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Handsontable documentation

We treat documentation as an integral part of the Handsontable developer experience.

That's why Handsontable comes with a vibrant, frequently-updated documentation portal.

View the documentation's latest production version at

Documentation overview

The Handsontable documentation is made up of three main sections:

  • Guides: Carefully-written implementation guides.
  • Examples: Code examples covering real-life use cases.
  • API reference: API reference, automatically generated from the source code of each respective Handsontable version.

We update the documentation:

  • With every Handsontable version release.
  • Whenever there's something new to add to improve.

See also:

Getting started with Handsontable documentation

To start a local Handsontable documentation server:

  1. From the docs directory, install the documentation dependencies:
    npm install
  2. Generate the API reference:
    npm run docs:api
  3. Start your local documentation server:
    npm run docs:start
  4. In your browser, go to: http://localhost:8080/docs/.

Documentation npm scripts:

From the docs directory, you can run the following npm scripts:

  • npm run docs:start – Starts a local documentation server at localhost:8080/docs/.
  • npm run docs:start:no-cache – Starts a local documentation server without cache.
  • npm run docs:api – Generates the Handsontable API reference into /content/api.
  • npm run docs:build – Builds the documentation output into /.vuepress/dist.
  • npm run docs:docker:build – Builds a Docker image for the staging environment (includes the docs for the next version).
  • npm run docs:docker:build:staging – Builds a Docker image for the staging environment (includes the docs for the next version).
  • npm run docs:docker:build:production – Builds a Docker image for the production environment (excludes the docs for the next version).
  • npm run docs:check-links – Checks for broken links (first, run npm run docs:build). You can also run it for a specific URL (e.g. npm run docs:check-links
  • npm run docs:lint – Runs ESLint on the /next/ directory's content.
  • npm run docs:lint:fix – Runs ESLint on the /next/ directory's content and auto-fixes problems.
  • npm run docs:scripts:link-assets – Prepares the next documentation version's CSS and JavaScript.
  • npm run docs:review [COMMIT_HASH] – Deploys the documentation locally at a [COMMIT_HASH] commit.

Handsontable documentation directory structure

docs                            # All documentation files
├── .vuepress                   # All VuePress files
│   ├── components              # Vue components
│   ├── containers              # Markdown containers
│   │   ├── examples            # Code examples container
│   │   └── sourceCodeLink.js   # `source-code-link` container.
│   ├── handsontable-manager    # A module that runs Handsontable examples in different Handsontable versions
│   ├── plugins                 # VuePress plugins
│   ├── public                  # The documentation's public (static) assets
│   ├── theme                   # Theme overwrites and customizations
│   ├── tools                   # Our custom documentation tools
│   │   ├── check-links.js      # The documentation's link checker
│   │   ├── jsdoc-convert       # JSDoc-to-Markdown converter
│   │   ├── utils.js            # Tools utilities
│   │   └── version             # A tool that creates new documentation versions
│   ├── config.js               # VuePress configuration
│   ├── docs-links.js           # Lets us link within the currently-selected docs version with `@` (e.g. [link](@/guides/path/
│   ├── enhanceApp.js           # VuePress app-level enhancements
│   ├── helpers.js              # Common helpers that set up sidebars and the documentation version picker
│   └── highlight.js            # Code highlight configuration
├── docker                      # Docker configuration
│   ├── ...                     # Docker configuration files
│   └── redirects.conf          # File that allows create custom redirects for documentation
├── content                     # The documentation content files
│   ├── api                     # The API reference output, generated automatically from JSDoc. Do not edit for "next" Docs version!
│   ├── examples                # The Handsontable examples
│   ├── guides                  # The guides' source files: Markdown content
│   └── sidebars.js             # Sidebars configuration
├──        # Documentation deployment guidelines
├──           # Documentation editing guidelines
└──                   # The file you're looking at right now!

Handsontable documentation branches structure

Each documentation version has its own production branch from which the deployment is happening. The documentation branches are created using the following pattern prod-docs/<MAJOR.MINOR>.

The documentation branches are created automatically once the Handsontable release script finishes its job. Depending on the Handsontable release version, two scenarios may happen:

  1. Patch release:
    • Checkout to the existing branch;
    • Regenerate Docs content for the API by executing npm run docs:api;
    • Commit and push the changes to the origin;
  2. Major or Minor release:
    • Create a new Docs branch, e.g. prod-docs/13.0 from the develop branch (after the release branch is merged to the develop branch);
    • Generate Docs content for the API by executing npm run docs:api;
    • Commit and push the changes to the origin;

Committing directly to the Documentation production branch triggers GitHub workflow that deploys the changes to the server. The exception is the develop branch that holds the changes for the "next" version. The staging version can be deployed only manually.

[branch] `prod-docs/12.0`       # All documentation files related to documentation 12.0
  ├── .vuepress                 # All VuePress files
  ├── content                   # The documentation content files
  └── docker                    # Docker configuration
[branch] `prod-docs/12.1`       # All documentation files related to documentation 12.1
  ├── .vuepress                 # All VuePress files
  ├── content                   # The documentation content files
  └── docker                    # Docker configuration
[branch] `develop`              # All documentation files related to the "next" documentation version
  ├── .vuepress                 # All VuePress files
  ├── content                   # The documentation content files
  └── docker                    # Docker configuration