH agent
    • this comment is visible in ssh-add -l, allowing you to identify which keys are loaded
    • default: <user>@<hostname -s>
  • apt.use_sudo
    • if true, ops will use sudo to run apt commands when not root
    • default: true
  • exec.load_secrets
    • if true, ops will load secrets before running an ops exec command
    • default: false
  • init.template_dir
    • ops init will look in this directory for ops.yml templates
    • default: $HOME/.ops_templates
  • envdiff.ignored_keys
    • ops envdiff will omit these keys when showing the diff between two environments' configs
    • default: empty
  • up.fail_on_error
    • if true, ops up will exit with an error if it fails to meet any dependency
    • default: false
  • config.path
    • ops will look at for a JSON config file at this path
    • default: config/$environment/config.json
  • secrets.path
    • ops will look at for an EJSON secrets file at this path
    • default: config/$environment/secrets.json
  • environment_aliases
    • ops will duplicate the $environment variable to other variables
    • intended for use with languages/frameworks that use a different env var to set the environment

Options can be specified in ops.yml under the top-level options: second, or as environment variables. E.g., setting exec.load_secrets via ops.yml:

    load_secrets: true

And via ENV var:

OPS__EXEC__LOAD_SECRETS=true ops exec ...